My son's English teacher just does not get it

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My son is on the swim team. Sometimes they have to leave school early to go to 4pm meets that are 1 to 3 hours away. They get one extra day to complete their classwork/homework in those instances. That's it. No exemption, just one extra day.

If your son has always been exempt from the same work that his classmates have to do just because he's an athlete, then yes, everyone up to this point has failed him. If he can't handle athletics and his schoolwork then perhaps he needs to drop one of the teams.
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Lol. You’re an idiot.
Anonymous 11

Bless your heart.
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Anonymous 6 wrote: Tue Aug 20, 2019 8:22 am
Ledina60 wrote: Tue Aug 20, 2019 6:49 am
Anonymous 1 wrote: Tue Aug 20, 2019 6:38 am My son started his junior year last week. He plays football and basketball. Since middle school he hasnt had to do homework during season. Every other teacher gets it. I know I will get bad mouthed for this. During season he gets no lower then an 80% on tests and he also never does homework.

He is a star player. I know he and his team gets special treatment.

Well this years English teacher will not budge. She isn't what you earn in her class is what you get.

On Friday she wanted a paper wriiten about what you wanted to accomplish in your junior year.

My son didnt do it of course. My son called me Friday saying he was getting a 0 unless he hands it in Monday. I emailed the teacher and told her Id be calling a meeting.

Last night I had a meeting with the teacher the principal and my son. She will not budge and the principal said he can't make her. She was a little snobby her last words were to my son was Im sorry your other teachers are failing you but I am.

For him to get a passing grade on this assignment he not only needs to do the first assignment but he also needs to write about what he likes besides sports

We started the paper last night. Instead of doing his work out this moring he needs to write this paper.

She is a very lived teacher. But she is against athletes .
You’ve got to be trolling us.
This doesn’t happen.
Oh and- she’s a very lived teacher?
Omg, posts get more ridiculous and subnormal all the time in this group
This stuff does happen. Some of the parents at Dads school threw a fit when teachers assigned big assignment on game weeks. Some shitty parents think their kids shouldn't have to do work because they play sports
Yes , I’m sure some stupid parents are like that but...
I’m saying that the majority of good teachers wouldnt do what the OP described doing for athletes in their classes!!! Good teachers know academics come first ! Not sports!
It’s crazy
Deleted User 670

This has GOT to be a troll post. But I'll play along anyway. You madam are a F***ing idiot. Your kid is in school to get an EDUCATION, not coast until some sports agent spots him for a spot in the NFL. Your kid needs to do his F***ing homework and get an education so he is prepared for college. Relying on football as a career is as stupid as relying on winning the lottery as a retirement plan. I am 100% behind his English teacher. If he doesn't do the paper, he should get a zero. If his grade drops in English then he's off the team. That would be the best thing in the world for him actually.
Anonymous 12

Most teens have other things going on in their lives and are still expected to get their homework done. Athletes do not deserve special treatment.

If your kid doesn’t have time for homework, maybe he needs to cut back on other activities.
Deleted User 1344

She’s either trolling or nuts.
pinkbutterfly66 wrote: Tue Aug 20, 2019 12:32 pm This has GOT to be a troll post. But I'll play along anyway. You madam are a F***ing idiot. Your kid is in school to get an EDUCATION, not coast until some sports agent spots him for a spot in the NFL. Your kid needs to do his F***ing homework and get an education so he is prepared for college. Relying on football as a career is as stupid as relying on winning the lottery as a retirement plan. I am 100% behind his English teacher. If he doesn't do the paper, he should get a zero. If his grade drops in English then he's off the team. That would be the best thing in the world for him actually.
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I don't think kids should get a lot of homework ever. I know my son doesn't get homework in highschool. He is in advanced classes and the teachers said beyond a report every quarter, there is no homework if they do work during class. I hated homework.
Anonymous 13

I have a elite hockey player and he knows school comes first. He gets home and does his homework first prior to anything else. Some times he will not get home till after 10pm.

My friends son plays OHL hockey - he is in grade 11. He has 68 games between September to March (some are 8+ hours away) he gets no special treatment, this is one of the leagues the NHL drafts out of so it is big time hockey. He is expected to do all his work and hand it in ON TIME. There is no special treatment for these players, they are doing work in hotel rooms, on the bus, anytime they have a free moment they are doing their homework. They even submit it early or electronically the day it is due.
Conweis wrote: Tue Aug 20, 2019 9:57 am I am a little bias. I know the struggles of how it is doing sports and school. Some teachers do not understand that some athletes do not get home until late in the evening. Later during a game. My son sometimes would not get back o school until after 9PM from a match
I would think middle and high school teachers should have the homework assignments ready at the beginning of the week for the students to complete the next week. This would help athletes, kids in other extracurriculars, with jobs, who have evening therapy sessions, with learning disabilities and those who have to switch between homes (shared custody)
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Anonymous 10 wrote: Tue Aug 20, 2019 11:22 am
Conweis wrote: Tue Aug 20, 2019 9:57 am I am a little bias. I know the struggles of how it is doing sports and school. Some teachers do not understand that some athletes do not get home until late in the evening. Later during a game. My son sometimes would not get back o school until after 9PM from a match
I would think middle and high school teachers should have the homework assignments ready at the beginning of the week for the students to complete the next week. This would help athletes, kids in other extracurriculars, with jobs, who have evening therapy sessions, with learning disabilities and those who have to switch between homes (shared custody)
If your precious can't figure out time management skills he shouldn't be in extracurricular activities.
Where is time management if a kid has two matches a week that makes it to where the kid doesn't come home until almost 10PM?
Middle and high schoolers have multiple classes. Some kids leave the house at 6AM and don't get home until almost 10PM two nights a week and 7PM three nights a week, then have about two to three hours of homework they have to do (from multiple classes).
Freshmen and Sophmores do not get study hall either. If teachers worked together it would be different but some teachers seem to think their class is the only class giving a crap tom of homework. A fine example: my son's friend had to write a 10 page English report, five page history report, five page science report and do 30 minutes of math practice a night in one week. The kid was a freshman too. He got very little sleep that week. Even his mom who use to be a teacher said it was too much work.
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