Do you let your kids skip school days?

Anonymous 1

This morning my daughter asked if she could stay home from school tomorrow. All state testing is done and they only have a week of school left. Pretty much all they do for this next week is watch movies and play games. She wants to stay home because tomorrow all they will be doing for the whole day is electronic day. Where kids take their electronics to school and play games or listen to music or read books.
My daughter hasn't missed many school days this year so im not worried about that. But I don't know. Would you let your kids stay home?
Anonymous 2

Anonymous 1 wrote: Thu May 16, 2019 11:04 am This morning my daughter asked if she could stay home from school tomorrow. All state testing is done and they only have a week of school left. Pretty much all they do for this next week is watch movies and play games. She wants to stay home because tomorrow all they will be doing for the whole day is electronic day. Where kids take their electronics to school and play games or listen to music or read books.
My daughter hasn't missed many school days this year so im not worried about that. But I don't know. Would you let your kids stay home?

I'd let her stay home.
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If he hadn't missed any days at all maybe. But he has so I wouldn't.
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Anonymous 3

I might be willing to consider it if she had a plan to do something educational or personally enriching with her day off. If she was just going to hang out at home and do nothing, she might as well go to school.
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Princess Royal
Princess Royal
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Nope. Unless they are sick they go to school, even if it's a "Do nothing day"
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Princess Royal
Princess Royal
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Nope, unless sick they are in school. I am the mean parent that makes their kids go.
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Princess Royal
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No. I'm pretty strict about going to school. Mine would never ask something like that, lol. It would be a waste of breath.
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Not for that, but I would be having a call to the school about it. Why is the school having kids play on electronics for seven hours straight and why would I send my child's expensive electronics to school with them? I understand fun days sometimes, but at least have some purpose to it and just because testing is over doesn't mean nothing can be learned.
My kids can only miss school when they are not sick if it is a special situation, like an important holiday in our family, or if it's a half day where nothing is getting done. I wouldn't have them miss a full day when that's what's happening all week.
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First I'd remind my kids that they are still up for the perfect attendance award and ask them if they want to blow that award for a day at home.
Then if there truly was no learning happening, they'd have to present their case to me. If they could present a compelling reason why they should be allowed to stay home then I would consider it. "Because I just want to" definitely does not qualify as a compelling reason. They need to show they've put thought into the whole thing, not just acting on feelings.
School is still school and it's still important. And employers definitely aren't going to accept "I don't feel like working today" as an excuse. They already get so much time off, they don't NEED more unless they are sick.
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