What do you think of this?

Anonymous 7

The feeling of wet food makes me gag.
When wet food sloshes around and makes a sound? Makes me gag.
When wet food LOOKS especially gross, it makes me gag.
What the what?!! How do you all clean dishes?
Deleted User 2267

Does anyone here have a garbage disposal ?

Your rinse off the food into the sink, and with the water running, turn on the disposal…
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Princess Royal
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Bobcobbagob wrote: Thu Jun 01, 2023 9:22 am Does anyone here have a garbage disposal ?

Your rinse off the food into the sink, and with the water running, turn on the disposal…
I do....and for proper garbage disposal there are certain foods you don't put down it. In fact you aren't supposed to use them for all food scraps buy rather the large food goes into a waste or compost bin....and the OP said everyone is supposed to be scrapping their own plates into the disposal which means there shouldn't be any large food particles left when it gets to the washing stage. Sounds like instead the OP is just letting kids stick dishes in sink without scraping or rinsing and leaving it all for the person washing.....the whole family needs a lesson on proper plate scraping, proper garbage disposal use, and dish washing.
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Everyone should be washing their own dishes, including scrapping them off. If you use it, wash it, it’s that simple.

Or paper plates and throw away silverware, my personal favorite.
Princess Royal
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Bobcobbagob wrote: Thu Jun 01, 2023 9:22 am Does anyone here have a garbage disposal ?

Your rinse off the food into the sink, and with the water running, turn on the disposal…
I do not have a garbage disposal, I haven’t had one in over 25 years. I have also never had a dishwasher 🤷🏻‍♀️
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LuckyEightWow wrote: Thu Jun 01, 2023 3:09 pm
Bobcobbagob wrote: Thu Jun 01, 2023 9:22 am Does anyone here have a garbage disposal ?

Your rinse off the food into the sink, and with the water running, turn on the disposal…
I do not have a garbage disposal, I haven’t had one in over 25 years. I have also never had a dishwasher 🤷🏻‍♀️
I've never had a garbage disposal and haven't had a dishwasher since I left home in the early 80s.
"The books that the world calls immoral are books that show its own shame." - Oscar Wilde
Anonymous 8

Honestly you are a crappy parent. You are dismissing your child and their feelings.

Just so you know my sensory disorder wasn't diagnosed for 15 years even though I saw multiple professionals. Countless tests, evaluations, scans, etc. These types of things in girls don't always fit the typical diagnosis criteria that the professionals want. Plus girls are very good at masking.

Why don't you just get a good working dishwasher?
Anonymous 8

Olioxenfree wrote: Wed May 31, 2023 5:55 pm
Anonymous 1 wrote: Wed May 31, 2023 12:18 pm
Olioxenfree wrote: Wed May 31, 2023 11:55 am I would tell her that I hear her and I’m not brushing it off as being dramatic and not wanting to do it, but it is something she will have to do in life and everyone has chores they don’t like, so instead of saying she doesn’t have to do it anymore we will work on strategies to help her get through it so she will have those tools as an adult.

She will still have to wash dishes as an adult and even if it isn’t as many, she will still have to find ways to cope with the rest of it. And there is no guarantee that she will just never have to deal with larger amounts of dishes, if she has roommates, ever has a family, has friends over, etc. she will in life have to do things that are overwhelming.

I used to wash dishes at a restaurant when I was a teenager and a lot of the time the red bumps come from the soap sitting on your skin. I would get her dish gloves and teach her to make sure the soap is properly rinsed off her skin afterward. If it’s still a problem and it does seem to be from contact dermatitis, I would try a few hypoallergenic soaps and find one that helps. The gloves will both help both her soap reaction and she won’t have to touch wet food.

We have waterproof aprons that we wear when doing the dishes, to keep our clothes dry. I’d get her one. When I was pregnant the scent of wet food made me gag, so I got a little fan and would clip a cotton ball dipped in essential oils to it and blow it toward my face while washing dishes, it helped a ton. For the sound, I would have her try wearing headphones with music to block it out. For the overwhelming amount, we would work on stress techniques, likes breaking it down into smaller goals. First just focus on plates, then silverware, then cups, try some breathing techniques, etc. My daughter gets very overwhelmed with large tasks so we have taught her to think of them as smaller steps, start small and work your way through.

I would talk to the whole family about making a conscious effort to properly scrape off their dishes before putting them in the sink, and I would enforce it. I would have a conversation with her and stress that I do take what she says seriously, she is not being ignored, and we will do everything we can to help the task seem more comfortable to her. I would stress the reasons why it’s important that she works through this and why I’m not just letting her not do it anymore. It will take a lot of work, but it is important that we help her through this so she will have this skill and can also use these tactics for other overwhelming tasks in life.
Especially in that last paragraph, you perfectly captured what I wanted to say. I want to be empathetic but not doing dishes isn't an option. I'm going to use your words. Thank you.
One of my nephews has a lot of things that he is working through and his therapists and doctors have all said that the worst thing to do is to just let him give up. Be realistic and take baby steps to work up to a goal, yes, but don’t tell him he just doesn’t have to do something because it’s harder for him than it is for most.
My therapist and doctors say the opposite. That if some specific things are that triggering it is okay to find ways around them. Neurodivergent people have to overcome so much and we live in a world with options for everything. People give up on things and that is okay as long as it isn't your first instinct with everything. My therapist is rated in the top 5 in the country and top 10 in the world.
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Bobcobbagob wrote: Thu Jun 01, 2023 9:22 am Does anyone here have a garbage disposal ?

Your rinse off the food into the sink, and with the water running, turn on the disposal…
I am curious how long you have used yours?

I realized too late, that all a disposal does — chop up food waste in small little pieces but with even a bit of grease, those tiny bits, stick to the pipes and cause MASSIVE plumbing issues as years pass. Our pipes were so disgusting and our city has a major public awareness campaign about never using the garbage disposal as it can cause significant economic cost for the city.

This comment is not directed at you per se, but rather just me saying, man “I wish someone would have told me” hubby has had to replace so much of our pipes, and it is so gross!
Deleted User 1977

We haven't had a functioning garbage disposal or dishwasher in ten years of the 11 1/2 years we've lived here and I don't miss them.

Every plate, dish, pan, and utensil gets cleaned off of food waste and then rinsed off completely before it even enters the hot, soapy sink on the one side.

If I see food floating around in the clean dish water, I almost gag, and drain it to restart again

I'm prissy about some things, I suppose.
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