Are you still "doing" covid?

Anonymous 1

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Someone made a comment in the sleep divorce thread and now I'm wondering. Do you still wear a mask if you run out to walmart or to get a hair cut? Are your kids still not allowed to go to school and they will be home yet again this school year doing viryual? If your husband says Steve from the office has covid do you make him sleep in a separate room? What if any covid precautions are you doing?
Anonymous 2

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We aren't taking covid precautions. Even when my dd was in the hospital they didn't make her wear a mask a lot of the time. We were asked to wear them in the halls. The nurses had them off at nursing stations but on in the rooms.
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Princess Royal
Princess Royal
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Medical offices and some businesses here still require masks. We choose restaurants that serve outdoors, and we are not going to any large indoor gatherings. We do have compromised family members, so we are cautious. Frankly I do not miss movies, indoor concerts or big events so it's no big deal. As far as school, it is in-person and the kids comply with whatever mask rules the schools make.
Anonymous 3

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I do because I don't want to potentially expose others. I still work with COVID patients every day I work.
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Princess Royal
Princess Royal
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When I had surgery for a broken shoulder on July 11, we had to wear masks in the hospital. I had to wear one until they wheeled me into the OR and they took off my mask for anesthesia and it was off until I was out of recovery. Then, it was back on until I got into the car at the curb.
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Life is pretty much back to normal for me. Medical offices here still require masks but that’s literally the only place I wear one. My kids go to regular school and don’t wear masks either. I don’t isolate anyone for coming in contact either.
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No, never did any of that F***ing crap.
Deleted User 1990

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No, we’re not doing any Covid stuff anymore. If we get it, we get it,
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Covid is pretty much “over.” Only hospitals/medical buildings require a mask now. I work at a school I think I saw maybe 2 kids with masks on. I believe our COVID sick policy has changed-if you are not running a fever you can continue to work with COVID symptoms.
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COVID is ramping up here again, but the only places that have restrictions are hospitals and doctors offices. People are staying home when testing positive, though. We have started back with the increased vigilance with hand washing, etc.
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