Florida bill defines drag shows as ‘serious danger to public health & safety’ for kids

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WellPreserved wrote: Tue Mar 21, 2023 9:13 pm
SouthernIslander wrote: Tue Mar 21, 2023 8:23 pm
WellPreserved wrote: Tue Mar 21, 2023 2:59 pm

I agree with most of what you stated and despite being generally okay with my kids seeing shows and films with sexual content when they were younger, I do find the content of the show posted as inappropriate for children. This was an event that was promoted as an "R rated" event, not recommended for children, and anyone under 18 must be accompanied by an adult but still out of 100s of attendees, several brought their children. DeSantis is trying basically trying to change the definition of adult entertainment (X-rated) when it comes specifically to Drag Shows and I think it's disingenuous for some to claim not all drag shows. With this Bill, venues, not performers or organizers, will be fined and with the vagueness of language in the Bill, what venue will host any drag show?

My other problem is DeSantis is basically saying that parents should not be trusted when it comes to their children (specifically drag shows) so Florida will step in and make those decisions for them. I find this a super slippery slope and while DeSantis can argue all day long that he for "parental rights" this ain't it.

I agree that children exposed to erotica can be harming to their mental health but wonder why DeSantis isn't changing rating for any other kind of entertainment or medium and making exceptions for certain live performances - "taken as a whole is without serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value for the age of the child present?" So raunchy Shakespeare is okay but rauncy drag queens isn't? Where would Madonna masturbating on stage fall on the "raunchy" spectrum or on the artistic spectrum? That is what I mean about vague language.

I've been to a number of drag shows, some kid friendly and some not and the ones that weren't kid friendly got really bawdy, lol. But in almost all the drag shows I've been to, many of the performers were wearing prosthetic breasts so this language in the Bill also concerned me: "lewd exposure of prosthetic or imitation genital or breasts." Lewdness is really subjective and what about breasts that aren't prosthetic? Yup, this is targeting drag shows.

Also, if he is so concerned with protecting children's health and safety, why isn't there equal conversation around guns and violence which harms far more children than drag shows?
I agree. I asked for clarification because this is written in a way that targets transgenders and that serves no purpose other than putting a target on their back because extremists love to find loopholes in the law to harass people.

Yes, the double standard is ridiculous. No, I would not take a child to a gay bar but between fighting, shooting and wondering hands...I absolutely would NOT take a child to a night club full of pissy drunk straight men. A lot of straight clubs in rural areas don't even check ID and it has resulted in deadly or abusive consequences for minors.

So why no mention of this? No, kids shouldn't be exposed to sexual content, but southern night life has bigger problems that are a lot more urgent than drags shows.
Oh I hear you. I live in a small town with lots of bars (nothing billed as a nightclub). Some are child friendly and some are definitely not! Hell, there's one that I wouldn't go to as a woman. I can't imagine a local taking their children there but I'm sure it's happened. I think a visitor would turn around and walk out pretty quickly if they had kids with them.

I was at an office event this evening and it got me thinking - too much idle time on my hands! I don't know about Florida or Texas, but here in Virginia I fill out about 30 event permit applications a year. All are focused on what if any kind of alcohol will be served, how will we keep under aged from drinking, and food safety. I've never had a permit application ask what kind of entertainment. Just wondering why Hyatt Regency was liable and not the event promoters and also wondering if event licenses in Florida are now also to include content of show?

Just wanted to add that one of our towns BEST annual events is a fundraiser Mardi Gras Party held at our local "road house" to benefit a private elementary school. Sit down Cajun dinner, multiple stages of music, dancing, costumes, and a drag show. Alcohol is served and our off duty police offer shuttle service so inebriated guests don't drive. It's child friendly and my son has attended every year since he was 11. I've filled out permits for that and never had to mention what bands were playing, what music would be played, or the fact that there was a drag show. Just how alcohol would be served, capacity, etc.
Where I'm from, the night life is a lot more dangerous in rural areas because law enforcement is basically mayberry police, so venues don't follow basic safety protocols or crowd control. I went to a dinner back home last year at a restaurant that turns into a club atmosphere around midnight and there was a 3-year-old dancing with and like a stripper. I only partied in populated areas in other states but I have seen some ridiculous shit in rural Mississippi.

https://www.nola.com/entertainment_life ... c91d8.html

^^^^ That has been my experience as well. We use to host events and book shows all the time but nitpicking over entertainment was not a part of the red tape.

