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Re: New York law aims to stop funding of illegal Israeli settlements in West Bank

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2023 2:28 pm
by Momto2boys973
It’s annexing the West Bank that’s under Israeli control, not the one under the Palestinian Authority control.
The issue of legality is still debatable with both sides making arguments to consider. I can’t read the complete article without a subscription, so I can’t comment on how factual and unbiased it is 🤷‍♀️

Re: New York law aims to stop funding of illegal Israeli settlements in West Bank

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2023 3:39 pm
by Deleted User 1511
Momto2boys973 wrote: Tue Jun 13, 2023 2:26 pm What else? They live in territory under the control of the Palestinian Authority.
WellPreserved wrote: Sun Jun 11, 2023 7:14 pm
Momto2boys973 wrote: Sun Jun 11, 2023 6:12 pm It’s still their territory and if conditions are inferior, that’s because the Palestinian Authority is an authoritarian dictatorship. Why aren’t you speaking against that? Both Mahmoud Abbas and Hamas use and abuse the Palestinian citizens in their attempts to destroy the State of Israel. But yeah, Israel is the villain here…
And sorry, but Israel has no responsibility for these areas, as they are under their own rule. Israel’s responsibility is to its citizens, which is why security checkpoints and military presence needs to be in place. Israel is often the victim of terrorists from these areas, so are you seriously saying it shouldn’t protect its territories? Sorry, you don’t want checkpoints or being observed? Then don’t be a freaking terrorist! If they would just concentrate on building their country instead of being obsessed with erasing Israel from the map, they would be left alone and there would be peace.

Palestinian citizens?
And yet the majority of Palestinians are stateless.


Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2023 12:58 pm
by SallyMae
I think you could acknowledge that they lost a lot. Narnia, really? Tell me it's like Narnia when you can introduce me to people who actually grew up in Narnia and now can't go back to their homes.

Point is, there are two sides to this issue, and legitimate concerns for both. It's not "anti-Semitic" to examine both sides, or to find Israel wanting in some regards. Plenty of people are perfectly capable of being ok with the existence of Israel AND questioning if this is the best they could be doing.

Momto2boys973 wrote: Sun Jun 11, 2023 6:12 pm It’s still their territory and if conditions are inferior, that’s because the Palestinian Authority is an authoritarian dictatorship. Why aren’t you speaking against that? Both Mahmoud Abbas and Hamas use and abuse the Palestinian citizens in their attempts to destroy the State of Israel. But yeah, Israel is the villain here…
And sorry, but Israel has no responsibility for these areas, as they are under their own rule. Israel’s responsibility is to its citizens, which is why security checkpoints and military presence needs to be in place. Israel is often the victim of terrorists from these areas, so are you seriously saying it shouldn’t protect its territories? Sorry, you don’t want checkpoints or being observed? Then don’t be a freaking terrorist! If they would just concentrate on building their country instead of being obsessed with erasing Israel from the map, they would be left alone and there would be peace.
SallyMae wrote: Sun Jun 11, 2023 1:55 pm What you describe is their forcible confinement to reservations.

You may think there is no other choice. You may even be right. But read what you wrote, and think about life behind those walls, going through those daily military checkpoints, watching their homes and olive trees razed for settlements, and tell me why you think they are supposed to like it.

Re: Re:

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2023 5:23 pm
by Della
SallyMae wrote: Wed Jun 14, 2023 12:58 pm I think you could acknowledge that they lost a lot. Narnia, really? Tell me it's like Narnia when you can introduce me to people who actually grew up in Narnia and now can't go back to their homes.

Point is, there are two sides to this issue, and legitimate concerns for both. It's not "anti-Semitic" to examine both sides, or to find Israel wanting in some regards. Plenty of people are perfectly capable of being ok with the existence of Israel AND questioning if this is the best they could be doing.

Momto2boys973 wrote: Sun Jun 11, 2023 6:12 pm It’s still their territory and if conditions are inferior, that’s because the Palestinian Authority is an authoritarian dictatorship. Why aren’t you speaking against that? Both Mahmoud Abbas and Hamas use and abuse the Palestinian citizens in their attempts to destroy the State of Israel. But yeah, Israel is the villain here…
And sorry, but Israel has no responsibility for these areas, as they are under their own rule. Israel’s responsibility is to its citizens, which is why security checkpoints and military presence needs to be in place. Israel is often the victim of terrorists from these areas, so are you seriously saying it shouldn’t protect its territories? Sorry, you don’t want checkpoints or being observed? Then don’t be a freaking terrorist! If they would just concentrate on building their country instead of being obsessed with erasing Israel from the map, they would be left alone and there would be peace.
SallyMae wrote: Sun Jun 11, 2023 1:55 pm What you describe is their forcible confinement to reservations.

