Trashy Republicans have taken over the party

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jessilin0113 wrote: Thu Feb 09, 2023 4:27 pm
AZOldCoot wrote: Thu Feb 09, 2023 2:47 pm Like I wrote yesterday..."Our side is better than your side." lol
I'm sorry, but in this day and age, one side IS better than the other. Democrats are trying to enact policies that actually address community problems and republicans are holding hearings about Twitter and drag queens and calling teachers groomers.

The extremists have a hold on the GOP. Do dems have extremists? Sure. They want to make sure the planet doesn't become uninhabitable. They aren't hyper-focused on the genitals of kids, though, like the extremist GOP. What are they actually doing to address the problems this country is facing and that people care about (economy, inflation, immigration, gas prices, etc)
My goodness. Yeah, we'll definitely have to do the agree to disagree thing.

I will say that the United States will remain divided unless politically, BOTH parties stop the finger pointing, the air of superiority, and instead, our hired Congressional "leaders" ALL do the jobs they're being paid to do.

There is not one party better than the other. BOTH of them stink in the U.S. and I know I'm not alone when I firmly state that I'm fed up with it.
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Momto2boys973 wrote: Thu Feb 09, 2023 5:48 pm So in three years this MTG trashy behavior will become a single incident and we can then consider it a huge stretch? Or when does the statute of limitations expires for Republicans?
Lemons wrote: Thu Feb 09, 2023 2:03 pm
BobCobbMagob wrote: Thu Feb 09, 2023 7:53 am

How about Nancy Pelosi ripping up Trumps speech during the middle of it?

This trashiness has been going on for a while…
A single incident three years ago is a huge stretch. No it hasn’t been going on for awhile. There were occasional outbursts, they’re only human. Only since Trump has this kind of behavior been normalized. Lies have been deemed ok. Ugly name calling is common after Trump.
There isn't a statute of limitations on Republicans. You see them in this thread blaming Trump for what happened at the potato's SOTU.

Everything the Democrats do is perfectly fine, absolutely reasonable, and has a completely plausible explanation for. There is an endless stream of justification, no matter how ludicrous they are. They reside in clown world.
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I’m non-partisan myself. I’ve voted for both parties in the past. I think both have pros and cons. But TBH, I’ve seen quite a bit of hypocrisy from the liberal side that they refuse to acknowledge. When you point it out, they always defend it with something like “well, but the republicans are the ones shoving their views down our throats!!!” Nope. BOTH sides do that. Just because their side seems more “accepting”, it doesn’t mean they are. They’re in fact very intolerant, but they hide it behind a mask of goodness. At least with Republican extremists you know what you’re dealing with. With extreme liberals, you don’t. They confuse strength with evil and weakness with goodness and fail to see that that’s not always the case.
I mean, you probably read one of the replies here to the fact that BOTH sides have extremists and BOTH sides have pros and cons. Oh yeah, it’s the extremist republicans are evil oppressors, but the extremist democrats are just trying to make the world a better place… 🙄
Valentina327 wrote: Thu Feb 09, 2023 7:12 pm
Momto2boys973 wrote: Thu Feb 09, 2023 5:48 pm So in three years this MTG trashy behavior will become a single incident and we can then consider it a huge stretch? Or when does the statute of limitations expires for Republicans?
Lemons wrote: Thu Feb 09, 2023 2:03 pm

A single incident three years ago is a huge stretch. No it hasn’t been going on for awhile. There were occasional outbursts, they’re only human. Only since Trump has this kind of behavior been normalized. Lies have been deemed ok. Ugly name calling is common after Trump.
There isn't a statute of limitations on Republicans. You see them in this thread blaming Trump for what happened at the potato's SOTU.

Everything the Democrats do is perfectly fine, absolutely reasonable, and has a completely plausible explanation for. There is an endless stream of justification, no matter how ludicrous they are. They reside in clown world.
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WellPreserved wrote: Thu Feb 09, 2023 6:15 pm Odd one out, I know, but can we please use a word other than "trashy" to describe people we disagree with, especially women? Inappropriate, ill-suited, unbecoming, tasteless, etc. IMO would be better descriptors.
It usually doesn’t apply with debates on policies but this went over that line, especially MTG hooting and hollering. And for me it wasn’t about policy it was the inappropriate behavior. I disagreed with Huckabee but wouldn’t call her trashy regarding her speech

But you’re right, it has nothing to do with their views on policy. I won’t be able to hold back though if Marjorie saunters in with a leopard skin faux coat with matching boots and a cowboy hat.
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Lemons wrote: Thu Feb 09, 2023 1:58 pm
Pjmm wrote: Thu Feb 09, 2023 7:47 am
AZOldCoot wrote: Wed Feb 08, 2023 6:11 pm

You may not care but a lot of people would and because that is just how badly this country has become divided.