LGBT community in NOLA has a beautiful and insanely fun culture. I am glad you guys got to experience that and it is a fun way to educate young kids on the LGBT culture in New Orleans. You barely cuss, so I already know the event was age appropriate. LOL!
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BobCobbMagob wrote: Tue Mar 21, 2023 10:13 pm
SouthernIslander wrote: Tue Mar 21, 2023 8:23 pm
WellPreserved wrote: Tue Mar 21, 2023 2:59 pm

I agree with most of what you stated and despite being generally okay with my kids seeing shows and films with sexual content when they were younger, I do find the content of the show posted as inappropriate for children. This was an event that was promoted as an "R rated" event, not recommended for children, and anyone under 18 must be accompanied by an adult but still out of 100s of attendees, several brought their children. DeSantis is trying basically trying to change the definition of adult entertainment (X-rated) when it comes specifically to Drag Shows and I think it's disingenuous for some to claim not all drag shows. With this Bill, venues, not performers or organizers, will be fined and with the vagueness of language in the Bill, what venue will host any drag show?

My other problem is DeSantis is basically saying that parents should not be trusted when it comes to their children (specifically drag shows) so Florida will step in and make those decisions for them. I find this a super slippery slope and while DeSantis can argue all day long that he for "parental rights" this ain't it.

I agree that children exposed to erotica can be harming to their mental health but wonder why DeSantis isn't changing rating for any other kind of entertainment or medium and making exceptions for certain live performances - "taken as a whole is without serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value for the age of the child present?" So raunchy Shakespeare is okay but rauncy drag queens isn't? Where would Madonna masturbating on stage fall on the "raunchy" spectrum or on the artistic spectrum? That is what I mean about vague language.

I've been to a number of drag shows, some kid friendly and some not and the ones that weren't kid friendly got really bawdy, lol. But in almost all the drag shows I've been to, many of the performers were wearing prosthetic breasts so this language in the Bill also concerned me: "lewd exposure of prosthetic or imitation genital or breasts." Lewdness is really subjective and what about breasts that aren't prosthetic? Yup, this is targeting drag shows.

Also, if he is so concerned with protecting children's health and safety, why isn't there equal conversation around guns and violence which harms far more children than drag shows?
I agree. I asked for clarification because this is written in a way that targets transgenders and that serves no purpose other than putting a target on their back because extremists love to find loopholes in the law to harass people.

Yes, the double standard is ridiculous. No, I would not take a child to a gay bar but between fighting, shooting and wondering hands...I absolutely would NOT take a child to a night club full of pissy drunk straight men. A lot of straight clubs in rural areas don't even check ID and it has resulted in deadly or abusive consequences for minors.

So why no mention of this? No, kids shouldn't be exposed to sexual content, but southern night life has bigger problems that are a lot more urgent than drags shows.
Because it’s already the rule… kids aren’t allowed at night clubs or straight bars or strip clubs or even most comedy shows…

Adult nightlife has historically always been held for adults…
There is no reason to add a bill that specifically targets transgenders because those rules already apply to everyone and a general clause about keeping adult content away from kids is more than enough without having to slap targets on people's back.

I have no problem with keeping stuff age appropriate, but DeSantis should have kept all of that fake genital shit to himself. He is a governor and his attitude/language towards his community should be more respectful than that.
Deleted User 1990

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SouthernIslander wrote: Wed Mar 22, 2023 2:58 am
BobCobbMagob wrote: Tue Mar 21, 2023 10:13 pm
SouthernIslander wrote: Tue Mar 21, 2023 8:23 pm

I agree. I asked for clarification because this is written in a way that targets transgenders and that serves no purpose other than putting a target on their back because extremists love to find loopholes in the law to harass people.

Yes, the double standard is ridiculous. No, I would not take a child to a gay bar but between fighting, shooting and wondering hands...I absolutely would NOT take a child to a night club full of pissy drunk straight men. A lot of straight clubs in rural areas don't even check ID and it has resulted in deadly or abusive consequences for minors.

So why no mention of this? No, kids shouldn't be exposed to sexual content, but southern night life has bigger problems that are a lot more urgent than drags shows.
Because it’s already the rule… kids aren’t allowed at night clubs or straight bars or strip clubs or even most comedy shows…

Adult nightlife has historically always been held for adults…
There is no reason to add a bill that specifically targets transgenders because those rules already apply to everyone and a general clause about keeping adult content away from kids is more than enough without having to slap targets on people's back.

