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Re: Conroe brewery pulls out as venue for Kyle Rittenhouse rally against censorship

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2023 10:52 am
by Momto2boys973
I’m sorry your daughter went through that and I perfectly understand your feelings. I myself have 2 boys who are Orthodox Jews and while, thank G-d we live in a country with practically no antisemitic incidents, they do hear what’s going on elsewhere. Just this weekend a terrorist opened fire in a synagogue in Israel during Shabath and killed at least 7 people (3 are wounded), including a 13 year old boy. Seeing the hurt and the fear in my son’s eyes because they know these are people who hate them enough to want them dead- for no good reason. It’s heartbreaking for a mother to know this is the world they’re living in.

But maybe that’s why it’s hard to you to be objective about the issue of discrimination. By your own admission you’re furious, you’re very emotionally involved and that can cloud your objectivity. As Quorra said, this isn’t black and white. And if you’re living in a multicultural society it WILL happen that sometimes you will have to choose the rights of one individual (or group) vs another. Because they overlap, there’s no way to avoid it because we’re not preprogrammed robots with the same beliefs, the same lifestyles, the same needs, the same experiences, the same background, etc. And sometimes the rights of one group will trump those of another. Hence, the protected classes.

You can’t expect people to treat others exactly the same. I understand your frustration because your daughter really isn’t hurting anyone or spreading hate or encouraging violence against others and as such should expect the same treatment as anyone else who isn’t hurting anyone, or spreading hatred or encouraging violence against others. 100% true. But in your desire to stop that unfair discrimination, you’re jumping to the extreme to suggest that people who do harm others, or spread hate, or encourage violence should also be treated the same as those who don’t or they’re being discriminated against.

Let’s be honest here: as with Quorra’s example, you can’t accuse me of discrimination if I refuse service in a kosher restaurant to a person or group looking for a venue to have their antisemitic and anti-Israel rally, even if that’s a service I offer to the general public. As Quorra said, that’s not harmless to me. It would be very hurtful for me to have to be there, listening to their rhetoric, to how they hate ME, how they wish me and my people gone while I have to serve them. Can you understand that? Do you really think I shouldn’t have the right to deny these people my services? What would I be “discriminating against”? The right to hate me and incite violence against my people? That doesn’t mean that if one of those people wants to have lunch at the restaurant, without inciting any violence or spewing any hatred that I would deny service. That wouldn’t be fair. Let’s say a gay baker has a request from the WBC that they’re holding a funeral protest and they want a huge cake that says “G-d Hates F**” (you know what I mean), would you really accuse the baker of discrimination if he says “no”?
BobCobbMagob wrote: Tue Jan 31, 2023 9:39 am
To be honest, what’s actually going on with my 9th grader is that they are non-binary lgbt, and also in Civics class at school.

Harmless enough, but in that class they go over equal rights, what is socially appropriate, how the government works ect… and the subject of businesses providing services to gay people came up. Through plenty of discussion, she left that class truly hurt, and truly believing that she does not deserve to be treated equally to everyone else.

I mean… we are literally teaching some kids to feel inferior and some kids to feel superior when it comes to what rights they deserve and we’re acting like that is what “equity” means.

It’s shameful.

I really don’t know if I’ve ever felt more furious in my life than that day my child came home feeling that they deserved less than everyone else did.

There is no equity/equality debate I can see when discussing how much innocent people deserve equal treatment in America.

Re: Conroe brewery pulls out as venue for Kyle Rittenhouse rally against censorship

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2023 9:36 am
by Quorra2.0
BobCobbMagob wrote: Tue Jan 31, 2023 9:39 am
Quorra2.0 wrote: Mon Jan 30, 2023 3:13 pm
BobCobbMagob wrote: Sun Jan 29, 2023 9:58 am

Here's the thing though...

While everything you just said may be understandable, those are the reasons people give for feeling vindicated in discrimination against my children.

I'm not at peace with everyone else's prejudice and biases because they become weaponized against my kids.

S*x offenders aren't allowed to work in schools because they committed a crime .

People who are gay shouldn't have to defend themselves to the point of continually having to argue why they should be treated like everyone else... That's what discrimination acceptance allows for... Innocent people to be refused equal treatment.

I can't ever support that.
What is going on with your children Bobs? Maybe I can help with some perspectives or suggestions to help you advocate for them.