You may think there is no other choice. You may even be right. But read what you wrote, and think about life behind those walls, going through those daily military checkpoints, watching their homes and olive trees razed for settlements, and tell me why you think they are supposed to like it.
At this point her remarks regarding Israel are fodder. Eretz Israel is and always has been the end goal.

Re: Re:

Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2023 5:10 pm
by Momto2boys973
Then introduce me to people who have grown up in Palestine (as a country) and can’t go back to their homes. Because that’s also a fantasy. “Palestine” as a country didn’t exist until 1988-when it declared its independence and it wasn’t until 2012 that it was granted observer status in the UN. The Arab Palestinians lost a lot? Yeah. But that because they wanted it all and called on their buddies for help and it didn’t quite work as they hoped. If they had just accepted the partition and create their country in that land, they could have a country of their own. Instead, they wanted those Jews out and called on other Arab countries to help out and they lost. That’s life. That’s consequences for your actions. They lost land in their ambition to have it all. Israel isn’t a “colonizer”, it never was. The initial Jewish settlers after the partition- whether Palestinian Jews that had to resettle themselves or immigrants- were happy with their lot, didn’t care about the Arab population creating their country. The ones wanting to colonize, and failed, were those Arabs in the Palestine región.

No, it’s not antisemitic to OBJECTIVELY and FACTUALLY look at the situation. It’s definitely antisemitic when you hold Israel to a different standard and make it the victimizer, while making Palestinians the victims, when they willingly voted for a terrorist organization (Hamas) as their leader. And the leadership of the Palestinian Authority isn’t any better with Abbas refusing to hold elections. First, acknowledge that these people are terrorists, determined to destroying Israel and then bitch about checkpoints and military presence.
And sorry, but anyone claiming that Israel’s “goal” has always been taking over the region, is an antisemite and brainwashed by lies and misinformation about Israel’s actions. Vilifying and demonizing Israel while victimizing Palestinians is 100% antisemitic, it’s unrealistic and biased.
SallyMae wrote: Wed Jun 14, 2023 12:58 pm I think you could acknowledge that they lost a lot. Narnia, really? Tell me it's like Narnia when you can introduce me to people who actually grew up in Narnia and now can't go back to their homes.

Point is, there are two sides to this issue, and legitimate concerns for both. It's not "anti-Semitic" to examine both sides, or to find Israel wanting in some regards. Plenty of people are perfectly capable of being ok with the existence of Israel AND questioning if this is the best they could be doing.

Momto2boys973 wrote: Sun Jun 11, 2023 6:12 pm It’s still their territory and if conditions are inferior, that’s because the Palestinian Authority is an authoritarian dictatorship. Why aren’t you speaking against that? Both Mahmoud Abbas and Hamas use and abuse the Palestinian citizens in their attempts to destroy the State of Israel. But yeah, Israel is the villain here…
And sorry, but Israel has no responsibility for these areas, as they are under their own rule. Israel’s responsibility is to its citizens, which is why security checkpoints and military presence needs to be in place. Israel is often the victim of terrorists from these areas, so are you seriously saying it shouldn’t protect its territories? Sorry, you don’t want checkpoints or being observed? Then don’t be a freaking terrorist! If they would just concentrate on building their country instead of being obsessed with erasing Israel from the map, they would be left alone and there would be peace.
SallyMae wrote: Sun Jun 11, 2023 1:55 pm What you describe is their forcible confinement to reservations.

You may think there is no other choice. You may even be right. But read what you wrote, and think about life behind those walls, going through those daily military checkpoints, watching their homes and olive trees razed for settlements, and tell me why you think they are supposed to like it.

Re: Re:

Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2023 5:57 pm
by Della
I know quite a few Palestinian refugees who came to America long before 1988.

Face it. Your words here are hurting your case less than they are helping you push this agenda.
Momto2boys973 wrote: Fri Jun 16, 2023 5:10 pm Then introduce me to people who have grown up in Palestine (as a country) and can’t go back to their homes. Because that’s also a fantasy. “Palestine” as a country didn’t exist until 1988-when it declared its independence and it wasn’t until 2012 that it was granted observer status in the UN. The Arab Palestinians lost a lot? Yeah. But that because they wanted it all and called on their buddies for help and it didn’t quite work as they hoped. If they had just accepted the partition and create their country in that land, they could have a country of their own. Instead, they wanted those Jews out and called on other Arab countries to help out and they lost. That’s life. That’s consequences for your actions. They lost land in their ambition to have it all. Israel isn’t a “colonizer”, it never was. The initial Jewish settlers after the partition- whether Palestinian Jews that had to resettle themselves or immigrants- were happy with their lot, didn’t care about the Arab population creating their country. The ones wanting to colonize, and failed, were those Arabs in the Palestine región.

