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WellPreserved wrote: Thu Nov 30, 2023 10:16 am
SlimShady wrote: Thu Nov 30, 2023 9:44 am
WellPreserved wrote: Thu Nov 30, 2023 9:00 am

Okay, let's take race out of the argument.

It seems to me that you (like many) were against Affirmative Action because you felt that college admissions should be merit based (or legacy based) and colorblind. And yet you are arguing here that college admissions shouldn't be merit based because any homeschooler can fraudulently fill out a transcript or purchase a diploma?

I know that you've been specifically talking about Community College but as the link in the article OP posted demonstrated, this "purchasing" of transcripts and diplomas has been used to get students into 4-year colleges and even some Ivy's.

IMO, while it may be a loop-hole for homeschoolers and private non-accredited schools, mis-representing knowledge or achievement doesn't benefit anyone from any community. In the case of my son, if I were to submit a self-generated inaccurate transcript, it might get him in the door but it would be setting him up for failure because academically, he is not capable of passing core classes required for a 2-year degree.

Submitting a fraudulent application to college is no different from submitting a fraudulent application for a job, credit card, visa, license, gun permit or any other application process. The majority of homeschoolers are doing everything right in educating their children (even the unschoolers, lol). I looked at over 100 scholarship applications last year as part of my job and it was IMPRESSIVE. I have no doubt that these applications and transcripts were accurate and in most cases confirmed by testing scores. Do you think it would be fair if someone received a scholarship based on a transcript that had been manufactured in 20 minutes or is that just part of gaming the system?

The article posted was specifically about Springfield Prep, where most of the enrolled students go to class everyday, learn, and graduate. Do you think it's okay for someone to be able to purchase the same diploma for a few hundred dollars?

As I've written earlier, I'm frustrated that there isn't a pathway to success for a student, like my son, who is academically unable to pass or graduate from high school or get his GED. There are a lot of young adults who are like my son so I think developing that kind of pathway is important - my state is doing it small scale in the trades and healthcare. That doesn't mean that I want to by-pass the "path" and scoot in the back door as I just don't see how that benefits anyone. Encouraging fraud is a little weird to me.
I was fine with affirmative action ending Because I don’t think we should be saying “ You get help, but you don’t” based on skin color…

I was and am still in full support of giving anyone who has had to deal with disadvantages in their life getting extra help, but I am not willing to say a person’s skin color is a disadvantage.

I said I thought legacy admitting was ok , and went on to say it’s fine everywhere it’s including Historically Black Colleges and you all started the “No, it’s fine for this race but not fine for people of other races” and I said I was not going to divide the races there either when it comes to what is ok and what is not ok.

No one is getting into an ivy school anymore based on GPA alone. Everyone applying has a very high GPA… you have to have so many extracurriculars that they become more important than the grades… which the schools themselves will tell everyone who asks…They even specifically state that you don’t even need a high school diploma or GED to apply.
From the article posted:

“By law, the LDOE does not have oversight over these schools,” said Louisiana Department of Education spokesperson Ted Beasley.

One of the most infamous is T.M. Landry in Breaux Bridge. A 2018 New York Times investigation found the school abused kids and made up transcripts to get students into Ivy League schools. (https://www.nytimes.com/2018/11/30/us/t ... dents.html) It was still open as of last school year with 15 children, according to state records. Another unapproved school in Baton Rouge, Second Chance Academy, has come under scrutiny since its head teacher was arrested on charges of sexually abusing students."

Why would it be okay to fraudulently alter transcripts and applications to Community College but not okay for applications to 4-year colleges including Ivy's?
The reason I said it was only a tiny bit fraudulent, is because it isn’t actually lying… it’s just bullshit lol.

And I know, I know… upon first reading that may appear as though it doesn’t make sense… but it does.

Different states have different homeschool laws… most states have 0 influence on how parents have to teach their kids… If a homeschooling mom wants to say that her 10th grader watched peppa pig today so we’re going to count that as English class- the state has no ability to say “ No, that’s bullshit… that doesn’t count” they have to accept it.
If the kid spent his day skateboarding with their friends and the homeschooling parent wants to count that as physics class… so be it. They made a bagel today, so that counts as home economics.

In addition, in many states- no records have to be kept… so if a parent wants to say in 2023, yeah- my kid did all these classes over the last four years even though their day was spent doing nothing but lounging around watching peppa pig, skateboarding and making bagels, and I didn’t keep any records of this- the state has no ability to say that doesn’t count. Of course this is not true for all states, but it’s true for a lot of states.