I have no problem with keeping stuff age appropriate, but DeSantis should have kept all of that fake genital shit to himself. He is a governor and his attitude/language towards his community should be more respectful than that.
That fake genital comment was because there’s a lot of them literally wearing dildos with a harness and giant fake vagina pillows… it’s not that they’re presenting themselves as transgender… transgender does not mean drag. They’re presenting themselves as vulgar.
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SouthernIslander wrote: Tue Mar 21, 2023 8:25 pm
Thelma Harper wrote: Tue Mar 21, 2023 3:41 pm This was nothing more than to put a feather in his cap. There aren't even that many drag shows in the state of Florida.
Its not that many in Texas either, so the whole screwdolph thing isn't that common. Especially compared to the shit that goes on in straight events.
They actively went searching for something to be offended over. I'm curious if they'll be recording at some of these concert venues.

But I'm still the winner! They lied! They cheated! They stole the election!
Deleted User 1990

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Thelma Harper wrote: Wed Mar 22, 2023 8:22 am
SouthernIslander wrote: Tue Mar 21, 2023 8:25 pm
Thelma Harper wrote: Tue Mar 21, 2023 3:41 pm This was nothing more than to put a feather in his cap. There aren't even that many drag shows in the state of Florida.
Its not that many in Texas either, so the whole screwdolph thing isn't that common. Especially compared to the shit that goes on in straight events.
They actively went searching for something to be offended over. I'm curious if they'll be recording at some of these concert venues.
Actually no… and that’s the main reason people are upset.

Screwdolph is from an article talking about how nothing lewd was going on but the show was being targeted anyways…

So who’s spinning things here?

If there isnt going to be any truth coming from either side of this subject narrative , voters are just going to decide for themselves… and when that happens, the people that grouped in drag shows and teenage transgender rights are going to see kids losing right after right, then go on blaming all republicans for the state of the country when they could have helped, but they went about helping in a way that set the whole thing on fire…

In THIS POST ALONE… how many of y’all think drag queens and transgendered people are the same thing?

This is literally taking away those kid’s voices and replacing them with screaming adults…
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BobCobbMagob wrote: Wed Mar 22, 2023 7:20 am
SouthernIslander wrote: Wed Mar 22, 2023 2:58 am
BobCobbMagob wrote: Tue Mar 21, 2023 10:13 pm

Because it’s already the rule… kids aren’t allowed at night clubs or straight bars or strip clubs or even most comedy shows…

Adult nightlife has historically always been held for adults…
There is no reason to add a bill that specifically targets transgenders because those rules already apply to everyone and a general clause about keeping adult content away from kids is more than enough without having to slap targets on people's back.

I have no problem with keeping stuff age appropriate, but DeSantis should have kept all of that fake genital shit to himself. He is a governor and his attitude/language towards his community should be more respectful than that.
That fake genital comment was because there’s a lot of them literally wearing dildos with a harness and giant fake vagina pillows… it’s not that they’re presenting themselves as transgender… transgender does not mean drag. They’re presenting themselves as vulgar.
Ummm…..fyi………straight people use S*x toys too. “Fake genitals” is a common conservative insult to the trans community and they are commonly associated with drag shows.
I understand you think that logic is ignorant (because it is) but that’s why this is getting understandable backlash because it puts a target on them.
Deleted User 1511

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Thelma Harper wrote: Wed Mar 22, 2023 8:22 am
SouthernIslander wrote: Tue Mar 21, 2023 8:25 pm
Thelma Harper wrote: Tue Mar 21, 2023 3:41 pm This was nothing more than to put a feather in his cap. There aren't even that many drag shows in the state of Florida.
Its not that many in Texas either, so the whole screwdolph thing isn't that common. Especially compared to the shit that goes on in straight events.
They actively went searching for something to be offended over. I'm curious if they'll be recording at some of these concert venues.
Agree. I wonder why the other three venues in Florida which hosted the show weren't targeted and wonder if it was because they are Arts Centers rather than private venue?
Deleted User 1990

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SouthernIslander wrote: Wed Mar 22, 2023 9:14 am
BobCobbMagob wrote: Wed Mar 22, 2023 7:20 am
SouthernIslander wrote: Wed Mar 22, 2023 2:58 am

There is no reason to add a bill that specifically targets transgenders because those rules already apply to everyone and a general clause about keeping adult content away from kids is more than enough without having to slap targets on people's back.