No, it’s not antisemitic to OBJECTIVELY and FACTUALLY look at the situation. It’s definitely antisemitic when you hold Israel to a different standard and make it the victimizer, while making Palestinians the victims, when they willingly voted for a terrorist organization (Hamas) as their leader. And the leadership of the Palestinian Authority isn’t any better with Abbas refusing to hold elections. First, acknowledge that these people are terrorists, determined to destroying Israel and then bitch about checkpoints and military presence.
And sorry, but anyone claiming that Israel’s “goal” has always been taking over the region, is an antisemite and brainwashed by lies and misinformation about Israel’s actions. Vilifying and demonizing Israel while victimizing Palestinians is 100% antisemitic, it’s unrealistic and biased.
SallyMae wrote: Wed Jun 14, 2023 12:58 pm I think you could acknowledge that they lost a lot. Narnia, really? Tell me it's like Narnia when you can introduce me to people who actually grew up in Narnia and now can't go back to their homes.

Point is, there are two sides to this issue, and legitimate concerns for both. It's not "anti-Semitic" to examine both sides, or to find Israel wanting in some regards. Plenty of people are perfectly capable of being ok with the existence of Israel AND questioning if this is the best they could be doing.

Momto2boys973 wrote: Sun Jun 11, 2023 6:12 pm It’s still their territory and if conditions are inferior, that’s because the Palestinian Authority is an authoritarian dictatorship. Why aren’t you speaking against that? Both Mahmoud Abbas and Hamas use and abuse the Palestinian citizens in their attempts to destroy the State of Israel. But yeah, Israel is the villain here…
And sorry, but Israel has no responsibility for these areas, as they are under their own rule. Israel’s responsibility is to its citizens, which is why security checkpoints and military presence needs to be in place. Israel is often the victim of terrorists from these areas, so are you seriously saying it shouldn’t protect its territories? Sorry, you don’t want checkpoints or being observed? Then don’t be a freaking terrorist! If they would just concentrate on building their country instead of being obsessed with erasing Israel from the map, they would be left alone and there would be peace.

Re: New York law aims to stop funding of illegal Israeli settlements in West Bank

Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2023 6:47 pm
by Quorra2.0
1.) Many ideologies in their purity on paper are pretty altruistic but purity is never maintained when implemented, humans corrupt ideologies. Zionism became complicated when some Zionist militants proclaimed themselves terrorists. Zionism became complicated when the actions of some Zionist militants did not reflect any altruistic ideology. Zionism became complicated when these same groups were absorbed into the IDF. Zionism became complicated when supporters of and participants in these actions were elected into positions of power. Zionism continues to be complicated when Israeli publications identify the people who commit hate crimes against Arab Israelis for being Arab as Zionists. Antisemitics may have demonized the term, people may not know the definition, BUT the actions of some Zionists have corrupt the term and the support they have publicly received, only further complicates it.

2.) a: Maybe it is because I am not Jewish or because I am in the US, but most my life all I have heard is 90% pro Israel propaganda. Whether propaganda or antisemitism influences the UN, I am not a member, I don't personally know the representatives, BUT most the resolutions are only reworded resolutions that have been repeatedly issued time and time again. All of them citing things agreed upon 60 and 80 years ago in which repeatedly the UN reports has not been complied with. Yeah, if someone agrees to something then repeatedly disregards that agreement and its a continued humanitarian issue, Id keep calling them out on it. I DO have an issue that China is not called out more and issues ignored. It is too much like every country in the UN is afraid to offend China. b: While having a Pride parade that's unparalleled in the Middle and Near East is a wonderful feat, one doesn't negate the other. Arabs elected to the Knesset only are a reflected representation of 1/10th the Arab recognized population which is only 1/5 of the overall Arab population in Israel. For all the claims of peace and equal rights too many policies do not reflect this including voter rights and citizenship. Israel is a very young country, the US isn't all that much older, but there are some definite parallels in how we have treated certain groups(not necessarily the same groups).

3.) No, the US doesn't do anything unless it benefits the US. Neither does Israel or most countries for that matter. Look at World War II, all the atrocities yet we didn't officially enter until after the US was directly effected. Look at the Bush administration, would Bush have slapped Israel on the hand for violating sanctions against South Africa if the US wasn't linked in any way to what was being sent to South Africa? Plus, Bush utilized it for negotiations that got him credit for resolving some Middle East conflict.

