anyone in NYC? where is everyone?

Anonymous 8

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Anonymous 6 wrote: Fri Apr 03, 2020 10:06 pm I don't live in NYC but I do live in NY state. It's not bad in my county yet 301 cases 14 critical and 2 deaths. The thing that scares me is they are shipping patients with the covid 19 virus from NYC to hospitals around the state. Also the fact that our governor made an executive order to send all ventilators to hospitals that need them now and we may end up in a situation where we need them but can't get them back. It makes me very nervous.
A few large corporations, like GM and Tesla, are retooling as quickly as they can to manufacture ventilators and some 3-D companies are setting up to make masks. Hopefully they can start up in time for you to get more of what you need. I read that some of the ventilators sent from a federal stockpile are out of date and breaking down, but I've not confirmed it.
Anonymous 9

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I'm in Hampton Roads, Virginia. I'm watching the numbers go up for my state daily. We're over 2000 but we add several hundred each day and the curve really is exponential. I'm also watching the tally for my city and the cities around me.

Some people are really scared. People at the shipyard are in an uproar still having to go to work. Other people are running around here like its no big deal.

They are going to convert the Convention Center here into a COVID hospital.
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I live in the Kansas City suburbs, in Kansas.

We only have 620 cases total in the state, and only 171 cases in our county. There have only been 17 deaths.

The hospital where I work, overall census is down, due to no elective procedures. We did have COVID cases. We still have proper supplies, from my standpoint, as I mentioned in a different post, that no, we don't have new masks for every single employee, every time they walk in every single patient room, as that would be 100,000's per day likely -- but we have enough to take care of high risk & positive cases. We have plenty of gloves.

The saddest thing is the no visitor policy. We had patients dying (from other conditions), alone, with nobody, but a nurse going in and out of the room, looking like a CDC official in impersonal masks and goggles. It breaks my heart for the patients and their families. I had two complete strangers on the phone begging, crying, screaming in anguish to their loved ones, to hold their hand, and tell them that they loved them. It was emotionally draining.

From my network of healthcare workers, I am still most worried about the elderly and those with chronic diseases. So I still have contact with my family after I work, as though I know the risk of transmission is moderate, I think their risk of death is low. I accept the risk and would rather be with my family, hugging, touching having a normal lives before an untimely death anyway, I suppose, as I think at some point over the next year, contracting the disease is likely inevitable, as I just don't see them testing & manufacturing an immunization before that. My DH does go to the post office and occasionally to the store, practicing social distancing. We don't do take out food, but we are not really sanitizing our groceries.

People here, as I am sure everywhere, are extremely worried about the economics of this. It is rumored that hospitals will be cutting salaries, as there are massive profit losses with no end in sight. I know people that are laid off. DH's employer is also seeing massive losses. I don't know one business, that has not felt the impact, beyond Amazon & delivery services, and in the end, they will as people can't buy things, if they have no money or jobs. I think the emotional burden of financial impact will harm and probably kill people too.
Anonymous 10

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Mrs.ChuckBass wrote: Fri Apr 03, 2020 7:52 pm I've seen reports its as bad as Italy?

im in Sask and we only just started getting cases in the last week or so, not nearly as bad.
but its going to get bad in the next week or two.

seeing reports from NY god....

where is everyone? whats it like where you are?

when ever I've pictured the "apocalypse" this was not what I pictured.

do you guys think life will ever go back to "normal'?
Perhaps that's because this isn't an is pretty much the same here minus not being able to find what we need. There are days where our streets look like a ghost town but I live in a small rural town so that could be any given Sunday during normal conditions. I know what you mean though I saw video of NYC on the news the other day and it just is weird to not see seas of people walking.
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Las Vegas, last I checked almost 1300 cases, 39 dead (for the county)
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Ontario here and we have around 3,700 cases and around 95 deaths. I was watching the projections that they had for the province and they're expecting 80,000 new cases and around 1,600 deaths just by the end of April! 😬
I feel bad for Quebec, They're getting hit the hardest in the country.
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I'm in NY but not the NYC end. We are pretty shut down, we can buy food but no malls, theaters, etc. I know a lot of people like to say this is all a media made hype but my family has lost a member and if someone who posts 'anon' is just trying to stir shit up by saying it's media made, not as bad as you think ,etc... you can go straight to hell in a big bag of rancid dicks.

My area has had deaths, we are home to several hospitals and a medical school. This shit is real.
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Massachusetts, it's pretty bad here they're setting up tents outside hospitals and mortuary trucks.

I hope it ends soon. I need a haircut.
I shit glitter
Anonymous 11

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I’m in CT, but I am less than a mile from the NY border. We have been sheltering in place for more than 3 weeks now, so I genuinely don’t understand how the numbers continue to rise.....
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I’m in Michigan. Detroit is getting hit hard. Luckily I’m on the other side of the state and my county only has a few cases so far.
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