It's literally become "our side is better than your side" in the U.S.

It's "prove to me I'm wrong and you're right."

I registered as an Independent over a year ago and because both major parties are an embarrassing joke to me. I could not attach my voting or sentiments to either the Republicans or the Democrats due to the antics of many of their members that no one in either party speaks out against.

For me, with few exceptions, BOTH parties have "trashy" Congressional leaders.
You’ve got a point about division. She could have rephrased it but my comment still stands. Republicans aren’t speaking out against MTG or Trump. And it bothers me because once I saw them as respectable. I thought of joining the GOP so I could have a say for who runs against Biden. And the thought makes me ill. Anyway I didn’t see her comment as all republicans are trashy but too many are. Just like not all Democrats are.
That’s exactly what I meant. And there are more and more of them every year. The Republicans were a respectable party not too long ago but Trump brought in the clowns.

And saying what about Nancy three years ago is making excuses and deflecting on what’s happening now. What’s happening right now is George Santos is making speeches in front of congress. A man who lied and cheated his way to office. Until he explains who gave him $700,000 right before the election he needs to be sidelined.
I saw that article about what Romney said to Santos and I thought "good." Man deserves to get told off.
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Momto2boys973 wrote: Thu Feb 09, 2023 7:56 pm I’m non-partisan myself. I’ve voted for both parties in the past. I think both have pros and cons. But TBH, I’ve seen quite a bit of hypocrisy from the liberal side that they refuse to acknowledge. When you point it out, they always defend it with something like “well, but the republicans are the ones shoving their views down our throats!!!” Nope. BOTH sides do that. Just because their side seems more “accepting”, it doesn’t mean they are. They’re in fact very intolerant, but they hide it behind a mask of goodness. At least with Republican extremists you know what you’re dealing with. With extreme liberals, you don’t. They confuse strength with evil and weakness with goodness and fail to see that that’s not always the case.
I mean, you probably read one of the replies here to the fact that BOTH sides have extremists and BOTH sides have pros and cons. Oh yeah, it’s the extremist republicans are evil oppressors, but the extremist democrats are just trying to make the world a better place… 🙄
Valentina327 wrote: Thu Feb 09, 2023 7:12 pm
Momto2boys973 wrote: Thu Feb 09, 2023 5:48 pm So in three years this MTG trashy behavior will become a single incident and we can then consider it a huge stretch? Or when does the statute of limitations expires for Republicans?

There isn't a statute of limitations on Republicans. You see them in this thread blaming Trump for what happened at the potato's SOTU.

Everything the Democrats do is perfectly fine, absolutely reasonable, and has a completely plausible explanation for. There is an endless stream of justification, no matter how ludicrous they are. They reside in clown world.
The extremist Democrats are just as bad. But it's the voters that really worry me. I think Babe Ruth was right when he said we've not enough great followers. He was speaking of people cheering for him instead of the scientists he stood alongside but it can apply to politics. Too many people following MTG, Ilhan Omar, Trump, whomever. And not enough following Liz Cheney or any other level-headed politician. It's like drama sells, common sense doesn't, and it's getting tiresome.
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Momto2boys973 wrote: Thu Feb 09, 2023 7:56 pm I’m non-partisan myself. I’ve voted for both parties in the past. I think both have pros and cons. But TBH, I’ve seen quite a bit of hypocrisy from the liberal side that they refuse to acknowledge. When you point it out, they always defend it with something like “well, but the republicans are the ones shoving their views down our throats!!!” Nope. BOTH sides do that. Just because their side seems more “accepting”, it doesn’t mean they are. They’re in fact very intolerant, but they hide it behind a mask of goodness. At least with Republican extremists you know what you’re dealing with. With extreme liberals, you don’t. They confuse strength with evil and weakness with goodness and fail to see that that’s not always the case.
I mean, you probably read one of the replies here to the fact that BOTH sides have extremists and BOTH sides have pros and cons. Oh yeah, it’s the extremist republicans are evil oppressors, but the extremist democrats are just trying to make the world a better place… 🙄
Valentina327 wrote: Thu Feb 09, 2023 7:12 pm
Momto2boys973 wrote: Thu Feb 09, 2023 5:48 pm So in three years this MTG trashy behavior will become a single incident and we can then consider it a huge stretch? Or when does the statute of limitations expires for Republicans?