4.) I can not say that as I am not privy to that information. Its.a possibility, but no one has issued a report with supporting evidence that this is occurring and highly doubtful with all of the US's pro Israel policies. Sorry, but no, one singular state bill that doesn't even prohibit donations to Israel just prohibits taking state tax deductions for denotation to certain organizations vs the numerous federal policies and bills that are pro Israel is not green lighting anything.

5.) You are alienating people who are not antisemitic by calling them antisemitic because they don't agree that Israel is above all and should be on a pedestal. Israel's expansion and adding to what is classified as antisemitic has become so ridiculously expanded that unless you are very pro Israel you are antisemitic, any questioning or disagreement with the policies and practices of the government that could be considered compassion for Palestinians is antisemitic. Israel is, with this insistence of how antisemitism is defined, placing themselves on a pedestal and if you, don't like it, you must be antisemitic. Maybe that isn't how you see it, but that is the impression Israel is giving and certain statements from the ADL have boarderline comes across.

Momto2boys973 wrote: Fri Jun 09, 2023 7:17 pm Going point by point

1) “Zionism” can indeed be complicated when you don’t know what it actually means. As I said, the term has been demonized in order to pass antisemitism as more acceptable. Don’t say “Jews”, say “Zionists”. Many self proclaimed “anti Zionists” when confronted with the actual definition, they realize they’re not anti Zionist at all. Zionism means the right of Jews to self determination in their ancestral home. It doesn’t mean they’re exclusively in that land. And that’s why not only Jews, but Muslims, Christians, Druzes and Jews coexist peacefully within Israel. All of them having equal rights.

2) I’m sorry, but propaganda is at least 90% against Israel. I have never claimed that Israel can do no wrong, But I do say and stand behind it, that Israel’s wrongs are inflated in mainstream media to the point that Israel seems to be hold to a different standard than any other country. Last year, the UN passed more resolutions against Israel than against all other countries combined!! Do you really think that’s fair and based on facts? I mean, today in Tel Aviv there’s a Pride parade that’s unparalleled in the Middle East- where for the most part, being gay is either punished with prison or death. It’s so free and equal that there are Arab political parties, some with the platform that Israel shouldn’t exist. And with enough votes, they have seat in the Knesset. But yeah. Israel is worst that Russia…

3) You’re opposed to the US sending money to Israel? Do you really think this is “charity” money? I actually agree with you. Stop sending money to Israel- and stop reaping the benefits. America doesn’t send money to Israel out of goodness. It sends money to Israel as an investment in national security and military advantage. Are you aware that the US has access to Iron Dome technology because of their investment? Or to any other Israeli research? Not to mention intelligence from the Mossad in stopping terrorist attacks?

4) yes, there are already laws against dealing with terrorists. But can you honestly say eyes haven’t looked the other way when talking about Palestinians? They elected a terrorist organization as their leaders and yet, they’re still seen as victims of evil Israel. So when you draft a law targeting Israel for its “crimes” and ignore that Gaza is being controlled by a known terrorist organization, one who claims in its charter that Israel must be eliminated, then sorry, that’s one sided and therefore means a hostility towards Israel that cannot be due to anything else but the fact that it’s the home of Jewish people.

And lastly 5) Seriously? We’re going to alienate antisemites by calling them antisemites? 😂😂. They’re still are what they are. They will never be allies. They will always be about self interest, which is what politics is ultimately about. In the end, even if antisemitic, they’ll do what’s to their benefit. And that’s why many Arab countries have chosen to acknowledge Israel and engage in diplomatic relationships.
Quorra2.0 wrote: Fri Jun 09, 2023 4:25 pm No, sadly you did not misunderstand. Most Christians I know wouldn't say that to your face because frankly they have never thought it or even thought about it. Though when I had asked was many years ago, I had the lasting impression that I asked something none of the people I asked had ever thought about or considered. I had nightmares for weeks and wanted to hide all Jews around the world from G-d. It was so bad my parents took me to a child psychologist. That was when I was first diagnosed as having OCD.

Not all people who claim to be allies of Israel, of zionism, of Jews are. Some are actually antisemitic and not all people who are against the Israeli government and even against zionism are antisemitic. Zionism is more complicated for some people. We aren't talking about land that is just the ancestral land of Jews but of others as well. Some do not feel anyone has the right to say one group has more right than another.

