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RIZZY1 wrote: Tue Sep 27, 2022 2:42 pm
highlandmum wrote: Tue Sep 27, 2022 2:40 pm
RIZZY1 wrote: Tue Sep 27, 2022 2:19 pm No, I'm too scared and have too much anxiety. My husband loves skydiving. He has done it 9 times and gets a video every time. He used to want to work towards being a skydiving instructor, or at least have enough hours to qualify to go without tandem. Now he says he wants to do one more and "retire" because he knows how much anxiety it gives me. I have obviously never and would never tell him he can't go skydiving. I also told my kids that they can go when they turn 18 but not before.

I know that statistically, skydiving is safer than driving which I do every single day. I just don't think I will ever get over the anxiety.
Do you not have the option of the courses to do a solo? Here you can take a AFF course and then you can jump under supervision of two instructors.
I don't actually remember what he said he needed to do to go solo. Maybe there's a course. I'm pretty sure you can also earn it by having a certain number of jumps within a certain time frame.
I am starting to think it could be because he wants to get his certificate. I did a tandem jump then took the basic solo jump course.
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Baconqueen13 wrote: Tue Sep 27, 2022 1:06 pm NOPE. Not a chance in hell. I've got this thing against hurling towards the ground at a high velocity with nothing more than some cloth to hopefully prevent my death but only if it deploys correctly.

Let's not even add that I can no longer handle riding roller coasters. I used to love them but as I've aged all they do is make me dizzy and churn my stomach. So even the idea of jumping out a plane makes me want to puke.
I had the same reaction to any type of rides after I had my oldest.

I would never go skydiving either. My luck the parachute wouldn't work lol.
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Inmybizz wrote: Tue Sep 27, 2022 1:44 pm Many years ago I planned to go with some of my friends.. on the way there we got into a car accident with an 18 wheeler(crushed the front of the car.) We cancelled and I’ve never thought about again. I did however do indoor skydiving.. it was good enough. 😀
Well if that wasn’t a sign! Hope everyone was ok.
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I haven't actually done it. It was on my bucket list when I was younger and I even looked into it a bit. A tandem jump sounded better than a solo jump for my first time but the place in my area that did those said that for a tandem jump you couldn't weigh more than 150lbs. I was 160 even before having kids so I didn't pursue it.

Then when I had kids I became more protective of my life for their sake and sky diving came off the list (along with other things such as storm chasing or motorcycle riding). But now that they are in high school, sky diving may go back on the list in the near future when they are on their own and taking care of themselves.

I have a friend who did a tandem jump once. He videoed the whole thing and shared the video with me. He actually passed out just for a moment when they first jumped but he said it was still an exhilarating experience and he was glad he did it.
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When we were little (under 5) my paternal grandfather and dad would take us to the local one runway airport. We’d watch the sky divers practice. At the time I was all in to try-my grandfather had his flying license and would take us up in a Piper Cub periodically. 5 yr old me loved it. 40 something me—no planes smaller than commercial jets and absolutely no sky diving.

I do hope you have fun!!!.
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Nope, nope, nope! Hurtling towards earth is not my cup of tea. Not to mention terrified of heights, and I don't fly.
Hope you guys have fun! Happy birthday!
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I would love to. I never have though
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Dh has. He went for his 18th and has gone several times since. I have no interest in jumping out of a perfectly good airplane.

Coincidentally though, Dh won’t go on some rides that I have no issue going on at amusement parks. Dd and I did a slingshot one that was a blast. 🤣
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I haven't, but I want to!

My dad had a bucket list that he completed before he died. Skydiving was the last thing on his list and he was 84 when he went. He died three months later.
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I used to want to, but I've been fighting pretty hard to remain alive the last few years. I'm not going to intentionally possibly kill myself after all that. That would really piss me off in the afterlife! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Let's Go Brandon!

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