My ex lied to his girlfriend and somehow it's my fault

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My ex hasn't paid child support in years. He sees the kids maybe one day a month if he isn't too busy. They just started garnishing his wages about 3 months ago. I am getting anywhere from $1,300-1600 a month. That is less than what he is ordered to pay. It is very helpful though. For once I feel like I can breathe. I know I can't get my hopes up because I'm worried that he will just quit his job.

His girlfriend sent me a message on Instagram. She went off saying I need to back off her man and stop asking for more money. She was under the impression that he was up to date on child support and always has been. I sent one message to her saying for her to never contact me again and that he has been a dead beat and not paid me for years. Then I blocked her. He is blocked on everything now also.

I then got a voicemail from my ex (blocking on my phone really just sends calls straight to voicemail). He says that I was wrong for calling him a dead beat and I should apologize. He also starts bitching about how they are taking 60% of his paychecks and how he can't afford his bills. Blaming me for him being broke and without electricity.

That isn't my fault. I have no control over anything child support related. His bad choices caught up to him. All I have done is raise my kids the best I can. So far he hasn't reached out again but the whole thing is so annoying.
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Guy is probably telling gf it’s all your fault. But I wouldn’t entertain either of them. Just enjoy the cs while it lasts. He made his bed from the sound of it.
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In retrospect, probably should have just blocked her with no response, to save the drama.

I am mind boggled how any parent, seems to be skewed towards dads, can sweet talk their way into multiple children with a woman and then just bounce, not providing any support to their offspring, it is so disgusting and unimaginable to me. Such immoral assholes…I would be more shocked if he told any truths…of course, he’s going to lie.
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Block her on everything and wash your hands of their drama.
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Sounds like my ex husband. we have been divorced 9 years. He has been engaged 3 times. Married again that ended after 2 weeks.
Some how his issues are all my fault.
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Sometimes, no response is the best thing to do. Block her she is not the father of your children there is absolutely no reason to get into it with her. Keep your conversation with the father or the courts.
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