Propaganda isn't just from one side. I'll be blunt a lot of your responses when it comes to the topic of Israel sounds like propaganda. Israel as a Jewish Nation, is always the victim, does no wrong, always defending themselves. That does come across as placing a nation on a pedestal. Israeli government has repeatedly denounced OHCHR, saying antisemitism and biases, without actually providing any evidence. OHCHR hasn't held Israel to any standard they do not hold every other nation too. The Israeli government is coming across to a more and more people globally as expecting to be placed on a pedestal, not questioned, not criticized and any negative perception is called antisemitism or believing propaganda.

I am opposed to the US sending billions of dollars to Israel. It has nothing to do with antisemitism. I am opposed to the US sending billions of dollars to any nation. You are supposed to secure your own oxygen mask before securing those who need help around you. Im not opposing to helping nations, just billions? When we have children and elderly going hungry and/or homeless? That's not being fiscally conservative.

I never automatically believe allegations, I have researched and I do agree with OHCHR. I have extensively researched without biases and frankly too many innocent people have been harmed in a tug of war for over 80 years created by another nation for their own agenda.

You asked why this bill specifies instead of both sides? Because we already have laws that prevent organizations from legally supporting terrorists which the US already recognizes the Hamas as being. It seems like there is a loophole that this bill is trying to close, maybe it needs to be worded differently, I haven't done the research to see if it is being used by others or how it could be best worded that doesn't seem exclusive without it just being a repeat of already existing laws. Im not sure anyone is automatically assuming about Israel, Haaretz has been reporting on this for years including that funds have gone to supporting accused and convicted terrorists because of a loophole that doesn't recognize the organizations as funding terrorists. Its not even preventing them from donating, just from taking a tax deduction from the donation. Assuming antisemitism is as harmful as antisemitism. You, general, are going to alienate allies if you keep telling them they are antisemitic for seeing biases and discriminations toward the "other side" that you can not see, for calling out human rights violations and questioning what is seen as human rights violations.

Momto2boys973 wrote: Tue Jun 06, 2023 8:27 pm I’ve never read the NT, TBH. I’ve had some experiences with born again Christians on CM and it was always how I was going to hell because I haven’t accepted Jesus as my savior. So I’m not sure how they reconcile the 2 ideas, but from what some of them told me we were G-d’s children, but because we didn’t accept Jesus as a savior, we lost His favor, unless we do that at some point. So no we’re kind of the means to an end, something like that. We have to keep the land to bring forth the Second Coming, but once that happens, we’re doomed.
Maybe I misunderstood, I don’t know.

Re: New York law aims to stop funding of illegal Israeli settlements in West Bank

Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2023 7:45 pm
by Momto2boys973
Damn… all I can say is wow”. But a good example of why the fight against antisemitism should include the fight against anti Zionism.
Quorra2.0 wrote: Fri Jun 16, 2023 6:47 pm 1.) Many ideologies in their purity on paper are pretty altruistic but purity is never maintained when implemented, humans corrupt ideologies. Zionism became complicated when some Zionist militants proclaimed themselves terrorists. Zionism became complicated when the actions of some Zionist militants did not reflect any altruistic ideology. Zionism became complicated when these same groups were absorbed into the IDF. Zionism became complicated when supporters of and participants in these actions were elected into positions of power. Zionism continues to be complicated when Israeli publications identify the people who commit hate crimes against Arab Israelis for being Arab as Zionists. Antisemitics may have demonized the term, people may not know the definition, BUT the actions of some Zionists have corrupt the term and the support they have publicly received, only further complicates it.

2.) a: Maybe it is because I am not Jewish or because I am in the US, but most my life all I have heard is 90% pro Israel propaganda. Whether propaganda or antisemitism influences the UN, I am not a member, I don't personally know the representatives, BUT most the resolutions are only reworded resolutions that have been repeatedly issued time and time again. All of them citing things agreed upon 60 and 80 years ago in which repeatedly the UN reports has not been complied with. Yeah, if someone agrees to something then repeatedly disregards that agreement and its a continued humanitarian issue, Id keep calling them out on it. I DO have an issue that China is not called out more and issues ignored. It is too much like every country in the UN is afraid to offend China. b: While having a Pride parade that's unparalleled in the Middle and Near East is a wonderful feat, one doesn't negate the other. Arabs elected to the Knesset only are a reflected representation of 1/10th the Arab recognized population which is only 1/5 of the overall Arab population in Israel. For all the claims of peace and equal rights too many policies do not reflect this including voter rights and citizenship. Israel is a very young country, the US isn't all that much older, but there are some definite parallels in how we have treated certain groups(not necessarily the same groups).

