Disliking someone fron the start

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I try to not make judgements on people at first meeting. But there is someone in dh's family that has set off alarms from the beginning. I can't describe it very well. I don't feel safe around him.

Do you meet people and feel like this?

My dad says to follow my gut with people. I have only felt alarm like this with a few people. I found out later that the warnings were deserved.
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Yes but only a few times. Two guys I thought were bullshitters and it turned out to be true. The other two I don't know if I were right or not. They gave me the creeps. One of them was in a store and he kept touching my then five year old's head. I felt like we had to leave right away so we did. And my kid kept asking what was wrong. The other did nothing, I just felt he was odd. I don't know if I was overreacting or they really were disturbed. Wasn't in the mood to find out either.
Anonymous 1

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Yes that has happened to me many times. My gut is always right. Trust your gut and keep this person away as much as humanly possibly and away from your kids.
Deleted User 2088

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Yep. First impressions, instinct, whatever you want to call it, it's usually right.

The most recent example I can think of is someone who was hired at my job. I could tell right away that she was a sweet person with a bad past who was too chatty, unreliable, and constant drama. I turned out to be right on all accounts and she didn't last long.
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Not very often. I'm not one to typically get gut reactions on anything. I tend to look at things more logically than emotionally. But I have had it happen once or twice and when it has happened I was generally right.
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She wasn't a bad person, in fact, quite nice. But my triplet brother's high school sweetheart/first wife never set well with me. I didn't know her well, but KNEW in my gut that she wasn't right for him.

Needless to say, they were in marriage counseling 2 months after marrying and divorcing after a year.
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Yes, and only a few times has that judgement been wrong.
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Yes and though I only know you here, I’d say to listen to that feeling. People have energy vibrations. Most times it’s so subtle you won’t feel it, but if you are it’s likely because of high, negative, dark charges in his energy. I can list everyone I’ve had that feeling around. It’s almost overwhelming suffocating. Every single time it was accurate.
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Yup, I've only had it happen two or three times my entire life and all those moments led to finding out the person was really really bad. What made it all the more frustrating was there were always people dismissing my reservations and saying I just needed to "get to know them better". If something inside me is setting off alarms whenever I'm around a person, no way in hell am I going to be buddy buddy and "get to know them".
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