Why am I the only one in the house that can do dishes the right way?

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Quorra2.0 wrote: Fri Jul 03, 2020 10:57 am She doesn’t have to do it the right way because you’ll do it the right way😂 I’ve learned that with Dh and the kids, if they don’t want to do something they’ll half ass it so I’ll just do it.

As far as my spouse, right now, everything. I keep threatening to run away from home.
Yep, lol... the kids learn that pretty quickly. 😂

DH hates doing the dishes... it is his one thing. He has been like that since 16. He will do them if need be but prefers not to. But he does everything else - laundry, cooking, cleaning, yard work - so I have no issue. I usually rinse them before putting them in the dishwasher out of habit, but the dishwasher does a pretty good job of cleaning.
Anonymous 2

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Now, I feel bad complaining about my dh not rinsing his plates before putting them into the dishwasher. lol
Traci_Momof2 wrote: Fri Jul 03, 2020 3:15 pm
Mamaof4 wrote: Fri Jul 03, 2020 10:49 am

What little things does your spouse do that drives you crazy?
Dribbles on the floor in front of the toilet. I'd gladly do the dishes every single time if I never had to deal with urine outside of the toilet bowl. Ugh.
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Grocery shopping! He buys too much of the same item or things nobody will ever eat. Things like Nutella and ice cream are a treat food not a staple that needs to be hoarded in huge quantities. I can only bake so much banana bread with all the bananas I end up freezing that nobody wants to eat. We don't eat a lot of processed foods but I open my freezer to find crap that I truly feel I should just chuck in the garbage. He doesn't eat it either so why does he buy it?! Just because "it's on sale", not a deal if it gets tossed out. Urghhhhhhh :x . That's one of my biggest issues with him these days. I appreciate the fact he does most of the shopping due to Covid I just with he'd follow my list and directions. Such a waste of money for all the crap he buys. So unhealthy too.
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mommy_jules wrote: Fri Jul 03, 2020 11:13 am My DH does the laundry. I hate the way he does it, but I bite my tongue. Otherwise he’d stop helping, so I’ve just got to lower my expectations. It’s clean and put away and I no longer have to hear he has no clean underwear, so I can deal with . It’s a trade off, really. He also likes to talk to me while I cook. I really dislike that, and yet after being married 10 years, he still does it.
I keep a separate pile for the laundry I don't want my dh to touch. He's shrunk too many items. He can wash the towels, jeans and other everyday items but keep away from my blouses sweaters and dressy clothes. The separate laundry pile has worked wonders, he can still be helpful but not ruin my clothes.
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The only think I can’t handle being around my husband doing is chopping onions. I have to leave the room because he makes me anxious when he’s chopping onions. I will gladly do all the prep work even if he offers to make dinner.
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I don't care how the dishes are done if someone else is doing them. Do the laundry while you are at it.
Dh complained about how I put his clothes away wrong. So I left them in baskets by his dresser. Four baskets later and he is wondering why he has no clean clothes. I did end up combining the baskets for him. I refuse to put away his clothes. I was doing him a favor after washing, drying and folding his clothes. I wouldn't care if someone put my socks on the wrong side of the drawer. I would be like ' thank you thank you for putting my clothes away for me.'
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My husband may not always do things my way but he works his butt off for us. I kid you not if I'm just plain lazy and don't do anything that day he comes home from work, gives me a kiss, tells me good i need to take time for myself sometimes, and gets to work on the mess. If I try to get up and help he makes me sit back down.
Its pretty rare I don't do anything all day but wow this man is amazing.
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How much time do you have? Lol jk Dh has a habit of stripping when he comes home from work, and leaves the clothes where they fall; by the computer, the sofa, bathroom, etc. It's a scavenger hunt to find his shit and toss it downstairs on laundry day. He also complains that he never has socks or underwear... I wonder why, genius.
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What kind of detergent do you use that you have to rinse your dishes before putting them in the dishwasher? Change the detergent and as long as the plates are scraped you're good.

If you insist on everyone doing things your way (aka the right way) you'll end up doing it all yourself.
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