3.) No, the US doesn't do anything unless it benefits the US. Neither does Israel or most countries for that matter. Look at World War II, all the atrocities yet we didn't officially enter until after the US was directly effected. Look at the Bush administration, would Bush have slapped Israel on the hand for violating sanctions against South Africa if the US wasn't linked in any way to what was being sent to South Africa? Plus, Bush utilized it for negotiations that got him credit for resolving some Middle East conflict.

4.) I can not say that as I am not privy to that information. Its.a possibility, but no one has issued a report with supporting evidence that this is occurring and highly doubtful with all of the US's pro Israel policies. Sorry, but no, one singular state bill that doesn't even prohibit donations to Israel just prohibits taking state tax deductions for denotation to certain organizations vs the numerous federal policies and bills that are pro Israel is not green lighting anything.

5.) You are alienating people who are not antisemitic by calling them antisemitic because they don't agree that Israel is above all and should be on a pedestal. Israel's expansion and adding to what is classified as antisemitic has become so ridiculously expanded that unless you are very pro Israel you are antisemitic, any questioning or disagreement with the policies and practices of the government that could be considered compassion for Palestinians is antisemitic. Israel is, with this insistence of how antisemitism is defined, placing themselves on a pedestal and if you, don't like it, you must be antisemitic. Maybe that isn't how you see it, but that is the impression Israel is giving and certain statements from the ADL have boarderline comes across.

Momto2boys973 wrote: Fri Jun 09, 2023 7:17 pm Going point by point

1) “Zionism” can indeed be complicated when you don’t know what it actually means. As I said, the term has been demonized in order to pass antisemitism as more acceptable. Don’t say “Jews”, say “Zionists”. Many self proclaimed “anti Zionists” when confronted with the actual definition, they realize they’re not anti Zionist at all. Zionism means the right of Jews to self determination in their ancestral home. It doesn’t mean they’re exclusively in that land. And that’s why not only Jews, but Muslims, Christians, Druzes and Jews coexist peacefully within Israel. All of them having equal rights.

2) I’m sorry, but propaganda is at least 90% against Israel. I have never claimed that Israel can do no wrong, But I do say and stand behind it, that Israel’s wrongs are inflated in mainstream media to the point that Israel seems to be hold to a different standard than any other country. Last year, the UN passed more resolutions against Israel than against all other countries combined!! Do you really think that’s fair and based on facts? I mean, today in Tel Aviv there’s a Pride parade that’s unparalleled in the Middle East- where for the most part, being gay is either punished with prison or death. It’s so free and equal that there are Arab political parties, some with the platform that Israel shouldn’t exist. And with enough votes, they have seat in the Knesset. But yeah. Israel is worst that Russia…

3) You’re opposed to the US sending money to Israel? Do you really think this is “charity” money? I actually agree with you. Stop sending money to Israel- and stop reaping the benefits. America doesn’t send money to Israel out of goodness. It sends money to Israel as an investment in national security and military advantage. Are you aware that the US has access to Iron Dome technology because of their investment? Or to any other Israeli research? Not to mention intelligence from the Mossad in stopping terrorist attacks?

4) yes, there are already laws against dealing with terrorists. But can you honestly say eyes haven’t looked the other way when talking about Palestinians? They elected a terrorist organization as their leaders and yet, they’re still seen as victims of evil Israel. So when you draft a law targeting Israel for its “crimes” and ignore that Gaza is being controlled by a known terrorist organization, one who claims in its charter that Israel must be eliminated, then sorry, that’s one sided and therefore means a hostility towards Israel that cannot be due to anything else but the fact that it’s the home of Jewish people.

And lastly 5) Seriously? We’re going to alienate antisemites by calling them antisemites? 😂😂. They’re still are what they are. They will never be allies. They will always be about self interest, which is what politics is ultimately about. In the end, even if antisemitic, they’ll do what’s to their benefit. And that’s why many Arab countries have chosen to acknowledge Israel and engage in diplomatic relationships.
Quorra2.0 wrote: Fri Jun 09, 2023 4:25 pm No, sadly you did not misunderstand. Most Christians I know wouldn't say that to your face because frankly they have never thought it or even thought about it. Though when I had asked was many years ago, I had the lasting impression that I asked something none of the people I asked had ever thought about or considered. I had nightmares for weeks and wanted to hide all Jews around the world from G-d. It was so bad my parents took me to a child psychologist. That was when I was first diagnosed as having OCD.

Not all people who claim to be allies of Israel, of zionism, of Jews are. Some are actually antisemitic and not all people who are against the Israeli government and even against zionism are antisemitic. Zionism is more complicated for some people. We aren't talking about land that is just the ancestral land of Jews but of others as well. Some do not feel anyone has the right to say one group has more right than another.

