I don’t know what to do.

Anonymous 1

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Our governor just said that since the infection rate in my state Ny is 1 % the kids can go back to school. My school district is doing a hybrid plan where you go with Monday, Tuesday or Thursday, Friday and the 3 other days are virtual days. You can also do completely virtual. The class sizes will be max of 10 and we live where she can walk to school so no worry about bussing. I just don’t know what choice to make. My daughter wants to go back and they will be able to get more help in person than virtually but all the stories about schools opening and having huge outbreaks right away scare me. I just don’t know what choice to make and this choice is for a quarter of the year and we have to choose by August 12th. What would you choose?
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I would pull my child out of the school system and find a 100% home based curriculum before I sent them back in person.

As for wanting to go back, we don't always get what we want and safety comes first.
Anonymous 2

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Mine are doing the remote learning for the first 9 weeks then we well see where we are. I'm not sending my kids right now even if the schools were open.
Anonymous 3

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I’d just do online. I think all the ones that open in person will be shut down shortly anyway. I’ve already seen a few articles stating this has happened.
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We went with the hybrid model, which is just like your's. However, the whole state is online for the first 9 weeks and the actual in school part of the hybrid will only start then if the numbers are down significantly. Otherwise, we'll do several more weeks of online only.
Anonymous 4

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We are doing what your district is doing. Kids going 2 days a week and virtual for the other 3 days. My kids will be there with bells on. We must move forward but with precautions of course.
Anonymous 5

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It does make the news whenever school openings are followed by an outbreak, but there also many schools that have reopened without incident. I don't have any numbers, but perhaps you could look into that to help you make your decision?

There is no right or wrong answer in times like these. I'm sending mine back when school starts but the numbers here are much lower.
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You as the parent need to make the choice you few is best for your child. Think of it this way—if she was driving age and suddenly wanted to drive without a seat belt would you let her? Sure, odds are she wouldn’t be in an accident but is that a risk you’re willing to take?

No matter what decision you make it will be the right one!
Anonymous 6

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Do you prevent her from going to school every flu season?
Anonymous 7

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My kid would go to school. The virus is overhyped bulldiddles.
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