You are thinking singular linear and these are not singular linear issues with singular linear solutions. Equal treatment will never be a viable answer because we are not all equal. This isn't inferior vs superior, it is a fact. We are not all carbon copies sharing a hive mind and a singular soul. Equal treatment contributes to discrimination, tone deafness, infringement of rights, and harms. So who are we going to choose to harm? Who's rights are we going to infringe upon? Who is going to choose or who are we going to choose to give preferential treatment to because that is what equal treatment is. Equal doesn't mean fair. It's not black and white with an either or solution.

It is not harmless to require the Jewish baker to bake a swastika shape cake. Think of it, the cake is a want, its not a need. There are other bakeries. The customer could even bake it themselves. The baker, this is their livelihood, how they support their family and they should have at least some sense of working in a safe environment. Your idea, this idea of equal treatment, gives a person who WANTS, not needs, a specific cake at the expense of the wellbeing of another. Is that fair?

How about this. How about Do no harm to others. How about we treat others with the dignity, compassion, and respect we would want to be treated with. How about understanding that ones rights ends when they infringe on the rights of another. How about we have compassion that there will be some people that others can not treat how they would want to be treated. How about we make equity more important than equal.
To be honest, what’s actually going on with my 9th grader is that they are non-binary lgbt, and also in Civics class at school.

Harmless enough, but in that class they go over equal rights, what is socially appropriate, how the government works ect… and the subject of businesses providing services to gay people came up. Through plenty of discussion, she left that class truly hurt, and truly believing that she does not deserve to be treated equally to everyone else.

I mean… we are literally teaching some kids to feel inferior and some kids to feel superior when it comes to what rights they deserve and we’re acting like that is what “equity” means.

It’s shameful.

I really don’t know if I’ve ever felt more furious in my life than that day my child came home feeling that they deserved less than everyone else did.

There is no equity/equality debate I can see when discussing how much innocent people deserve equal treatment in America.
I have made multiple attempts at typing a reply only for it to read like an all over the place rant. Screw it here goes:

I absolutely loathe the word deserves in this context. Words matter and words can have power. Deserves implies something earned whether it’s a punishment or a reward. By using it in this context, we(general) imply that rights are earned and that they do not apply to all people just those that have earned them. I cringe when people say that PoC or Women fought to earn their rights. It really downplays it. They fought against those that would deny them their rights. Your child has the exact same human, civil, and constitutional rights as everyone else. However, there are those who are falsely claiming their rights are being infringed upon and attempting to infringe upon the rights of others. And unfortunately, there are also those who think they are fighting for equality who do not realize that they are harming it. I’ll give you examples: The resent states laws that are being pushed in some states have been weaponing children. I find it ridiculous that a book that glorifies a home invasion by a stranger and one that ignores personal boundaries snd condones stalking is acceptable for kindergartners but a book with two loving same gendered parents is “dangerous” give me an effing break🙄 And then we have the complicated issue of transgender in sports. I’m all for equity. I don’t want to keep transgender people from their joy, BUT we need to find a solution because right now, it isn’t either equality or equitable for anyone.

And let’s talk about the white elephant in the room when it comes to the LGBTQ+ community. The word sin. Based on…? A book? A person’s religious beliefs? Sorry I couldn’t care less if some thinks it’s a sin. I‘ve eaten shellfish, cow, and pork. I wasn’t married when I had my oldest or mdd. I’m sure I’ve fibbed a time or two or three. I’m the oldest of 5, I’m sure at points in my existence I’ve envied. I don’t believe in any singular religious ideology of a god. And if that’s not enough to give peace to your child’s heart…hate is a sin so every time someone looks at your child with hate in their heart for being themself, that person is committing a sin.

You know what is strange to me…I’ve never been asked when I first knew I was straight, yet people within the LGBTQ+ community are asked. Why? And if you’re curious, not until I was old enough to actually understand BUT my first crushes were Luke Skywalker, Superman, and Peter Frampton. I was 4.

Look, I get what you are wanting and why. I don’t necessarily think we are on completely different pages. I just don’t think your child should have to treat someone who is harming them the same as others. It’s too dismissive to me. Take it for what it’s worth, I’ve taught my kids to stand up, use their voices, and to fight. I’m a pacifist BUT I’m also the person who will ask the person who is loudly questioning someone’s gender or sexual preference or the person complaining about two people not speaking English to each other why it matters. Unless you are attracted to a person, their sexual preference doesn’t matter, unless you are speaking with someone their language doesn’t matter. My kids learned ASL when they were little. No one has ever said they should be speaking English when they have signed conversations between themselves. Ok, rants over for the time being. I may add more but right now, I think I’m momentarily done.