Propaganda isn't just from one side. I'll be blunt a lot of your responses when it comes to the topic of Israel sounds like propaganda. Israel as a Jewish Nation, is always the victim, does no wrong, always defending themselves. That does come across as placing a nation on a pedestal. Israeli government has repeatedly denounced OHCHR, saying antisemitism and biases, without actually providing any evidence. OHCHR hasn't held Israel to any standard they do not hold every other nation too. The Israeli government is coming across to a more and more people globally as expecting to be placed on a pedestal, not questioned, not criticized and any negative perception is called antisemitism or believing propaganda.

I am opposed to the US sending billions of dollars to Israel. It has nothing to do with antisemitism. I am opposed to the US sending billions of dollars to any nation. You are supposed to secure your own oxygen mask before securing those who need help around you. Im not opposing to helping nations, just billions? When we have children and elderly going hungry and/or homeless? That's not being fiscally conservative.

I never automatically believe allegations, I have researched and I do agree with OHCHR. I have extensively researched without biases and frankly too many innocent people have been harmed in a tug of war for over 80 years created by another nation for their own agenda.

You asked why this bill specifies instead of both sides? Because we already have laws that prevent organizations from legally supporting terrorists which the US already recognizes the Hamas as being. It seems like there is a loophole that this bill is trying to close, maybe it needs to be worded differently, I haven't done the research to see if it is being used by others or how it could be best worded that doesn't seem exclusive without it just being a repeat of already existing laws. Im not sure anyone is automatically assuming about Israel, Haaretz has been reporting on this for years including that funds have gone to supporting accused and convicted terrorists because of a loophole that doesn't recognize the organizations as funding terrorists. Its not even preventing them from donating, just from taking a tax deduction from the donation. Assuming antisemitism is as harmful as antisemitism. You, general, are going to alienate allies if you keep telling them they are antisemitic for seeing biases and discriminations toward the "other side" that you can not see, for calling out human rights violations and questioning what is seen as human rights violations.

Re: Re:

Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2023 7:52 pm
by SallyMae
First of all, no one said it was Palestine (as a country), and that doesn't matter. Hundreds of thousands of people were displaced and can't go back to their homes. They lost a lot, no matter what it was called.

Secondly, they are not ALL terrorists and collective punishment is wrong.

Momto2boys973 wrote: Fri Jun 16, 2023 5:10 pm Then introduce me to people who have grown up in Palestine (as a country) and can’t go back to their homes. Because that’s also a fantasy. “Palestine” as a country didn’t exist until 1988-when it declared its independence and it wasn’t until 2012 that it was granted observer status in the UN. The Arab Palestinians lost a lot? Yeah. But that because they wanted it all and called on their buddies for help and it didn’t quite work as they hoped. If they had just accepted the partition and create their country in that land, they could have a country of their own. Instead, they wanted those Jews out and called on other Arab countries to help out and they lost. That’s life. That’s consequences for your actions. They lost land in their ambition to have it all. Israel isn’t a “colonizer”, it never was. The initial Jewish settlers after the partition- whether Palestinian Jews that had to resettle themselves or immigrants- were happy with their lot, didn’t care about the Arab population creating their country. The ones wanting to colonize, and failed, were those Arabs in the Palestine región.

No, it’s not antisemitic to OBJECTIVELY and FACTUALLY look at the situation. It’s definitely antisemitic when you hold Israel to a different standard and make it the victimizer, while making Palestinians the victims, when they willingly voted for a terrorist organization (Hamas) as their leader. And the leadership of the Palestinian Authority isn’t any better with Abbas refusing to hold elections. First, acknowledge that these people are terrorists, determined to destroying Israel and then bitch about checkpoints and military presence.
And sorry, but anyone claiming that Israel’s “goal” has always been taking over the region, is an antisemite and brainwashed by lies and misinformation about Israel’s actions. Vilifying and demonizing Israel while victimizing Palestinians is 100% antisemitic, it’s unrealistic and biased.
SallyMae wrote: Wed Jun 14, 2023 12:58 pm I think you could acknowledge that they lost a lot. Narnia, really? Tell me it's like Narnia when you can introduce me to people who actually grew up in Narnia and now can't go back to their homes.

Point is, there are two sides to this issue, and legitimate concerns for both. It's not "anti-Semitic" to examine both sides, or to find Israel wanting in some regards. Plenty of people are perfectly capable of being ok with the existence of Israel AND questioning if this is the best they could be doing.

