Horrifying new video shows Hamas kidnapping young Israeli women and saying “these are the girls who can get pregnant”

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I didn’t say it made everyone in the population a member of the military. I didn’t even say anything about IDF. I said mandatory military service, which you also said. Now it’s like you’re contradicting yourself or just so insistent on arguing over I don’t even know what. Damn. f**k me for having a high level of empathy for these ladies and their families, for understanding that Hamas is treating them worse because they are soldiers, and the only “crime” these ladies have committed is being Jewish, Israeli, and fulfilling their service obligations. You’ve sure showed me🙄

Momto2boys973 wrote: Thu May 23, 2024 7:00 pm Maybe you should learn a bit more about it before commenting. Mandatory conscription doesn’t make everyone in the population a member of the military. It means you have been trained for military activity in case of need, it doesn’t mean you’re actively a part of the military. Israeli citizens are as much civilians as any other citizen. They went through a military training, but not all became full members of the IDF. They’re doctors, teachers, lawyers, chefs, farmers, plumbers, CEOs. They’re not a tie members of the military just because they went through military training.
Quorra2.0 wrote: Thu May 23, 2024 4:42 pm I know Israel’s conscription policies.

26 countries that mandate it, so in a world with 195 countries, I’d hardly call 13% common.

I disagree that it doesn’t make it worse for them. Not only are they Jewish, not only are they Israeli, they are soldiers. What they are subjected to will be worse than what the civilians are being subjected to and what that video shows. How dismissive of you but not sure why I would expect anything more of you.
Momto2boys973 wrote: Thu May 23, 2024 3:21 pm Actually military service is mandatory for Jews, male Druzes and Circassians. Arab citizens may ask for an exemption, but most choose to enlist. Some ultra Orthodox Jews can also get an exemption as long as they’re studying in a yeshivah. Jewish non citizens can also enlist, as many did after October 7th. My oldest son wants to transfer to a university in Israel next year to finish his studies and volunteer at the IDF.
Israel isn’t the only country with mandatory conscription. So no, it doesn’t make any issues worse. It’s actually very common, but very few countries mandate it for women.

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Momto2boys973 wrote: Thu May 23, 2024 8:07 pm I would never say anything like that to you. In fact, I’ve never called anyone here a monster or a terrorist. Only called out those that because of their obsession with demonizing Israel have turned a blind eye, denied or even justified to some extent terrorist acts committed by monsters.
Now, TBH, I do think you’re somewhat misinformed about the reality of the history and the conflict and therefore prone to believing those lies that demonize the “strong” and victimize the “weak”. It’s a common rationalization of reality we all fall into to some extent. We’re not “programmed” to see the strong as a victim and the weak as a victimizer, seems contradictory in some way. But fact is, it does happen.
So I do think your heart is in the right place, and contrary to those that I have blocked, I don’t think those comments you make that I disagree with sometimes don’t come from any place of hate or prejudice on your part. You just have certain views that differ from mine and therefore your opinion is different. That’s OK, it’s valid. It’s nowhere near the same as spreading libels and tropes for the purpose of vilifying Israel, which in turn are responsible for the raising antisemitism worldwide.
I welcome debate and differing opinions- as long as they are based on facts. But I’ve been at this a long time to pinpoint with a lot of accuracy those who don’t come from a place of honesty and wanting to understand the truth and reality. To really want peace and justice. You’re definitely not amongst those people.
Pjmm wrote: Thu May 23, 2024 7:31 pm
Baconqueen13 wrote: Thu May 23, 2024 6:32 pm

Considering she calls anyone a terrorist r a monster that points out how Israel has done the same to people in Gaza and are not innocent themselves, she has kind of brought it against herself.

It is a war....one that has been raging for decades, one where BOTH sides have committed atrocities and war crimes against the other including rape, torture, and murder. And one in which both sides are intent on eradicating the other from the face of the earth.