I have no problem with keeping stuff age appropriate, but DeSantis should have kept all of that fake genital shit to himself. He is a governor and his attitude/language towards his community should be more respectful than that.
That fake genital comment was because there’s a lot of them literally wearing dildos with a harness and giant fake vagina pillows… it’s not that they’re presenting themselves as transgender… transgender does not mean drag. They’re presenting themselves as vulgar.
Ummm…..fyi………straight people use S*x toys too. “Fake genitals” is a common conservative insult to the trans community and they are commonly associated with drag shows.
I understand you think that logic is ignorant (because it is) but that’s why this is getting understandable backlash because it puts a target on them.
Dude… this is not about S*x toys… everyone and their grandmother could partake in the S*x toy enjoyment and I couldn’t care less…

You would not have any idea what a trans persons genitals look like… there are certain Drag Queens though that wear that kind of costuming that emphasizes giant fake breasts, fake camel toes that are overly visible through the clothes and that is not ok around children…
And that’s what people are arguing against, that it’s all fine and dandy for that to be around kids and then they’re making other people who dont have any clue about any of it believe that drag queens and transgender people are the same therefore we have to protect kids from them…. Then those people vote!

And now we have the F***ing bathrooms back to being legally separated even for transgendered kids ( when we had previously come pretty far on that issue) because the adults around them all likened those kids to The same person wearing the fake camel toe… whether they’re allied or enemies… they’re all doing it.

It’s literally harming transgender kids to have this adult entertainment issue lumped into their identity expression being accepted as valid.
Posts: 22849
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BobCobbMagob wrote: Wed Mar 22, 2023 9:03 am
Thelma Harper wrote: Wed Mar 22, 2023 8:22 am
SouthernIslander wrote: Tue Mar 21, 2023 8:25 pm

Its not that many in Texas either, so the whole screwdolph thing isn't that common. Especially compared to the shit that goes on in straight events.
They actively went searching for something to be offended over. I'm curious if they'll be recording at some of these concert venues.
Actually no… and that’s the main reason people are upset.

Screwdolph is from an article talking about how nothing lewd was going on but the show was being targeted anyways…

So who’s spinning things here?

If there isnt going to be any truth coming from either side of this subject narrative , voters are just going to decide for themselves… and when that happens, the people that grouped in drag shows and teenage transgender rights are going to see kids losing right after right, then go on blaming all republicans for the state of the country when they could have helped, but they went about helping in a way that set the whole thing on fire…

In THIS POST ALONE… how many of y’all think drag queens and transgendered people are the same thing?

This is literally taking away those kid’s voices and replacing them with screaming adults…
You're are waaaaay too far up on that high horse for me to have a rational conversation with, so be a dear and talk with someone else.

But I'm still the winner! They lied! They cheated! They stole the election!
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BobCobbMagob wrote: Wed Mar 22, 2023 9:31 am
SouthernIslander wrote: Wed Mar 22, 2023 9:14 am
BobCobbMagob wrote: Wed Mar 22, 2023 7:20 am

That fake genital comment was because there’s a lot of them literally wearing dildos with a harness and giant fake vagina pillows… it’s not that they’re presenting themselves as transgender… transgender does not mean drag. They’re presenting themselves as vulgar.
Ummm…..fyi………straight people use S*x toys too. “Fake genitals” is a common conservative insult to the trans community and they are commonly associated with drag shows.
I understand you think that logic is ignorant (because it is) but that’s why this is getting understandable backlash because it puts a target on them.
Dude… this is not about S*x toys… everyone and their grandmother could partake in the S*x toy enjoyment and I couldn’t care less…

You would not have any idea what a trans persons genitals look like… there are certain Drag Queens though that wear that kind of costuming that emphasizes giant fake breasts, fake camel toes that are overly visible through the clothes and that is not ok around children…
And that’s what people are arguing against, that it’s all fine and dandy for that to be around kids and then they’re making other people who dont have any clue about any of it believe that drag queens and transgender people are the same therefore we have to protect kids from them…. Then those people vote!

And now we have the F***ing bathrooms back to being legally separated even for transgendered kids ( when we had previously come pretty far on that issue) because the adults around them all likened those kids to The same person wearing the fake camel toe… whether they’re allied or enemies… they’re all doing it.

It’s literally harming transgender kids to have this adult entertainment issue lumped into their identity expression being accepted as valid.
There’s no evidence that voters are demanding or overly into the idea of the rollback of trans rights being necessary or it being a popular thing for Republicans to focus on: https://www.thirdway.org/memo/gop-attac ... -fell-flat

It’s not believable whatsoever that if people said “oh, ban kids from all drag shows? Sure, sounds good” that these anti-trans politicians would stop there.
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