Fat shamed by a doctor

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Anonymous 6 wrote: Fri May 22, 2020 8:10 pm
Anonymous 2 wrote: Fri May 22, 2020 4:54 pm I feel dubious about your story because I can't imagine a doctor behaving that way.
They most certainly can be this way! They are humans too and some can be assholes like anyone else. Being a Dr doesn't make you exempt. One of the worst visits I had was when I went in to see a doctor in the county hospital because the ER Dr suggested that he thought I had gallstones. I went to see a Dr and get imaging done,l. I came back to the room where I waited for the Dr. He came in the room, slammed his folders down on the counter and told me I didn't have gallstones. That what I needed to do is put down the double cheeseburgers and fries and hop on a treadmill. The asshole didn't realize I was only 2 months postpartum. And, turned out I did have gallstones and a diseased gallbladder. That assholes could have killed me.

What is sketchy about the op story is the fact she mentioned the Dr unwarrantingly accusing her of having an STD -for being overweight?-, and for accusing her of being pregnant at almost 50 years of age. I'm not going to say it didn't happen, it could have, but seems far fetched that a Dr would bring up pregnancy to a woman that could be going through menopause at her age.
No because she wouldn't discuss her sexual history with her.
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Anonymous 5 wrote: Fri May 22, 2020 9:56 pm
Pjmm wrote: Fri May 22, 2020 8:16 pm
Anonymous 3 wrote: Fri May 22, 2020 5:51 pm I have never heard of a "first patient talking" appointment.
I just want to know what "vegan junk food" is.

Probably potato chips count as vegan. No animal products in them. Junk food is junk food. Also I don't buy this story.
I’m vegan, and would say vegan junk food includes fake meat and fake cheese. Omnivores shouldn’t eat hot dogs and Kraft Mac and cheese, vegans shouldn’t eat incredible burgers and vegan Ben & Jerry’s.
I like the impossible burger but damn at least at BK it's as bad or worse than the Whopper for calories. Haven't figured out how. As for fake cheese I'd rather cook a rat than eat this stuff. I ate it once. It tasted like fermented soybeans. No way "shudders" And if I'm going to eat vegan ice cream I'll go with sorbet or Italian ice thanks.
Anonymous 8

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I don’t think you can call it fat shaming when a doctor tells you you’re fat. Being fat is a health risk. It’s their job to point it out. It’s also their job to ask about habits and that includes if you’re sexually active or not. Some people think since they are vegan that their diet is healthy. Not true.
Deleted User 203

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It sounds more like you got offended that she was honest and didn't hold back when she spoke to you, possibly elaborating more on what you feel she was implying than what she was actually say.

However, if you're this upset with her, the obvious conclusion is to not go to her anymore.

A doctor that sugar coats everything is not a good doctor IMO and experiences. Now, there are doctors who need to work on their bedside manner, however and again, just find a different doctor that you feel you have a better rapport with.
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Traci_Momof2 wrote: Fri May 22, 2020 4:58 pm My DH was once fat shamed by a doctor and it was a horrible experience for him. And he's way more than 3lbs over ideal BMI. But here's the thing. He knows he's obese. IME, people who are overweight or obese know that they are in that condition. It's not a secret to them. And shaming is NOT the way to get them to do something about it. All that the shaming does is further crush self-confidence and self-esteem and cause them to emotionally eat which just makes the weight even worse. And such is the cycle.

Doctors who can't figure that out aren't worth the time and energy.
This is a big reason I like my dr. I’m overweight and on my first visit she asked me how do YOU feel about your weight? I admitted I knew I needed to lose some but wasn’t very motivated and she was like Okay, you’re not having any health problems so I won’t badger you about it. But If anything changes and you want advice, let me know.
Anonymous 9

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Anonymous 2 wrote: Fri May 22, 2020 4:54 pm I feel dubious about your story because I can't imagine a doctor behaving that way.
Believe it. I've had Drs treat me like absolute shit. I had one try to say I was to blame for being too thin and that I had anorexia. Stupid shithead didn't even read my chart that would have shown him I had issues with weight gain even with a feeding tube in the hospital
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My SO was morbidly obese. He went to a doctor for a check up and weight management. It was something the doctor advertised. We get there are the man literally fat shamed SO, told him to be vegan and basically said he wouldn't be able to help SO until he started losing weight...
Over the years doctors would fat shame him and refuse to run tests because they "knew" he had to lose the weight first.
Rapid weight gain in a short period of time and unable to lose it, but let's not test the man and assumed he needs to go vegan
Anonymous 10

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Anonymous 11

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Instead of writing long winded rambling troll posts, hop your fat ass on a treadmill.
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Did you report her or file a complaint?
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