If they're two-faced about the little things....

Anonymous 1

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Then they will be two-faced about the big things. Would you generally agree with this?

I am semi-close with my office manager and I was starting to consider her a friend.

Yesterday, we had severe weather warnings all day long. It ended up being nothing more than a drizzle. One of my coworkers was requesting to work from home and got denied. He came into the office all pissed off. Which, granted, he should have held his tongue. But my office manager was totally consoling and sympathising with him, telling him he was right to be upset and next time, don't ask, just tell. He ended up leaving early. Then, when the boss got there mid-day, the office manager- right in front of me- started talking about how she told the co worker he was freaking out for no reason and that it was no big deal. Totally the opposite of what I'd watched her say to him just a few hours before.

I don't trust her anymore, lol.
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Joined: Thu May 24, 2018 5:53 pm

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I used to have a coworker who did that and it really shaped how I saw her. We were in different departments, but shared an office space so I overheard a lot of her day to day without trying to. She was constantly saying and acting one way toward the employees who reported to her and act understanding and kind, but as soon as they were gone and we were in front of our higher ups she would talk poorly about them and belittle whatever their situation was. Which made the employees look bad to the higher ups. It was very unprofessional.
Anonymous 2

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That isn't just being two-faced, which is bad enough. That's worse.
Anonymous 3

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Ew I hate people that are like that! I don't trust people like that either.
Posts: 4270
Joined: Wed May 23, 2018 8:47 am

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I think people who are two faced are two faced.
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