There isn't a statute of limitations on Republicans. You see them in this thread blaming Trump for what happened at the potato's SOTU.

Everything the Democrats do is perfectly fine, absolutely reasonable, and has a completely plausible explanation for. There is an endless stream of justification, no matter how ludicrous they are. They reside in clown world.

I'm soooooo tired of the 2 party system honestly. It's ridiculous now. It's just two wings of the same bird. There is no point.

Then you have these RINOs like Cheney and Romney that claim to be Republicans but always vote along with the Democrats. It's ludicrous. Just call yourself what you are and be done with it so that people know what they're really getting when they select you to represent them.

I think the ideal would be NO party at all. You vote based on the character of the person and what they stand for. How it's supposed to be during campaign season. During the debates. Declare who and what you are. All this two party system does is divide the citizenry further each year that passes. It's run it's course in my opinion.
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Momto2boys973 wrote: Thu Feb 09, 2023 2:25 pm I agree.
And what about AOC bursting into tears after she changed her vote on the funding of the Iron Dome from “no” to “present”. That is seriously trashy. She’s a State Representative and she starts crying like a little girl being bullied by Regina George? For crying out, you’re in the House of Representatives, behave like one. And a fellow Representative had to approach her and comfort her? Trashy AND pathetic.
But it seems when a Democrat does it, there’s always a good reason, or it’s “not as bad” or whatever other convenient excuse comes to mind. When one Republican does it, then the whole party is being “taken over” by trashy people.
SouthernIslander wrote: Thu Feb 09, 2023 10:24 am
Lemons wrote: Wed Feb 08, 2023 10:37 pm

Yes, once the speech was over she sat and quietly ripped up her copy of the speech. It was bad manners. Most people thought it was rude and uncalled for. But nothing tops Marjorie in her all white outfit standing up and sounding like a fishwife after a few drinks.

And this was definitely not a southern thing. These clowns were from all over the country.
MTG embarrassing the south was my comment, I know you’re talking about Republicans.

It doesn’t matter if Nancy was more passive aggressive about it. She still did something disruptive to protest a sitting President. I can admit that I laughed because I can not stand Trump’s guts and I find Nancy to be the queen of slick shade. But I’m not gonna act like she wasn’t being petty and Republicans are only guilty of that behavior because that’s not true.

I’m not saying you can’t think what MTG did was worse…I do too but the goal here shouldn’t be the lesser of 2 evils IMHO.
I agree. Republicans don’t hide it and Democrats will play in your face like you’re stupid.

So yeah..Nancy is gonna rip up the paper and act like she wasn’t being shady. MTG is not gonna hide it by yelling it at Biden directly during the middle of his speech and embarrass the south along with her own party.

Trump didn’t hide the fact he thought the KKK very fine people and Democrats act like Antifa is just a figment of Republicans’s imagination like we are all stupid.

Which is worse KWIM?

Is it better to know what you’re dealing with or get treated like a dumb ass?

I am with you on AOC.

Again, Nancy doesn’t bother me but I can’t stand AOC like I can not stand MTG.
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WellPreserved wrote: Thu Feb 09, 2023 6:15 pm Odd one out, I know, but can we please use a word other than "trashy" to describe people we disagree with, especially women? Inappropriate, ill-suited, unbecoming, tasteless, etc. IMO would be better descriptors.
You know I hope to be as tactful as you are when I grow up. Lol! I have always admired that about you, so I don’t disagree but …

If I’m being honest, MTG’s behavior because she is trashy and we can’t correct the behavior if we can’t call it what it is.

Doesn’t mean that we should run around using the term loosely..but sometimes the behavior is that extreme.

Make sense?
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Momto2boys973 wrote: Thu Feb 09, 2023 5:53 pm I wouldn’t say she’s a moron. I mean, she has managed to convince people to vote for her. But then, so did Trump 🤷🏼‍♀️
I will call her severely uneducated in many issues, especially about foreign policy. And she’s easily brainwashed. And with her trashy and pathetic display by crying at the House of Representatives, she showed that she has no integrity and will try to pander to everyone when faced with a dilemma.
Aletheia wrote: Thu Feb 09, 2023 12:48 pm
AZOldCoot wrote: Wed Feb 08, 2023 5:52 pm Many in this country feel that AOC is a moron.
A perception deliberately fostered by people attributing fake quotes:

If you actually listen to a full speech by her, she is clearly far from being a moron.
AOC is what our elders use to call an educated damn fool.
I think she is book smart but is dumb as a bag of rocks outside of that.
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