Ukrainians demand Shokin be removed

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Joined: Mon May 21, 2018 11:22 pm

For the people who think Shokin's ouster was all about Biden ....

Scores of protesters have rallied in the Ukrainian capital, demanding the resignation of the country’s top prosecutor, who has been repeatedly criticized as an impediment to badly needed anticorruption reforms.

Shokin was the reason for many protests in 2015 by Ukrainians over his close ties to the former corrupt government and his refusal to investigate corruption in Urkaine.
"Shokin was perceived as utterly corrupt and very close to President Poroshenko," the article claims "His corruption was exposed by his two young and obviously honest deputies" who were forced out.

The case that attracted the most negative attention to Shokin involved the arrest of a Kyiv city prosecutor, During the arrest, authorities seized several million dollars worth of diamonds at the prosecutor’s home. Not only did Shokin release the prosecutor, but he also returned his diamonds.

"The steady complaint was that Shokin blocked all attempts to have the Yanukovych crooks arrested or any of the billions they had stolen recovered," "Shokin successfully blocked any asset recovery, and he did so in a very blatant fashion." ... 39981.html

There's plenty of information out there about Shokin and why he was force out by the Ukrainian parliament. The best articles are ones from European news sites.