So is it fraudulent? Not legally speaking, no… it’s fraudulent in the way of “how people feel about it”… as far as the state goes, it’s not fraud… it’s just bullshit lol.
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SlimShady wrote: Thu Nov 30, 2023 8:53 am
SouthernIslander wrote: Thu Nov 30, 2023 8:42 am
SlimShady wrote: Thu Nov 30, 2023 8:29 am

Lol I have complete confidence that you will be unable to recreate a single racist sentence that I have ever said…

I don’t care how many of the misused red card words you can spew out…

When I say “all Americans should be treated equally “ you NEEEEEEEEDDDDD to reimagine that into me being racist because you have no options left to logically argue the topic at hand.

It’s been going on so long that it’s like the chattering of pigeons when you walk outside, you just can’t even be bothered to notice after a while…
It’s been pointed out to you several times.

The notion that affirmative action is wrong but it’s okay for you to cheat your way through college is racist and privileged. You made excuses for teaching Black students the benefits of slavery and accused the other members of being racist for disagreeing with your ignorant arguments.

Passive aggressive is worse than flaming and you have definitely proven that over the years.

Lol No… that’s another tactic you try to use when you can’t think of anything that supports your argument…

Give me a single racist sentence I have ever said…

I’ll wait five minutes for it and profusely apologize if you can find one… but if you can’t… we’ve proved that you’re full of shit on this one and it’s just a last ditch effort to feel better when you lose an argument.
I just gave you two examples and it wouldn’t matter if I gave you a million more. You always find a way to deny or spin anything anyone tells you.

You don’t owe me an apology. I have actually learned a lot watching this play out because you hid it so well on CM, I didn’t catch it even when you got called out on it.

You use to give Black people the same empathy that you do Jews and I mean that in a good way. But your attitude towards Black people and our issues has completely changed.

Reading Rainbow was one of my favorite posters in the old group. So I’m curious to see if something happened to make you change or if you were just that damn good at hiding it.
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SouthernIslander wrote: Thu Nov 30, 2023 11:58 am
SlimShady wrote: Thu Nov 30, 2023 8:53 am
SouthernIslander wrote: Thu Nov 30, 2023 8:42 am

It’s been pointed out to you several times.

The notion that affirmative action is wrong but it’s okay for you to cheat your way through college is racist and privileged. You made excuses for teaching Black students the benefits of slavery and accused the other members of being racist for disagreeing with your ignorant arguments.

Passive aggressive is worse than flaming and you have definitely proven that over the years.

Lol No… that’s another tactic you try to use when you can’t think of anything that supports your argument…

Give me a single racist sentence I have ever said…

I’ll wait five minutes for it and profusely apologize if you can find one… but if you can’t… we’ve proved that you’re full of shit on this one and it’s just a last ditch effort to feel better when you lose an argument.
I just gave you two examples and it wouldn’t matter if I gave you a million more. You always find a way to deny or spin anything anyone tells you.

You don’t owe me an apology. I have actually learned a lot watching this play out because you hid it so well on CM, I didn’t catch it even when you got called out on it.

You use to give Black people the same empathy that you do Jews and I mean that in a good way. But your attitude towards Black people and our issues has completely changed.

Reading Rainbow was one of my favorite posters in the old group. So I’m curious to see if something happened to make you change or if you were just that damn good at hiding it.
No, you gave me two misinterpreted and spun versions of what I said…

I said give me one single racist sentence that I have ever said.

You can’t, because none exist…
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WellPreserved wrote: Thu Nov 30, 2023 9:00 am
SlimShady wrote: Thu Nov 30, 2023 7:02 am
SouthernIslander wrote: Thu Nov 30, 2023 12:49 am

So you wouldn’t want a Black student majoring in engineering to be accepted into college because of affirmative action..but it’s okay for you to commit fraud to get accepted into college and take a bunch of easy classes just to say you have a degree.

That is bullshit. A person’s attitude towards Black people doesn’t drastically change because they move down south or their political leaning shifts. You felt like this on CM, the whole socially conscious thing was just a political act that served your purpose at the time. I just didn’t pick up on it like others because you damn sure cannot be trusted.

That is crazy.
I would teach that black person everything I know about how to get into college as a homeschooler…

I don’t see why it would matter that they’re black, because I’d do that for anyone… this has nothing to do with *my* attitude towards anyone… you got pissed at a loophole to get accepted into Community College so now you’re trying the “YoU’rE rAcISt!!” Card because you realize you were wrong about what the previous conversation was about.

Typical… but still not an issue I need to fix.

And I’m not actually sure if you’re aware of this, but Junior Colleges take everyone.

Everyone. Regardless of gpa, regardless of extra curriculars… they allllllllllllllll get in.

So no, I have no qualms teaching anyone who is white, black, Asian, or Martian how to apply and get in…
Okay, let's take race out of the argument.

It seems to me that you (like many) were against Affirmative Action because you felt that college admissions should be merit based (or legacy based) and colorblind. And yet you are arguing here that college admissions shouldn't be merit based because any homeschooler can fraudulently fill out a transcript or purchase a diploma?