If by saying NEITHER side should be working to eradicate the other or pointing out the THOUSANDS of innocents that are dying makes me a terrorist, I guess so be it. At least I am advocating for the sanctity of all those who are innocent and dying and not just those lives that are convenient to me or my cause.
I personally haven’t been called a terrorist or a monster and I don’t agree with everything Israel is doing. Neither am I happy with Hamas. Who I do care about are the civilians, children, and relief workers who have been killed in the name of this horrible war. I agree with you neither side is innocent in this.
Bull F***ing shit. I'm not even adding the gross generalizations you've made about innocent children in Gaza or how they need to be eradicated and completely wiped off the map. On more than one occasion you have expressed the sentiment that you don't believe there are any "innocent" Palestinians. Would you like me to go back and PROVE where you've said it time and time and time again? If anyone shows so much as an ounce of empathy to the innocent people dying in Gaza you come in lickity split to spread hate and declare them terrorists, even the babies.
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Momto2boys973 wrote: Thu May 23, 2024 8:07 pm I would never say anything like that to you. In fact, I’ve never called anyone here a monster or a terrorist. Only called out those that because of their obsession with demonizing Israel have turned a blind eye, denied or even justified to some extent terrorist acts committed by monsters.
Now, TBH, I do think you’re somewhat misinformed about the reality of the history and the conflict and therefore prone to believing those lies that demonize the “strong” and victimize the “weak”. It’s a common rationalization of reality we all fall into to some extent. We’re not “programmed” to see the strong as a victim and the weak as a victimizer, seems contradictory in some way. But fact is, it does happen.
So I do think your heart is in the right place, and contrary to those that I have blocked, I don’t think those comments you make that I disagree with sometimes don’t come from any place of hate or prejudice on your part. You just have certain views that differ from mine and therefore your opinion is different. That’s OK, it’s valid. It’s nowhere near the same as spreading libels and tropes for the purpose of vilifying Israel, which in turn are responsible for the raising antisemitism worldwide.
I welcome debate and differing opinions- as long as they are based on facts. But I’ve been at this a long time to pinpoint with a lot of accuracy those who don’t come from a place of honesty and wanting to understand the truth and reality. To really want peace and justice. You’re definitely not amongst those people.
Pjmm wrote: Thu May 23, 2024 7:31 pm
Baconqueen13 wrote: Thu May 23, 2024 6:32 pm

Considering she calls anyone a terrorist r a monster that points out how Israel has done the same to people in Gaza and are not innocent themselves, she has kind of brought it against herself.

It is a war....one that has been raging for decades, one where BOTH sides have committed atrocities and war crimes against the other including rape, torture, and murder. And one in which both sides are intent on eradicating the other from the face of the earth.

If by saying NEITHER side should be working to eradicate the other or pointing out the THOUSANDS of innocents that are dying makes me a terrorist, I guess so be it. At least I am advocating for the sanctity of all those who are innocent and dying and not just those lives that are convenient to me or my cause.
I personally haven’t been called a terrorist or a monster and I don’t agree with everything Israel is doing. Neither am I happy with Hamas. Who I do care about are the civilians, children, and relief workers who have been killed in the name of this horrible war. I agree with you neither side is innocent in this.
Your key words are terrorist(s) and savage(s).

Not everyone continues to believe the propaganda we've had pushed on us since Sunday school.

But I'm still the winner! They lied! They cheated! They stole the election!
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Baconqueen13 wrote: Thu May 23, 2024 9:49 pm
Momto2boys973 wrote: Thu May 23, 2024 8:07 pm I would never say anything like that to you. In fact, I’ve never called anyone here a monster or a terrorist. Only called out those that because of their obsession with demonizing Israel have turned a blind eye, denied or even justified to some extent terrorist acts committed by monsters.
Now, TBH, I do think you’re somewhat misinformed about the reality of the history and the conflict and therefore prone to believing those lies that demonize the “strong” and victimize the “weak”. It’s a common rationalization of reality we all fall into to some extent. We’re not “programmed” to see the strong as a victim and the weak as a victimizer, seems contradictory in some way. But fact is, it does happen.
So I do think your heart is in the right place, and contrary to those that I have blocked, I don’t think those comments you make that I disagree with sometimes don’t come from any place of hate or prejudice on your part. You just have certain views that differ from mine and therefore your opinion is different. That’s OK, it’s valid. It’s nowhere near the same as spreading libels and tropes for the purpose of vilifying Israel, which in turn are responsible for the raising antisemitism worldwide.
I welcome debate and differing opinions- as long as they are based on facts. But I’ve been at this a long time to pinpoint with a lot of accuracy those who don’t come from a place of honesty and wanting to understand the truth and reality. To really want peace and justice. You’re definitely not amongst those people.
Pjmm wrote: Thu May 23, 2024 7:31 pm

I personally haven’t been called a terrorist or a monster and I don’t agree with everything Israel is doing. Neither am I happy with Hamas. Who I do care about are the civilians, children, and relief workers who have been killed in the name of this horrible war. I agree with you neither side is innocent in this.
Bull F***ing shit. I'm not even adding the gross generalizations you've made about innocent children in Gaza or how they need to be eradicated and completely wiped off the map. On more than one occasion you have expressed the sentiment that you don't believe there are any "innocent" Palestinians. Would you like me to go back and PROVE where you've said it time and time and time again? If anyone shows so much as an ounce of empathy to the innocent people dying in Gaza you come in lickity split to spread hate and declare them terrorists, even the babies.
Israel considers every Palestinian in Gaza or the West Bank, or any of the other refugee camps where they live, "terrorists". It's a part of the Hasbara campaign.

