YMCA bans grandma after she demanded transgender staff member leave women's locker room

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Pixieprincess wrote: Mon Aug 08, 2022 1:49 pm
BobCobbMagob wrote: Mon Aug 08, 2022 1:15 pm
Pixieprincess wrote: Mon Aug 08, 2022 1:10 pm

My 11-year-old needs help to zip a dress or unzip a dress or sometimes to tie or untie her bathing suit because her arms don't reach like that. I also as an adult have difficulty unzipping and zipping a dress on my own. To think it's not possible to need help is delusional.
Life tip-

Tie the bathing suit top, then put your arms through.
Yep and I taught her that but sometimes she still needs a little help. It's not unheard of. I don't need life tips from you though, you can keep those to yourself.
Bathing suits don’t always stay tied well either when you put it back on. I’ve still needed help too.
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BobCobbMagob wrote: Mon Aug 08, 2022 10:39 am
Pjmm wrote: Mon Aug 08, 2022 10:34 am
BobCobbMagob wrote: Mon Aug 08, 2022 9:09 am

Yeah… and they made all these rules because kids were getting molested left and right by the scouts.
There’s no reason to watch kids going to the bathroom, flushing or washing their hands.

Just ask them when they get out if they washed their hands…
There might be occasion where an adult may have to help a child. Hell I nearly panicked once because I was alone and couldn’t get out of a damned wetsuit. I had to somehow jam the back of it on my bed frame to pull it off. Now a bathing suit isn’t the same. But I could see a girl getting her suit ties into a knot and needing it undone. It’s happened to me. Again, two adult supervision would solve any accusations. But apparently the Y doesn’t have that rule. So it’s whatever. But Grandma assumed a lot here. People assume I’m a male when they talk to me on the phone. But I’m not.

If they need help , they must be under like five years old.

How old are these girls in the article?
So age 5+ never needs help in a locker room? When my son was in first grade we hosted a swim party at a swim school for his birthday. A bunch of 6 and 7 year olds. First they all did swimming and then they went into the locker rooms to change into dry clothes for cake and presents. One of the girls came out and asked me to help her with the button and zipper on her skirt. She couldn't do it herself. So I did up her button and zipper. And in fact I believe DH and I each stepped into our respective locker rooms once or twice just to make sure the kids were staying on task. Unsupervised kids get off track and get distracted so easily. And yes, swim school staff were there and had zero problems with how anything was handled.

If you've never seen a 5+ kid need help at all in the bathroom or locker room then so be it, but I'd say your experience is not the norm. Especially considering some kids, like one of mine, didn't even fully potty train until age 5, so how are they supposed to have everything down instantly?
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Only a nutjob goes up to a complete stranger and asks them "Do you have a penis?"

The employee was minding her own business tending to the children in her care. Grandma should've minded her own business as well.
BobCobbMagob wrote: Mon Aug 08, 2022 11:19 am No, I’ve never needed help getting dressed or undressed.

The grandma was crazy too, but I still think it’s weird for an adult to be overseeing bathroom time unless they are extremely young children.

Plus, it’s not just that the person was in there she was naked too…

There were gaps in the curtain and there I was, naked, with soap and water on me, and this guy, right there very close to me. I asked, ‘Do you have a penis?’ He said, ‘That’s none of your business.’ That’s when I told him, ‘Get out of here, right now,'"

And she says she didn’t say what she was accused of saying.
employees' actions in their confrontation with Jaman, and that the 80-year-old woman told the transgender staff member "you’re going to stick your f---ing penis in those little girls," a statement Jaman denies making.

"I am an 80-year-old woman and I do not talk like that." Jaman told the Substack page
Pjmm wrote: Mon Aug 08, 2022 11:12 am
BobCobbMagob wrote: Mon Aug 08, 2022 10:39 am

If they need help , they must be under like five years old.

How old are these girls in the article?
I don’t know. But you’ve never needed help as an adult putting on a necklace? Or said to your SO hey I got a knot in my bathing suit tie can you help me get it out? It really doesn’t bother me the kid needed help. She did for whatever reason so the teacher took care of it. In full view of others since Grandma saw it. Who else was going to? And what if the teacher herself needed the bathroom? Was she to wait outside and leave children unattended? What does bother me? The language Grandma used. Look it’s fine to worry about what’s going on. And all she had to do was go to the front desk and say excuse me but I think there’s a man in the girls bathroom. Can you make sure everything is on the up and up? I think you agree with that part. But it’s not right to accuse someone of molesting children without proof. And that’s what this woman did. It also wasn’t the first time. Play stupid games Won stupid prizes.
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BobCobbMagob wrote: Mon Aug 08, 2022 2:13 pm
Thelma Harper wrote: Mon Aug 08, 2022 2:04 pm
BobCobbMagob wrote: Mon Aug 08, 2022 2:01 pm

My kids are all teenagers and taller than I am now, but by five they went in by themselves.

Especially in school or summer camp… they didn’t need anyone supervising them.
You do you I guess.
It wasn’t even offered at any of my kids schools or summer camps lol. I mean, in kindergarten you wanted an adult to go into the bathroom with them to make sure they were doing what they were supposed to be doing? When does that end? First grade? Second grade? Third grade?
There is a difference between a five year old going to a school bathroom and a public restroom. And wet bathing suits, especially one-piece ones are a PIA to pull up at any age.

ETA: We weren't living in US when my daughter was little and she always just wore bottoms swimming (whole other post I know!). We came back to visit the in-laws and my then 7 year old daughter wore a one piece at their community pool. She went to the bathroom by herself and emerged later stark naked with her swimsuit in hand 'cause she "couldn't deal with it", lol.
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Pixieprincess wrote: Mon Aug 08, 2022 2:50 pm
Thelma Harper wrote: Mon Aug 08, 2022 2:38 pm
BobCobbMagob wrote: Mon Aug 08, 2022 2:13 pm

It wasn’t even offered at any of my kids schools or summer camps lol. I mean, in kindergarten you wanted an adult to go into the bathroom with them to make sure they were doing what they were supposed to be doing? When does that end? First grade? Second grade? Third grade?
It's been structured like that in schools here since I was in school. The teacher's escorted the kids to the bathrooms until around third grade. Same with my five children.
Exactly. All elementary school classes have a bathroom break on the way to their specials(music art pe etc) and on the way to and from lunch. The teacher stands outside of the bathroom and waits. They also had a private one person bathroom in all prek-2nd grade classes for when kids need to go during class. 3rd-5th go to the big bathroom in the hall with a hall pass and have a certain amount of time.
Same here.

But I'm still the winner! They lied! They cheated! They stole the election!
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