Has your 2 year old ever held a loaded gun and pointed it at their face?

Anonymous 1

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Because according to the other post that is totally normal and kids can do anything if you take your eyes off them for one minute.

I don't think that's normal and defending a mom who doesn't provide proper supervision for her child multiple times is disgusting.
Anonymous 2

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No but my 4 year old drug his 1 year old sister screaming and crying down the hall because there was a gun laying on a bed and he knew to leave it alone but that she wouldn't.
My dad had been cleaning it and forgot it was out. Gun education works. My kids started shooting at 3.
Anonymous 3

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Dangerous objects should always be secured but everyone knows 2 year olds are quick little shits and get into everything even when you take your eyes off them for half a second. And sometimes things you never think are dangerous are. For example dressers falling on kids. Growing up our dressers were not secured and I didn't know anyone who had one secured but lots of people secure them now because we know better now.
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Mine hasn’t but I know of at least 3 people who have had issues with toddlers and guns. I didn’t bash those people because stuff does happen.. The children are fine and the parent learned a lesson.
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I watched enough episodes of Rescue 911 growing up to know kids can get hurt by anything and that sometimes parents can be careless. I remember one episode this girl was running with scissors. Fell on the scissors and they cut through her chest. There was another where a kid lit himself on fire playing with matches. That kid lived in my area and was terribly scarred after that. Kids are quick. Kids are stupid. They do and get into shit they shouldn't. No one is so perfect that every dangerous object ever is secured because kids constantly find new ways to hurt themselves even with the most ordinary objects sometimes. f**k my brother split his head open on the counter because he was wrestling with my other brother and his head hit the counter. My brother's friend had an icicle fall and cut straight through his lip on our back porch. It was horrible to see. It doesn't mean anyone is a bad parent. We learn as we go along.
Anonymous 4

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No. But have they written on a wall with a crayon/sharpie at least once? Yes.
Anonymous 1

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Inmybizz wrote: Tue Aug 04, 2020 11:26 am Mine hasn’t but I know of at least 3 people who have had issues with toddlers and guns. I didn’t bash those people because stuff does happen.. The children are fine and the parent learned a lesson.
At least those parents learned a lesson the "mother" in question here hasn't learned her lesson and still leaves her child unsupervised long enough to get into trouble often.
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No, but they have gotten a hold of a sharpie and/or markers on more than one occasion and drew on stuff.
Anonymous 1

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Anonymous 2 wrote: Tue Aug 04, 2020 11:19 am No but my 4 year old drug his 1 year old sister screaming and crying down the hall because there was a gun laying on a bed and he knew to leave it alone but that she wouldn't.
My dad had been cleaning it and forgot it was out. Gun education works. My kids started shooting at 3.
Most two year olds can't comprehend gun education which is why they shouldn't be left unattended long enough to he able to find a gun and hold it to their face.
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I wouldn’t jump to say that people were saying that was totally normal. Let’s not take it out of context.
The post was about a kid grabbing a Sharpie and painting daddy’s car. But the post was made by some one known for being negligent so many people brought in the gun incident as another example of her failure to keep an eye for her child.
But those defending her did it on the basis of the one incident she posted this time and probably didn’t even remember all the other incidents that weren’t that harmless.
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