What would make you quit your job?

Anonymous 1

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When I started in this position, I had very little background or experience in this position. My experience was mostly in related fields. I absolutely adored it when I first started. I liked having an office to go to rather than working at home all the time. And it was infinitely less stressful than my previous job before I worked from home.

I still like the actual work that I do but the company has changed a lot. There are now all sorts of rules, the office feels stressful and unwelcoming, I seem to butt heads with a few other people who work here, and those people come down on me hard for very small mistakes of no importance.

Some of the people who have left the company suggest to me that I could start my own company or that I could move to a different company. Starting my own company does not appeal to me. I doubt myself a lot so IDK if I could hack it somewhere else, especially since I have no formal background, training, or education in this field.

I also don't have any way of knowing if I'm being paid fairly because all of our competitors are major corporations who do their business wildly different than we do so in a way, there is no comparisons. If I had the exact same job for a major corporation, I would expect to make more than double or triple what I'm making now.

Before I got this job, we were struggling bad. My current salary is only $20K above the average salary in my area.

I have had some extremely stressful things happen in my personal life lately so maybe I'm just depressed.
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Perhaps you can talk to the people who are coming down hard for small unimportant things and prompt them to be more reasonable. That's something you are going to find everywhere...there's no guarantee you will find better personalities at a new job or even in your own business. But, perhaps you can work with your existing team to make the workplace better. That's a skill you can use anywhere. Good luck!
Anonymous 1

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SallyMae wrote: Mon Apr 22, 2024 10:55 am Perhaps you can talk to the people who are coming down hard for small unimportant things and prompt them to be more reasonable. That's something you are going to find everywhere...there's no guarantee you will find better personalities at a new job or even in your own business. But, perhaps you can work with your existing team to make the workplace better. That's a skill you can use anywhere. Good luck!
That's true. I hate confrontation. It makes me forget what I'm saying and I get all shaky.
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When the job no longer is compatible with my life goals. Which I know is vague, but there are multiple reasons why I would leave a job. I left my last job because we moved states during covid, it was remote so I could have kept it, but we felt like it was ideal to have one of us at home for a while so we wouldn’t have to bring in outside childcare during covid and to help the kids adjust to the move. There was also no feasible room for growth in my last job so it made more sense for me to leave it than for my husband to leave his.

After my youngest started preschool and all of the kids were back in person, I was often bored at home so I started looking for a new job. When I started my current job they told me that I would be able to move into a promotion within two years depending on positive performance reviews. There were leadership changes within those two years and budget changes, so after the two years I went to my current leadership and said look, I accepted this position under the impression that this promotion would be possible but I understand that was said under different circumstances so it might not be on the table anymore. I enjoy my job and would like to stay with this company, but I also realistically need room for growth in order to meet my life goals, so I just need to know if it is possible or if I should start looking elsewhere. They got the promotion pushed through, but admitted that they probably would have overlooked it if I hadn’t advocated for myself.

How long have you been at your current position? Do you see opportunities for growth and do you see solutions to the problems you have been having or are they not likely to change? You said you don’t have much formal training, when looking at other companies look at the competitive salaries but also look at what education programs they offer. Many large organizations offer continued learning to help their staff advance in their field. I’ve left jobs that I liked because they weren’t working with my life goals and I’ve stayed in jobs that I didn’t like and focused on changing what I didn’t like because they fulfilled what I needed at that time.
Anonymous 2

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Coworkers. I love my job, but working with the people I do...... ugh! At least once a week I consider it.
Anonymous 3

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A bad manager is why I'm quitting mine after summer.
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Princess Royal
Princess Royal
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I don’t know. I usually only quit a job when things are unmanageable.
Anonymous 4

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I usually quit when the people I work with suck in various ways. Like one job the manager was just awful and controlling. Another job, the people were okay, but they were so loud and annoying and it would drain me so bad being around that all day. I have quit jobs because of the pay before but this current job I have no one has gotten raises in many years and I am still there. I like my job and most of the people but some days, the pay part wears on me. But I am not the bread winner and my pay is not 100% needed right now but if it was truly needed, I would have had to quit a long time ago.
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I quit my last fulltime job in '05 because I if I stayed I would have burned the place down. My husband was tired of reassembling me from my component molecules every day after work. So I went back to consulting, a much better life, unless you like getting paid, lol.
Anonymous 5

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I've only quit jobs when a better opportunity fell into my lap but I've also always had jobs that I love except for my last one. That one I just retired.
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