But I'm still the winner! They lied! They cheated! They stole the election!
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Della wrote: Thu May 23, 2024 10:37 pm
Baconqueen13 wrote: Thu May 23, 2024 9:49 pm
Momto2boys973 wrote: Thu May 23, 2024 8:07 pm I would never say anything like that to you. In fact, I’ve never called anyone here a monster or a terrorist. Only called out those that because of their obsession with demonizing Israel have turned a blind eye, denied or even justified to some extent terrorist acts committed by monsters.
Now, TBH, I do think you’re somewhat misinformed about the reality of the history and the conflict and therefore prone to believing those lies that demonize the “strong” and victimize the “weak”. It’s a common rationalization of reality we all fall into to some extent. We’re not “programmed” to see the strong as a victim and the weak as a victimizer, seems contradictory in some way. But fact is, it does happen.
So I do think your heart is in the right place, and contrary to those that I have blocked, I don’t think those comments you make that I disagree with sometimes don’t come from any place of hate or prejudice on your part. You just have certain views that differ from mine and therefore your opinion is different. That’s OK, it’s valid. It’s nowhere near the same as spreading libels and tropes for the purpose of vilifying Israel, which in turn are responsible for the raising antisemitism worldwide.
I welcome debate and differing opinions- as long as they are based on facts. But I’ve been at this a long time to pinpoint with a lot of accuracy those who don’t come from a place of honesty and wanting to understand the truth and reality. To really want peace and justice. You’re definitely not amongst those people.

Bull F***ing shit. I'm not even adding the gross generalizations you've made about innocent children in Gaza or how they need to be eradicated and completely wiped off the map. On more than one occasion you have expressed the sentiment that you don't believe there are any "innocent" Palestinians. Would you like me to go back and PROVE where you've said it time and time and time again? If anyone shows so much as an ounce of empathy to the innocent people dying in Gaza you come in lickity split to spread hate and declare them terrorists, even the babies.
Israel considers every Palestinian in Gaza or the West Bank, or any of the other refugee camps where they live, "terrorists". It's a part of the Hasbara campaign.
Clearly some people on this site have been eating up the Israeli propaganda with their golden F***ing spoons from the comfort of their homes which aren't being reduced to rubble.
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JFC!! 🙄🤦
just an old coot 😉🌵
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I think I’m going to have to say that I probably didn’t understand what you meant. I apologize for that. My bad.
Quorra2.0 wrote: Thu May 23, 2024 8:37 pm I didn’t say it made everyone in the population a member of the military. I didn’t even say anything about IDF. I said mandatory military service, which you also said. Now it’s like you’re contradicting yourself or just so insistent on arguing over I don’t even know what. Damn. f**k me for having a high level of empathy for these ladies and their families, for understanding that Hamas is treating them worse because they are soldiers, and the only “crime” these ladies have committed is being Jewish, Israeli, and fulfilling their service obligations. You’ve sure showed me🙄

Momto2boys973 wrote: Thu May 23, 2024 7:00 pm Maybe you should learn a bit more about it before commenting. Mandatory conscription doesn’t make everyone in the population a member of the military. It means you have been trained for military activity in case of need, it doesn’t mean you’re actively a part of the military. Israeli citizens are as much civilians as any other citizen. They went through a military training, but not all became full members of the IDF. They’re doctors, teachers, lawyers, chefs, farmers, plumbers, CEOs. They’re not a tie members of the military just because they went through military training.
Quorra2.0 wrote: Thu May 23, 2024 4:42 pm I know Israel’s conscription policies.

26 countries that mandate it, so in a world with 195 countries, I’d hardly call 13% common.

I disagree that it doesn’t make it worse for them. Not only are they Jewish, not only are they Israeli, they are soldiers. What they are subjected to will be worse than what the civilians are being subjected to and what that video shows. How dismissive of you but not sure why I would expect anything more of you.

❤️🇮🇱 עמ׳ ישראל חי 🇮🇱❤️
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Here we go again…

I’m sorry Momto2boys… these people try to act like being a bitch to you will somehow help a political cause… they’re misguided to say the least.
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Slimshandy wrote: Fri May 24, 2024 8:54 am Here we go again…

I’m sorry Momto2boys… these people try to act like being a bitch to you will somehow help a political cause… they’re misguided to say the least.
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Baconqueen13 wrote: Thu May 23, 2024 11:07 pm
Della wrote: Thu May 23, 2024 10:37 pm
Baconqueen13 wrote: Thu May 23, 2024 9:49 pm

Bull F***ing shit. I'm not even adding the gross generalizations you've made about innocent children in Gaza or how they need to be eradicated and completely wiped off the map. On more than one occasion you have expressed the sentiment that you don't believe there are any "innocent" Palestinians. Would you like me to go back and PROVE where you've said it time and time and time again? If anyone shows so much as an ounce of empathy to the innocent people dying in Gaza you come in lickity split to spread hate and declare them terrorists, even the babies.
Israel considers every Palestinian in Gaza or the West Bank, or any of the other refugee camps where they live, "terrorists". It's a part of the Hasbara campaign.
Clearly some people on this site have been eating up the Israeli propaganda with their golden F***ing spoons from the comfort of their homes which aren't being reduced to rubble.
They've been lapping it up since Sunday school.

But I'm still the winner! They lied! They cheated! They stole the election!
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