Daily routine

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If you're home with the kids, are you keeping to a schedule or doing it day by day?
We're trying to keep to a schedule to help our own mental health and so we can be mindful that everyone is getting their academic, physical, and personal time needs fulfilled. This is what we've been doing for now, though it may change over time.

Everyone gets up and dressed on their own time, as long as they are ready by breakfast, my husband and I take turns going for a run
7am- breakfast
7:30- yoga/stretching, getting ready for the day
8-9:30- English and math work for the three school aged kids, whats assigned by their school and kumon, learning activities for the two younger kids (letters, numbers, kumon, coloring, fine motor, etc.). They can work in whatever room they want if they feel they need space.
9:30-10- walk/bike/skateboard around the neighborhood with the dogs
10-11- Science and social studies for the older three, playtime for the younger two
11-12- Art and music/instruments for everyone
12- Lunch
12:30-2:30- free time (video games, legos, backyard, sitting around doing nothing, whatever)
2:30- 3:30- Chores, more free time if you finish early
3:30-5- snack, my husband is done with work and we have family outdoors time. Sometimes we go to a state park or something to go for a hike, other times we just do things around the yard
5-7- take showers and the free time, the kids rotate who is helping to make dinner
7- dinner
8- bedtime for younger two
9- bedtime for older three

What's your routine if you have one?
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My husband is out the door for work by 5:45

I get up at about 7. I get my coffee and enjoy the quiet for an hour.

The boys get up at 8 and I get them breakfast.

At 9 we start their 1st hour of their 2 hour homework package.

Depending on the day 10 the boys watch tv or play fort nite while I have a teachers meeting or am emailing g our lesson of the day so I can get paid.

By noon someone is hungry

By 1 they are finishing their 2nd hour of work.

The rest of the day is free.
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Princess Royal
Princess Royal
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Not like that. I do not limit my kids to a crazy schedule. My 14 year old wakes up at 7 am and starts her schoolwork. She has always done this. She is currently studying for her last exam tomorrow. My yougest was up at 8 and started her work. She is currently playing Minecraft on the desktop. They eat breakfast and lunch when they wish to do so. I don't force them to eat at any meal except for dinner. Dh works from home so he rolls out of bed at 9 am to be in his office at 9 am. He works until 6. Me? I get up between 5-6:30 have my coffee while I read my Bible and then I play here, play solitaire, read, etc until I need to work with the 7th grader on schoolwork..if she even needs me for anything. After I finish my lunch I am going to go sit outside and read. Typically, we have karate from 4-8 pm most days, but.. right now they are doing zoom meetings on M-W-F for 30 minutes since zoom only allows 40 tops. Mine are older than yours though so I'm more lenient and don't have to be strict. I also only have 2..not 5.
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13
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Nah not really right now.
Princess Royal
Princess Royal
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They are old enough to regulate themselves.

That kind of schedule is way too much for me, lol.
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If I posted my schedule, people would laugh and say, "yea, if anyone would have a schedule like that" it'd be that nutter, LOL!!

I'm a bit of a control freak -- not goin' lie...work-a-holics love their schedules and never-ending to-do lists -- it makes us feel valuable ;)
Anonymous 1

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7 am ds gets up
8 am dd and I get up ds starts school
9 am I work with dd on school ds works independently
10 am I teach ds math dd works independently
11 am both work independently while I make lunch
12 lunch break
1 ds finishes any remaining school dd free time
3 outside time
6 dinner time
8 kids bedtime
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I have a 3mo old and a fifth and 6th grader. The day for me, is decided by the baby. For instance, I didn't get to sleep until 6 this morning because Miss Fussy pants wouldn't go down for the night until she finally pooped around 5am. She was cranky all day before, so I'm sleep deprived and cranky myself. Right now, one kid is doing her homework and another is playing Zelda, baby is napping and I'm on here while pumping. Who knows how the rest of the day will go. Might get takeout tonight.
Anonymous 2

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We have been getting up between 10:30AM-11AM. Eating breakfast...whatever the kids want to eat and then we eat lunch hours later and dinner whenever we feel like it. I throw some laundry in every day or every other day and we try to keep up with the dishes. We have played some games here and there and watched a couple of movies and some TV. Nothing major yet. We went on a walk today since it was nice outside.
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Our routine?
huh yeah we are working on developing one lol
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