What would your reaction be if your son did this?

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Two boys were caught peeing into a third students water bottle. A student saw them doing it. He then apparently told them to stop. They didn’t so he hit them.

Would you say all three deserve the same punishment?
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What did my son do? Did he pee in the water bottle or did he hit them? Cause I'd stand behind him if he was standing up for another student like that. And frankly any kid disgusting enough to pee in someone's drink deserves a crack upside their head.

If he was the one doing the peeing I'd allow whatever charges that could be filed to be filed and he'd be dealing with that along with a complete lockdown at home.
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The one who hit the other two should be commended. The other two should be thoroughly decked upside the head and then pushed out into traffic. It's absolutely disgusting what they were doing.
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If my son was one who urinated in the bottle and hit the 3rd young man I would kill him after his father did. He would lose 100% of his privileges, video games, and be working around the house until I decided he learned his lesson.

If my son was the one who told them to stop and then punched them well-he would be commended for speaking up but would have to face the consequences given by the school. School is hands to self-but there would be no additional consequences at home.
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No, the 2 who peed in the bottle should have to pay to replace the bottle in addition to whatever punishment the school is imposing the boy didn’t pee in the bottle shouldn’t have to pay to replace the bottle.
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Is my son the one peeing in the water bottle or the one hitting? How old are they?

I wouldn’t punish all three the same, but if either were my son, all three would be disciplined. We don’t pee in others things and we also don’t hit outside of needed self defense. We discipline using natural consequences that correlate with the action. If my son urinated in another students water bottle, they would be writing a thorough letter of apology and paying to replace the water bottle, they would be writing me a research project on the legal consequences of their actions (it is legally assault with the possibility of additional charges if the person became ill) and how having that legal charge could change the rest of their life. Their actions also show me that they aren’t mature enough to make responsible decisions so they would be grounded with zero internet, phone, or friends for a month during which they would be working on showing me that I can trust them with those freedoms. I also would be sending them to a therapist to find out why they thought that was acceptable to begin with.

If my son was the one who hit them, he would grounded for a week during which time he would be researching the legal consequences of his actions as well and what he should have done instead. Confronting them to stop was the right thing. Hitting them was not. He should have warned the other student and gotten an adult. We don’t use violence to get our way, even if we are in the right. My kids are in martial arts and know that if they ever unnecessarily use violence they will face consequences in their studio as well.

This is assuming they are in middle or high school. If they were much younger children and developmentally had not understood the consequences of their actions, how they would be punished afterwards would change.
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The kid who hit them should get an award…

The kids peeing in the water bottle should be arrested.
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If my son was the one who hit those 2 jerks, I wouldn’t punish him. But I would talk to him about more appropriate means of dealing with the situation than hitting, if possible. He could stop the bullied student from drinking the water, or inform a teacher. If it wasn’t possible, then good for him for doing the right thing and stopping 2 disgusting bullies.
If my son was one of the peeing boy, I can’t think right now of a good enough punishment for that. I’d be furious.
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If my son did the hitting I would say good job. If my son was the peeing kid after my husband beat his ass he would be sent to military school. Or something.
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All were doing things that broke behavioral expectations, thus all should be punished. Whether all punishments should be the same is a matter for administration to decide. However, there were options available other than hitting his peers. He could have told a teacher, removed the water bottle, notified the boy who owns the water bottle, etc. Hitting others in a school setting reserved for self defense IMO.
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