Momto2boys973 wrote: Sun Jun 11, 2023 6:12 pm It’s still their territory and if conditions are inferior, that’s because the Palestinian Authority is an authoritarian dictatorship. Why aren’t you speaking against that? Both Mahmoud Abbas and Hamas use and abuse the Palestinian citizens in their attempts to destroy the State of Israel. But yeah, Israel is the villain here…
And sorry, but Israel has no responsibility for these areas, as they are under their own rule. Israel’s responsibility is to its citizens, which is why security checkpoints and military presence needs to be in place. Israel is often the victim of terrorists from these areas, so are you seriously saying it shouldn’t protect its territories? Sorry, you don’t want checkpoints or being observed? Then don’t be a freaking terrorist! If they would just concentrate on building their country instead of being obsessed with erasing Israel from the map, they would be left alone and there would be peace.

Re: Re:

Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2023 8:17 pm
by Momto2boys973
Hundreds of thousands of people were displaced from BOTH sides. Palestinian Jews living in what was given as Arab land also had to leave their homes. But you’re not upset about that displacement, are you? And he whole “they can’t go back to their homes” thing is just propaganda. It puts the image in your head that someone took your home and you’re out there yearning in the rain. That’s a dramatization of reality. There are 167 Arab Palestinian settlements in the West Bank. Plus the Gaza Strip. So yeah, they may not be able to come back to the home they lost through their actions, just as Mexicans aren’t allowed to come back to Texas, Arizona or New Mexico after that land was lost to the US. But they still have a place to call their own. They just don’t want to. They want those evil Jews to be gone and no more Israel.
And no, they’re not all terrorists, and it’s not collective “punishment”. But when Israel faces constant terrorist attacks from these areas, are you really saying that they shouldn’t have some measures to prevent those? They shouldn’t have a right to protect their borders? My husband and kids aren’t drug dealers or wish to reside in the US illegally, they still have to go through a process when they enter America, including having a valid visa. A process that was set in place because of those who seek to enter America illegally. At no point they have felt this is “collective punishment”.

Oh, and as there was no “Palestine”, it’s not far fetched to compare it with another fictional land, is it?
SallyMae wrote: Fri Jun 16, 2023 7:52 pm First of all, no one said it was Palestine (as a country), and that doesn't matter. Hundreds of thousands of people were displaced and can't go back to their homes. They lost a lot, no matter what it was called.

Secondly, they are not ALL terrorists and collective punishment is wrong.

Momto2boys973 wrote: Fri Jun 16, 2023 5:10 pm Then introduce me to people who have grown up in Palestine (as a country) and can’t go back to their homes. Because that’s also a fantasy. “Palestine” as a country didn’t exist until 1988-when it declared its independence and it wasn’t until 2012 that it was granted observer status in the UN. The Arab Palestinians lost a lot? Yeah. But that because they wanted it all and called on their buddies for help and it didn’t quite work as they hoped. If they had just accepted the partition and create their country in that land, they could have a country of their own. Instead, they wanted those Jews out and called on other Arab countries to help out and they lost. That’s life. That’s consequences for your actions. They lost land in their ambition to have it all. Israel isn’t a “colonizer”, it never was. The initial Jewish settlers after the partition- whether Palestinian Jews that had to resettle themselves or immigrants- were happy with their lot, didn’t care about the Arab population creating their country. The ones wanting to colonize, and failed, were those Arabs in the Palestine región.

No, it’s not antisemitic to OBJECTIVELY and FACTUALLY look at the situation. It’s definitely antisemitic when you hold Israel to a different standard and make it the victimizer, while making Palestinians the victims, when they willingly voted for a terrorist organization (Hamas) as their leader. And the leadership of the Palestinian Authority isn’t any better with Abbas refusing to hold elections. First, acknowledge that these people are terrorists, determined to destroying Israel and then bitch about checkpoints and military presence.
And sorry, but anyone claiming that Israel’s “goal” has always been taking over the region, is an antisemite and brainwashed by lies and misinformation about Israel’s actions. Vilifying and demonizing Israel while victimizing Palestinians is 100% antisemitic, it’s unrealistic and biased.
SallyMae wrote: Wed Jun 14, 2023 12:58 pm I think you could acknowledge that they lost a lot. Narnia, really? Tell me it's like Narnia when you can introduce me to people who actually grew up in Narnia and now can't go back to their homes.

Point is, there are two sides to this issue, and legitimate concerns for both. It's not "anti-Semitic" to examine both sides, or to find Israel wanting in some regards. Plenty of people are perfectly capable of being ok with the existence of Israel AND questioning if this is the best they could be doing.