Baby fever

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Are you wanting us to talk you into or out of it??

Needing "to be in better spot financially" should be all you need to talk you out of it and if that's not enough... morning sickness, heartburn, bloating, having to pee every 2 minutes, constipation, naseau, sleepless nights, colic, 2am feedings, greasy hair, sore nipples... shall I go on?

I can't think of any good reason to have a baby, particularly since you already have one.
Anonymous 2

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Anonymous 1 wrote: Tue Apr 07, 2020 2:13 pm I have it, but I don’t want it. Emotionally, I miss pregnancy and having a newborn. But logically, I know it’s not a good time at all. We have a 2 year old and a 9 month old. We don’t need another so close in age. I need to lose baby weight. We need to be in better spot financially. Not to mention the fact that who knows how long Coronavirus will last and the last thing I want is to give birth during a pandemic. 🤦🏼‍♀️ Still the illogical emotional part of me wants another baby. (Yes, We are being practical and using protection) there’s so many reasons not to have a baby right now but my stupid brain wants it. No real point to this post besides venting. I’m in my fertile window right now and it’s frustrating me
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Anonymous 2

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Olioxenfree wrote: Tue Apr 07, 2020 3:46 pm You already have a baby.
You have a clown car full of kids plus another one on the way, allegedly.
YOU have no room to talk sweetie
Anonymous 1

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Msprekteacher wrote: Tue Apr 07, 2020 7:02 pm Our boys are 17 months apart. Best thing we ever did! They are seriously the best friends! Unless you are fully reliant on welfare don’t let a lack of “fun money” away what you desire. If your needs are provided for O say why not!
My 2 are 16 months apart. I’m not at the point where I’m grateful for their age gap, but I know I will be soon once the 9 month old can walk and plays more. That’s the part of me that thinks it’d be fun to add a third one in close in age. But I just keep reminding myself how damn hard it was when my youngest was a newborn and I was trying to recover from a csection while chasing after a toddler. I swore to myself then that I’d never do it again
Anonymous 1

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mojogirl wrote: Tue Apr 07, 2020 7:47 pm Are you wanting us to talk you into or out of it??

Needing "to be in better spot financially" should be all you need to talk you out of it and if that's not enough... morning sickness, heartburn, bloating, having to pee every 2 minutes, constipation, naseau, sleepless nights, colic, 2am feedings, greasy hair, sore nipples... shall I go on?

I can't think of any good reason to have a baby, particularly since you already have one.
Out of it. I know, i know, I’ll be grateful if I wait until my youngest is 2ish like I wanted to when my youngest was a newborn. Then I remember how awful those early days are. My 9 month old just started sleeping better. I can only have c-sections and a c-section recovery while looking after 2 toddlers and a newborn sounds awful. Plus my pregnancies are high risk and I need to give my body a break from that. During pregnancy I have to give myself blood thinning shots twice a day. I almost died after having both kids. Like it’s stupid to have another kid right now. But then the emotional part of me misses pregnancy and having a tiny baby. I can’t take any hormonal birth control and I don’t trust IUDs so it’d be easy to slip up. I wish I trusted IUDs because I’d just get one of those
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Anonymous 2 wrote: Tue Apr 07, 2020 8:01 pm
Olioxenfree wrote: Tue Apr 07, 2020 3:46 pm You already have a baby.
You have a clown car full of kids plus another one on the way, allegedly.
YOU have no room to talk sweetie
My youngest is a year and a half and and will be two when our next is born. I didn't say anything about number of kids. I simply said she already had a baby, which she does.
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That's one thing I can honestly say I've never experienced. I hate babies. That's a big reason of why I only had one, lol. I would die for my son, but he couldn't get out of the baby stage fast enough for me. I can't imagine what could ever possess me to repeat the experience knowing what I was in for.
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mcginnisc wrote: Tue Apr 07, 2020 7:21 pm
CandTmom wrote: Tue Apr 07, 2020 4:56 pm I hate babies. I'm so glad I can never have more. I love my kids more than anything but am glad I'm done with baby and toddler stages.
I'm glad I'm not the only non baby person. Personally, I think they should start as toddlers. LOL Our oldest was 17 months old when we met her and it was wonderful. Our next one caused me to be on complete bed rest from 6 weeks to 34 weeks when I delivered. Then, she spent 3 weeks in NICU and come home on an apnea monitor and a lot of meds. Needless to say, I had my tubes tied and I'm very happy almost 12 years later that we are done. Mine will be 15 and 12 this year and it's wonderful.
You can add me to the list. I love babies like I do dogs. I want to play with them then hand them back to their parents/ owners. My youngest will be 17 and I'm like yayyy. I want a baby like I want weight gain. Plus op has a baby. What's the rush to have another?
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