New York law aims to stop funding of illegal Israeli settlements in West Bank

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Of course the Balfour Declaration caused tension, it went against the agreement Britain had already made in the McMahon Hussein Correspondence. Before Palestine was a “region ruled by Britain” it was part of the Ottoman Empire. In fact, the Ottoman Empire probably wouldn’t have been partitioned if it hadn’t been for the Arab revolt which Britain encouraged, promising recognition of independence and along with the regions of Palestine, Syria, and Lebanon. The Balfour Declaration and the Sykes-Picot agreement was literally reneging on promises made if the Arabs revolted against the Ottoman Empire. Common sense is that promising the same land to two groups of people is going to cause conflict.

NO organization that donates to ANY entity that violate human rights or promotes hate should be able to gain tax deductions on the human suffering they contribute to. The accusations SHOULD be investigated. No Nation should be placed on a pedestal, not the US, not Britain, not France, not Germany, not Spain, not Israel. Human rights are inalienable. There is not a person on this planet who has a right to say which humans should have these rights and which ones shouldn’t.
Momto2boys973 wrote: Thu Jun 01, 2023 5:28 pm Oh, of course there’s sources of false information, like with every part of history. In the extensive research I made for my thesis I never encountered one single legitimate source that stated that Israel attacked first.
Now, there had been tensions between Jewish and Arab Palestinians for decades, since the Balfour Declaration. So yes, it’s difficult to know who cast the very first stone of conflict. But for the actual war, it wasn’t Israel, history is clear that the day after Israel declared its independence, a coalition of Arab states invaded the newly formed country. That was the first act of official aggression, not individual conflicts between citizens of the region of Palestine.
And, I’m sorry, but you’re absolutely wrong in saying that they’re both EQUALLY to blame and I have given you plenty of facts to show that this isn’t true. Obviously you have gotten your information from very biased sources. But it’s equally obvious that you don’t want to know better, I don’t know why you prefer to remain misinformed of the reality, maybe it’s just that you’re not the kind of person that can accept easily to being wrong and don’t want to face that possibility 🤷‍♀️ Because unlike the OP, I don’t think your motivation is antisemitism because you’re not singling out Israel. You’re simply not understanding that it’s not equal, not even close in terms of atrocities, hatred and crimes.
Anyway, as I said before, I’ve been fighting antisemitism and anti Israel lies for long and I know a lost cause amongst the well intentioned, but misinformed. So better leave it at that, I’ll simply respectfully but 100% disagree with your assessment of the situation and move on. It’s OK, no I’ll feelings or anything!
Baconqueen13 wrote: Thu Jun 01, 2023 5:11 pm
Momto2boys973 wrote: Thu Jun 01, 2023 4:53 pm No, not bullshit. It’s history, do some learning. Palestine wasn’t a country. It was a region under British rule. Galicia is a region in Spain, it doesn’t make it an independent country. And I’m not the one making up a date. It’s a fact, even in Palestine, that it declared its independence November 15, 1988. So where’s the bullshit about that?
It’s a downright lie that Israel was formed by a bunch of Europeans that arrived after 1948 to take away the land of those poor Palestinians. Jews were living in what was then the British Mandate of Palestine since ancient times. There were “Palestinian” Jews as well because they were born and lived in the region known as Palestine. But they were under British rule. Just as the people of Galicia are called “Gallegos”, but are Spanish subjects.
The war of 1948 shouldn’t have happened, and if it had been up for the Jewish settlers it wouldn’t have happened. Israel declared its Independence on May 14, 1948 and the next day a coalition of Arab States launched an attack on Israel to destroy it. Yes, Israel retained control of the land given to it after the partition and acquired control of other areas. If the Palestinian Arabs had declared their independence back then in their land, there wouldn’t have been a problem. But they preferred to try to destroy the Jewish side of the partition. But hey, don’t go into a war if you’re not prepared to face the consequences 🤷‍♀️. Capturing territory by war is a legitimate way of acquiring land. Or are you suggesting the US should give Mexico all the land it acquired as a result of the Mexican American War?
And again, why is there a Palestinian state in Gaza right now? Because Israel gave up that land. And try researching a bit about “peace for land” and how many times Israel offered to give up land in exchange for peace and it was rejected. In 1967 it offered to give up the Sinai and the Golan areas, only to have the response from the Arab states be “no peace with Israel, no recognition of Israel, no negotiations with it”.
And even Netanyahu, that apparently evil villain said so himself: “If the Arabs lay down their arms there will be no more war, but if Israel lays down its weapons there would be no more Israel.” True words, who has broken every single ceasefire? Hamas.
War is never pretty and sometimes wrongs are committed. But educate yourself a bit more and you’ll realize that this war is quite a bit more one sided than you think.Then maybe we can debate some of these horrible genocide crimes that you claim Israel has done in more detail.