I know that you've been specifically talking about Community College but as the link in the article OP posted demonstrated, this "purchasing" of transcripts and diplomas has been used to get students into 4-year colleges and even some Ivy's.

IMO, while it may be a loop-hole for homeschoolers and private non-accredited schools, mis-representing knowledge or achievement doesn't benefit anyone from any community. In the case of my son, if I were to submit a self-generated inaccurate transcript, it might get him in the door but it would be setting him up for failure because academically, he is not capable of passing core classes required for a 2-year degree.

Submitting a fraudulent application to college is no different from submitting a fraudulent application for a job, credit card, visa, license, gun permit or any other application process. The majority of homeschoolers are doing everything right in educating their children (even the unschoolers, lol). I looked at over 100 scholarship applications last year as part of my job and it was IMPRESSIVE. I have no doubt that these applications and transcripts were accurate and in most cases confirmed by testing scores. Do you think it would be fair if someone received a scholarship based on a transcript that had been manufactured in 20 minutes or is that just part of gaming the system?

The article posted was specifically about Springfield Prep, where most of the enrolled students go to class everyday, learn, and graduate. Do you think it's okay for someone to be able to purchase the same diploma for a few hundred dollars?

As I've written earlier, I'm frustrated that there isn't a pathway to success for a student, like my son, who is academically unable to pass or graduate from high school or get his GED. There are a lot of young adults who are like my son so I think developing that kind of pathway is important - my state is doing it small scale in the trades and healthcare. That doesn't mean that I want to by-pass the "path" and scoot in the back door as I just don't see how that benefits anyone. Encouraging fraud is a little weird to me.
I agree 100%. There are a lot of degrees that aren’t 4th grade easy and some of my hardest exams were open book.

So encouraging kids to cheat to get into college is the quickest way to set them up for failure and it is comparable to finding loopholes in the system to get more food stamps.
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SlimShady wrote: Thu Nov 30, 2023 12:05 pm
SouthernIslander wrote: Thu Nov 30, 2023 11:58 am
SlimShady wrote: Thu Nov 30, 2023 8:53 am

Lol No… that’s another tactic you try to use when you can’t think of anything that supports your argument…

Give me a single racist sentence I have ever said…

I’ll wait five minutes for it and profusely apologize if you can find one… but if you can’t… we’ve proved that you’re full of shit on this one and it’s just a last ditch effort to feel better when you lose an argument.
I just gave you two examples and it wouldn’t matter if I gave you a million more. You always find a way to deny or spin anything anyone tells you.

You don’t owe me an apology. I have actually learned a lot watching this play out because you hid it so well on CM, I didn’t catch it even when you got called out on it.

You use to give Black people the same empathy that you do Jews and I mean that in a good way. But your attitude towards Black people and our issues has completely changed.

Reading Rainbow was one of my favorite posters in the old group. So I’m curious to see if something happened to make you change or if you were just that damn good at hiding it.
No, you gave me two misinterpreted and spun versions of what I said…

I said give me one single racist sentence that I have ever said.

You can’t, because none exist…
You might not claim it anymore but you still have that liberal passive aggressive behavior. I already have you 2 examples and the change in your attitude towards us makes 3.

Did something happen to you that put such a dismissive taste in your mouth for Black people or did you feel the same way when you were Reading Rainbow? Or are you trying to fit in with southern conservatives?

I really am genuinely curious to know.
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SouthernIslander wrote: Thu Nov 30, 2023 12:24 pm
SlimShady wrote: Thu Nov 30, 2023 12:05 pm
SouthernIslander wrote: Thu Nov 30, 2023 11:58 am

I just gave you two examples and it wouldn’t matter if I gave you a million more. You always find a way to deny or spin anything anyone tells you.

You don’t owe me an apology. I have actually learned a lot watching this play out because you hid it so well on CM, I didn’t catch it even when you got called out on it.

You use to give Black people the same empathy that you do Jews and I mean that in a good way. But your attitude towards Black people and our issues has completely changed.

Reading Rainbow was one of my favorite posters in the old group. So I’m curious to see if something happened to make you change or if you were just that damn good at hiding it.
No, you gave me two misinterpreted and spun versions of what I said…

I said give me one single racist sentence that I have ever said.

You can’t, because none exist…
You might not claim it anymore but you still have that liberal passive aggressive behavior. I already have you 2 examples and the change in your attitude towards us makes 3.

Did something happen to you that put such a dismissive taste in your mouth for Black people or did you feel the same way when you were Reading Rainbow? Or are you trying to fit in with southern conservatives?

