She freaked out because we drove home drunk

Deleted User 1393

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It's good that she has set a standard for drinking and driving.
She must be really lonely to have called so many people immediately after leaving the pizzeria.
Now you know not to ever invite her to anything ever again.
problem solved
Anonymous 8

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Poietes wrote: Tue Nov 05, 2019 3:44 pm
Anonymous 5 wrote: Tue Nov 05, 2019 2:47 pm I hear what you're saying. But though it isn't a big deal to be pulled over by a cop, to little kids, even if you explain it to them, it can be scary.

It's understandable that any mom might want to do everything in her power to not be pulled over by a cop and have her kids go through that experience. I'm not judging the mom who would drink 2 beers and drive (so long as she's sober). But I'm also not judging the mom who would elect to not drink those 2 beers because she doesn't want to get pulled over while her kids are in the car.
Olioxenfree wrote: Tue Nov 05, 2019 2:25 pm

The only reason they would breathalyze you is if you showed other signs of being drunk, not because you said you had one glass of wine with dinner.
I once was pulled over with my kids in the car because I was driving around midnight, my GPS was having problems so I had my friend on speaker phone giving me directions. I was driving very slowly so I could read off the names of the streets to her (it was a small town and no one else was on the road so I wasn't in anyone's way), she told me to drive down one street, so I turned my turning signal on, then she realized I was actually supposed to turn a couple streets up, so I turned it off and kept going. The officer pulled me over because he saw me driving slowly and turning my signal on and off, so he wanted to make sure everything was okay. I explained why I was driving that way. He asked if I had anything to drink and I said I had one beer with dinner hours ago. He could see that I was not intoxicated and sent me on my way after giving me better directions.
If he had decided to breathalyze me or have me walk on the road, I would have just explained to my kids, that it is completely fine, the police officer just wants to make sure everyone is safe and that I am okay to be driving because that is their job, and then we can go. It doesn't have to be a big deal if you did nothing wrong.
Actually being pulled over for something like this poster is talking about would be good for kids to see. They see that a cop pulling someone over isn't scary especially if you aren't doing something wrong. So many people are afraid of cops now days, doing a simple traffic stop would alleviate their fears.
I agree, I got pulled over once with my kids in the car.. He was just letting me know one of my brake lights was out. But my kids were in the back going "oooohh mommy your going to jail." . He thought it was hilarious.. Me not so much lol.
Deleted User 1018

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If you sat around for a few hours after drinking your last beer, before driving any place, you all were fine.
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