History states that Israel attacked first in a "pre-emptive" strike. Not really the same as Israel being a poor defenseless victim that happened to overcome. Look we can go on and on about who shot first, who attacked when, but at the end of the day Israel is just as guilty as it's neighboring Arab countries of inciting violence and committing atrocities on the other and Zionism is no different than extreme nationalism exhibited by Germany in the 1930's and 40's and only serves to further perpetuate the violence.
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And that’s why this bill has been deemed antisemitic by a lot of people. Yeah, don’t put any country on a pedestal, but then also don’t drag a country through the mud just out of hatred for their identity. As you said, accusations should be investigated, but when it comes to Israel, they’re always automatically believed. Like the whole “Israel is an Apartheid state” is totally false and yet used by many to deligitimize, demonize and vilify Israel. Like this bill and those who support it are doing.
The second reason why it’s obviously antisemitic is that it singles out Israel while saying nothing about donation money being sent to Palestine to be turned by Hamas into rockets and acquire weapons. The PIJ recently launched over 1400 rockets into civilian areas of Israel and the media mentioned it here and there, no biggie. It’s also well known that Hamas uses its own population as human shields to up the civilian casualties when Israel has no choice but to protect itself. So why doesn’t the bill call for no charity money for BOTH sides then?
Furthermore, New York adopted the IHRA definition of antisemitism, which states that it’s antisemitic “Denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination, e.g., by claiming that the existence of a State of Israel is a racist endeavor. Applying double standards by requiring of it a behavior not expected or demanded of any other democratic nation.” ... tisemitism

This law violates that.
Quorra2.0 wrote: Sun Jun 04, 2023 1:37 am Of course the Balfour Declaration caused tension, it went against the agreement Britain had already made in the McMahon Hussein Correspondence. Before Palestine was a “region ruled by Britain” it was part of the Ottoman Empire. In fact, the Ottoman Empire probably wouldn’t have been partitioned if it hadn’t been for the Arab revolt which Britain encouraged, promising recognition of independence and along with the regions of Palestine, Syria, and Lebanon. The Balfour Declaration and the Sykes-Picot agreement was literally reneging on promises made if the Arabs revolted against the Ottoman Empire. Common sense is that promising the same land to two groups of people is going to cause conflict.

NO organization that donates to ANY entity that violate human rights or promotes hate should be able to gain tax deductions on the human suffering they contribute to. The accusations SHOULD be investigated. No Nation should be placed on a pedestal, not the US, not Britain, not France, not Germany, not Spain, not Israel. Human rights are inalienable. There is not a person on this planet who has a right to say which humans should have these rights and which ones shouldn’t.
Momto2boys973 wrote: Thu Jun 01, 2023 5:28 pm Oh, of course there’s sources of false information, like with every part of history. In the extensive research I made for my thesis I never encountered one single legitimate source that stated that Israel attacked first.
Now, there had been tensions between Jewish and Arab Palestinians for decades, since the Balfour Declaration. So yes, it’s difficult to know who cast the very first stone of conflict. But for the actual war, it wasn’t Israel, history is clear that the day after Israel declared its independence, a coalition of Arab states invaded the newly formed country. That was the first act of official aggression, not individual conflicts between citizens of the region of Palestine.
And, I’m sorry, but you’re absolutely wrong in saying that they’re both EQUALLY to blame and I have given you plenty of facts to show that this isn’t true. Obviously you have gotten your information from very biased sources. But it’s equally obvious that you don’t want to know better, I don’t know why you prefer to remain misinformed of the reality, maybe it’s just that you’re not the kind of person that can accept easily to being wrong and don’t want to face that possibility 🤷‍♀️ Because unlike the OP, I don’t think your motivation is antisemitism because you’re not singling out Israel. You’re simply not understanding that it’s not equal, not even close in terms of atrocities, hatred and crimes.
Anyway, as I said before, I’ve been fighting antisemitism and anti Israel lies for long and I know a lost cause amongst the well intentioned, but misinformed. So better leave it at that, I’ll simply respectfully but 100% disagree with your assessment of the situation and move on. It’s OK, no I’ll feelings or anything!
Baconqueen13 wrote: Thu Jun 01, 2023 5:11 pm

History states that Israel attacked first in a "pre-emptive" strike. Not really the same as Israel being a poor defenseless victim that happened to overcome. Look we can go on and on about who shot first, who attacked when, but at the end of the day Israel is just as guilty as it's neighboring Arab countries of inciting violence and committing atrocities on the other and Zionism is no different than extreme nationalism exhibited by Germany in the 1930's and 40's and only serves to further perpetuate the violence.
❤️🇮🇱 עמ׳ ישראל חי 🇮🇱❤️
Bring Them Home
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“One of the growing dangers emerging from the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is rampant misinformation on social media, in the news, and on college campuses. This guide clarifies the most common falsehoods about Israel making the rounds today.