I really am genuinely curious to know.
I’m still waiting…

Any single racist sentence that I’ve ever said… even one.
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SlimShady wrote: Thu Nov 30, 2023 1:50 pm
SouthernIslander wrote: Thu Nov 30, 2023 12:24 pm
SlimShady wrote: Thu Nov 30, 2023 12:05 pm

No, you gave me two misinterpreted and spun versions of what I said…

I said give me one single racist sentence that I have ever said.

You can’t, because none exist…
You might not claim it anymore but you still have that liberal passive aggressive behavior. I already have you 2 examples and the change in your attitude towards us makes 3.

Did something happen to you that put such a dismissive taste in your mouth for Black people or did you feel the same way when you were Reading Rainbow? Or are you trying to fit in with southern conservatives?

I really am genuinely curious to know.
I’m still waiting…

Any single racist sentence that I’ve ever said… even one.

I’m not going to keep repeating myself. I already gave you 2 examples and I’m not going down a rabbit hole for you to make excuses or dismiss everything I say because you don’t like my answer.

Have you always felt this way or did something happen to make you so dismissive and lack empathy for Black people?

If you have always felt the same way you do now, that answers my question and if you don’t want to answer at all that is cool too.
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I lost the quote and IDK who said it but someone mentioned that junior colleges accept everyone. They don't. Junior colleges, unlike community colleges, can be private and have their own admission requirements. I attended one- a private junior college. They don't accept just anyone.

Anyway, I don't really see the point of falsifying anything. If your education didn't mean anything to you, don't bother with college. If you've changed your mind and want to go to college, there are a lot of options for creating something legitimate to offer college admissions. You can take classes from an accredited provider. You can take a prep course and submit SAT/ACT scores. Competitions, extra-curriculars, community service- there is a lot more that goes into college admissions than just transcripts.
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SouthernIslander wrote: Thu Nov 30, 2023 2:51 pm
SlimShady wrote: Thu Nov 30, 2023 1:50 pm
SouthernIslander wrote: Thu Nov 30, 2023 12:24 pm

You might not claim it anymore but you still have that liberal passive aggressive behavior. I already have you 2 examples and the change in your attitude towards us makes 3.

Did something happen to you that put such a dismissive taste in your mouth for Black people or did you feel the same way when you were Reading Rainbow? Or are you trying to fit in with southern conservatives?

I really am genuinely curious to know.
I’m still waiting…

Any single racist sentence that I’ve ever said… even one.

I’m not going to keep repeating myself. I already gave you 2 examples and I’m not going down a rabbit hole for you to make excuses or dismiss everything I say because you don’t like my answer.

Have you always felt this way or did something happen to make you so dismissive and lack empathy for Black people?

If you have always felt the same way you do now, that answers my question and if you don’t want to answer at all that is cool too.
No , no… lol you’re not understanding here.

I don’t want your spun around interpretation of what I said.

I said give me an actual sentence that *I* personally typed out that is racist…

Giving actual evidence when you’re attempting to smear someone isn’t “going down a rabbit hole”… you keep using these phrases to try getting out of being asked to provide actual evidence.

You can’t do it.

You can’t do it, because I’ve never said anything that was racist… you can only spin around a paraphrasing of when I said “All people should be treated equally” into “she’s a racist”

At this point… either show me any sentence that I said that was racist, and if you’re unable to do that… you might have to admit that you’re a liar.
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SlimShady wrote: Thu Nov 30, 2023 3:23 pm
SouthernIslander wrote: Thu Nov 30, 2023 2:51 pm
SlimShady wrote: Thu Nov 30, 2023 1:50 pm

I’m still waiting…

Any single racist sentence that I’ve ever said… even one.

I’m not going to keep repeating myself. I already gave you 2 examples and I’m not going down a rabbit hole for you to make excuses or dismiss everything I say because you don’t like my answer.

Have you always felt this way or did something happen to make you so dismissive and lack empathy for Black people?

If you have always felt the same way you do now, that answers my question and if you don’t want to answer at all that is cool too.
No , no… lol you’re not understanding here.

I don’t want your spun around interpretation of what I said.

I said give me an actual sentence that *I* personally typed out that is racist…

Giving actual evidence when you’re attempting to smear someone isn’t “going down a rabbit hole”… you keep using these phrases to try getting out of being asked to provide actual evidence.

You can’t do it.

You can’t do it, because I’ve never said anything that was racist… you can only spin around a paraphrasing of when I said “All people should be treated equally” into “she’s a racist”

At this point… either show me any sentence that I said that was racist, and if you’re unable to do that… you might have to admit that you’re a liar.
I have already given you examples and it’s no point if you’re going to dismiss everything I say. That serves no purpose but a cat and mouse game.

Have you always felt like this about Black people, even if you don’t think your mentality is racist? Or did somebody do something to you to change your views?
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