What’s something that is completely true about you, but people would think you’re trolling if you said it?

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It's not about me but in my area about a decade ago someone robbed a tax place with a curling iron. The tax place had the Statue of Liberty as their Mascot and he chased the robber down the street. No one ever believes that story lol.

About me..I don't know that I'd call it psychic but I often have premonitions. Like if I get a text I know who it's from even if I didn't text them first. I get a sense when someone is going to die that's close to me. If someone wants to talk to me I know why even if we haven't talked for a while. I can predict what others are going to say IRL even if I don't know them. I sometimes have dreams about things that end up happening as well.
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I grew up like a famous kid without any fame lol
Anonymous 2

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Before I had kids, I was very into BDSM
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I'm often told I'm lying because my kids never watched a screen before they were 3. No TV no tablets nothing. Apparently people consider it impossible for some odd reason to not use a TV to entertain your young kids.
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I hung out with Andy Warhol when I was a teen/young adult.
"The books that the world calls immoral are books that show its own shame." - Oscar Wilde
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My uncle is a convicted drug dealer, and he’s my favorite uncle.
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I invented a religion, completely from scratch, with a cosmology, a moral structure, a ritual component and spiritual technology, as an art project.
Anonymous 4

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My father was prejudiced and for years I thought he was right.
Anonymous 3

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I once talked to a mom who had turned her 6 month old forward facing so she could hand him cheetos easier while she was driving. She said she knew he would likely die if they got in an accident but oh well.
I was shocked.
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