“Why Allegations that Israel Is An 'Apartheid' State Are False under International Law”
❤️🇮🇱 עמ׳ ישראל חי 🇮🇱❤️
Bring Them Home
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"Unlike other countries in the Middle East, U.S. aid to Israel is almost exclusively military aid that functions kind of like “gift certificates.” The U.S. produces military equipment and gives money to other countries, like Israel, to use to purchase equipment from American manufacturers. This helps boost the U.S. economy, creates jobs and strengthens its military relationships with these countries." ... explained/

But I'm still the winner! They lied! They cheated! They stole the election!
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Interestingly enough, the Celebrate Israel Parade is going on right now in New York City. I’ve been watching it live, it’s been amazing! So many people, tens of thousands, it looks like. Including the Governor of New York and the Mayor of New York City. Wish I could’ve been there!
❤️🇮🇱 עמ׳ ישראל חי 🇮🇱❤️
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Momto2boys973 wrote: Sun Jun 04, 2023 2:25 pm Interestingly enough, the Celebrate Israel Parade is going on right now in New York City. I’ve been watching it live, it’s been amazing! So many people, tens of thousands, it looks like. Including the Governor of New York and the Mayor of New York City. Wish I could’ve been there!
I think it's awesome too! Showing out against Netties far right wing government is always a good thing!

But I'm still the winner! They lied! They cheated! They stole the election!
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Actually, it was pretty apolitical. Groups that support the right wing marched along progressive groups. Orthodox Jews marched along with LGBQT groups. Israeli politicians came to join the March and members of Netanyahu’s government (yes, some came along) marched side by side with opposition members. It was reported that 18. Israeli lawmakers attended the parade.
The only people this was supposed to show at are Israel haters and antisemites. So I’m not sure why you think it was so awesome. It was a parade to celebrate Israel, not to show against Netanyahu. Some did and they were welcome along with those who support him, but mostly, politics was put behind.
Della wrote: Sun Jun 04, 2023 3:22 pm
Momto2boys973 wrote: Sun Jun 04, 2023 2:25 pm Interestingly enough, the Celebrate Israel Parade is going on right now in New York City. I’ve been watching it live, it’s been amazing! So many people, tens of thousands, it looks like. Including the Governor of New York and the Mayor of New York City. Wish I could’ve been there!
I think it's awesome too! Showing out against Netties far right wing government is always a good thing!
❤️🇮🇱 עמ׳ ישראל חי 🇮🇱❤️
Bring Them Home
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Since no one will ever agree on the history of who should have it… simple logistics of which nation is stronger is going to decide who wins.

And since it’s in the Bible that whoever doesn’t help out Israel is going to be cursed by God himself… all the Christian’s are going to help out.

There’s an inevitable here… it’s just unclear how long it’s going to take.
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Bobcobbagob wrote: Sun Jun 04, 2023 4:05 pm Since no one will ever agree on the history of who should have it… simple logistics of which nation is stronger is going to decide who wins.

And since it’s in the Bible that whoever doesn’t help out Israel is going to be cursed by God himself… all the Christian’s are going to help out.

There’s an inevitable here… it’s just unclear how long it’s going to take.
Look up Cyrus Scofield and John Nelson Darby and you'll find that's a fraud.

But I'm still the winner! They lied! They cheated! They stole the election!
Deleted User 2267

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Della wrote: Sun Jun 04, 2023 9:05 pm
Bobcobbagob wrote: Sun Jun 04, 2023 4:05 pm Since no one will ever agree on the history of who should have it… simple logistics of which nation is stronger is going to decide who wins.

And since it’s in the Bible that whoever doesn’t help out Israel is going to be cursed by God himself… all the Christian’s are going to help out.

There’s an inevitable here… it’s just unclear how long it’s going to take.
Look up Cyrus Scofield and John Nelson Darby and you'll find that's a fraud.
What’s a fraud?
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