Family that can't afford vet care.


Long story short, a family I know fairly well was sort of given a dog named Vanessa. The dog had been adopted from a very crowded shelter and then that person died so its current family agreed to take it instead of the dog going back where it was specifically told to them that she'd probably be put down. She's a pit mix which already makes her less likely to be adopted. She was lucky to have been chosen the first time. That's what everyone was told by the shelter employees who know the general attitude towards those types of dogs at the shelter.

So fast forward to today, it's been two years since the dog has been with that family. They've kept up with the routine shots and things of that nature, but now the dog has a growth on her tail. It used to be small but now it's grown a lot. I think we all thought it was from how she wags her tail really hard and it hits everything it's near like coffee tables, the wall, whatever. Anyway, the family is now on very hard times and they just don't have the money to take her to the vet and they were told that they could surrender the dog to a shelter if they want the dog treated.

I just can't stomach that. I've watched that family go through a nightmare these last several months and I can't bear to see them lose their dog like that. The dog is very happy and attached to the family. I can't imagine her being taken away and left to MAYBE find another family willing to adopt a pit mix that needs medical care right off the bat before being put down and even if it's a no kill shelter, she'll be at the mercy of whatever comes her way.

Now I know they should have this and should have that, but I simply cannot watch that happen. I can't. So I'm going to be covering this vet care for the tail, whatever the growth is. The dog doesn't need to be passed around anymore. She's loved where she is. Now I just hope that it's nothing serious because I love animals. She's as sweet as any dog could possibly be and the family doesn't need any more sadness in their lives. Please send some positivity to Vanessa.
Princess Royal
Princess Royal
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How sweet of you!
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Good for you. It's tough when people fall on hard times and unexpected expenses come up.

Mammagoose wrote: Mon Oct 15, 2018 10:42 am How sweet of you!
I'm just a huge animal lover and I don't think it's fair to Vanessa to have to switch homes over what is hopefully a temporary financial situation with the people who've otherwise given her a great home. I think it's a cyst or maybe a hematoma? I hope that's all it is because that can be taken care of easily, I'd imagine.

hotspice58 wrote: Mon Oct 15, 2018 10:43 am Good for you. It's tough when people fall on hard times and unexpected expenses come up.
I agree. I know that any other time, this wouldn't have been an issue for them, so it's not like they purposely got a dog they couldn't afford in the beginning. They've just had a lot happen in the last few months and they'll eventually recover. In the meantime, Vanessa doesn't deserve to be shipped around and taken away from the home she knows and where she's loved by everyone.
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That's very kind.
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Bless your heart! No one plans on hard times. They just seem to reach out and grab us when we least expect it. Major karma points for you! ❤❤❤
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I adore people like you! They obviously love their pup, and she would be devastated to be torn away from yet another family. I hope whatever it is is easily treated!

I think that within reason-you are obligated to treat your pet. Routine check ups and meds and shots are a must. Things like minor injuries and minor illnesses are a must. I think the growth falls into that. So yes, they need to figure it out. Have a yard sale. Have a fundraiser. Cut back on expenses and save up. Take out a small loan. Work something out with the vet office.

Everyone needs savings period for things like this and other expenses and its your job to build them up

and I am glad you are helping them out. That counts as figuring something out absolutely.
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I would do the same. When my uncle died my Mom got his cat and she couldn't afford the vet care when the same thing happened, only his growth was in his back. It did turn out to be cancer (my sister paid for the vet) but he had several years from the time it started to the time she put him down without treatment. The vet said any treatment was a waste since it more than likely would not help. He seemed happy during his final years even with the cancer.

On the flip side not every growth that grows is cancer. My one dog had one, and it did get bigger before we got him into the vet. It was a harmless cyst and it drained/went away by itself.
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