Should the federal government issue a national forced quarantine?

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It's all over the internet, since Thursday. I take Hydroxychloroquine for RA. It is an anti-malarial, but also an anti-inflammatory. It helps fight off the cytokine storm which is what makes the COVID so bad for some people, and then the azithromycin helps with the secondary bacterial pneumonia that often occurs.

POTUS caught some grief for mentioning it too early, I think. Taiwan and a couple other countries are using this therapy.
cgd5112 wrote: Sun Mar 22, 2020 11:44 pm Where did you read that a malaria/Sjogrens drug cures Covid-19? There is no cure for any virus. And an antibiotic for pink eye? Antibiotics treat bacterial infections. SARS Cov - 2/Covid -19 is a virus.

The malaria drug has shown promise in minimizing symptoms and duration. That is not a cure. And it isn’t working on everyone being treated for Covid -19, regardless of age.

There is no data/evidence that taking the malaria drug chronically will minimize possibility of infection. As it is, reports are out that people in Africa took the drug and are being treated for poisoning. Again, misinformation driving people to do stupid things.

And for those taking it for Sjogrens, well, that population is immunosuppressed by the disease, making them more at risk.

29again wrote: Sun Mar 22, 2020 11:23 pm
WellPreserved wrote: Sun Mar 22, 2020 10:54 pm

" But we are fighting a virus that can easily be killed off. We have tools to clean our environments thoroughly."

What does that look like?
For the virus, hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin for 6 days. For the environment, we have all kinds of sanitizers, disinfectants and cleaners. We even have laundry sanitizer, for crying out loud! We have anti-bacterial everything, to wipe down everything we touch. We can legitimately disinfect every item in our house, in our vehicles, at our work... every single thing.
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Again, immunosuppressed people are at higher risk. The meds help your symptoms not cure the condition.

trump didn’t release anything early. There is no big reveal.
Dr Fauci was clear. It is fact that it is working in mitigating symptoms and duration in some cases, but the data is still anecdotal. Why? Because it doesn’t work on everyone, regardless of age.

It is not a cure.

trump is not a physician. And you giving this tweet as evidence of truth only shows that the CDC/WHO does not stand behind such statements.

There is no cure.

[. quote=29again post_id=696219 time=1584936580 user_id=953]
It's all over the internet, since Thursday. I take Hydroxychloroquine for RA. It is an anti-malarial, but also an anti-inflammatory. It helps fight off the cytokine storm which is what makes the COVID so bad for some people, and then the azithromycin helps with the secondary bacterial pneumonia that often occurs.

POTUS caught some grief for mentioning it too early, I think. Taiwan and a couple other countries are using this therapy.
cgd5112 wrote: Sun Mar 22, 2020 11:44 pm Where did you read that a malaria/Sjogrens drug cures Covid-19? There is no cure for any virus. And an antibiotic for pink eye? Antibiotics treat bacterial infections. SARS Cov - 2/Covid -19 is a virus.

The malaria drug has shown promise in minimizing symptoms and duration. That is not a cure. And it isn’t working on everyone being treated for Covid -19, regardless of age.

There is no data/evidence that taking the malaria drug chronically will minimize possibility of infection. As it is, reports are out that people in Africa took the drug and are being treated for poisoning. Again, misinformation driving people to do stupid things.

And for those taking it for Sjogrens, well, that population is immunosuppressed by the disease, making them more at risk.

29again wrote: Sun Mar 22, 2020 11:23 pm

For the virus, hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin for 6 days. For the environment, we have all kinds of sanitizers, disinfectants and cleaners. We even have laundry sanitizer, for crying out loud! We have anti-bacterial everything, to wipe down everything we touch. We can legitimately disinfect every item in our house, in our vehicles, at our work... every single thing.
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Francee89 wrote: Sun Mar 22, 2020 11:57 pm
29again wrote: Sun Mar 22, 2020 11:23 pm
WellPreserved wrote: Sun Mar 22, 2020 10:54 pm

" But we are fighting a virus that can easily be killed off. We have tools to clean our environments thoroughly."

What does that look like?
For the virus, hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin for 6 days. For the environment, we have all kinds of sanitizers, disinfectants and cleaners. We even have laundry sanitizer, for crying out loud! We have anti-bacterial everything, to wipe down everything we touch. We can legitimately disinfect every item in our house, in our vehicles, at our work... every single thing.
The combination drugs were successful in one small French study, but they haven’t been tested in any kind of legitimate clinical trial, there’s been no study of the long term impacts of the drugs or whether the side effects should limit their usage and there’s already a shortage of them just based on people discussing them as a potential treatment.

How do sanitizers help prevent the spread of a disease that’s contagious through respiratory droplets? A restaurant or club can sanitize every single surface, but two people standing at a busy bar or sitting at close tables can’t protect against it being airborne if someone coughs, sneezes or spits when they talk.
It's been a lot more than just one small French study. NYC is going to begin this treatment on Tuesday. Maybe you should give DeBlasio a heads-up that it *might not be safe* or tell Daniel Dae Kim that the drugs he took really didn't do much at all.

I am amazed that mankind has survived all these millennia before we found disinfectants and anti-bacterial soaps....
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One the one hand, I can see the need especially in cities/states where there's such an influx of positive cases at the moment, and because of so many people still not doing what they should as far as social distancing, etc. We know of someone personally who doesn't think that Covid is "not that big of a deal." (<<~~HIS words)

But at the same time, I do think that decisions like this should be at the state level and not federal, and to simply allow states to determine the necessity of it and handle the governing on their own.
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Believe as you wish.
cgd5112 wrote: Mon Mar 23, 2020 12:25 am Again, immunosuppressed people are at higher risk. The meds help your symptoms not cure the condition.

trump didn’t release anything early. There is no big reveal.
Dr Fauci was clear. It is fact that it is working in mitigating symptoms and duration in some cases, but the data is still anecdotal. Why? Because it doesn’t work on everyone, regardless of age.

It is not a cure.

trump is not a physician. And you giving this tweet as evidence of truth only shows that the CDC/WHO does not stand behind such statements.

There is no cure.

[. quote=29again post_id=696219 time=1584936580 user_id=953]
It's all over the internet, since Thursday. I take Hydroxychloroquine for RA. It is an anti-malarial, but also an anti-inflammatory. It helps fight off the cytokine storm which is what makes the COVID so bad for some people, and then the azithromycin helps with the secondary bacterial pneumonia that often occurs.

POTUS caught some grief for mentioning it too early, I think. Taiwan and a couple other countries are using this therapy.
cgd5112 wrote: Sun Mar 22, 2020 11:44 pm Where did you read that a malaria/Sjogrens drug cures Covid-19? There is no cure for any virus. And an antibiotic for pink eye? Antibiotics treat bacterial infections. SARS Cov - 2/Covid -19 is a virus.

The malaria drug has shown promise in minimizing symptoms and duration. That is not a cure. And it isn’t working on everyone being treated for Covid -19, regardless of age.

There is no data/evidence that taking the malaria drug chronically will minimize possibility of infection. As it is, reports are out that people in Africa took the drug and are being treated for poisoning. Again, misinformation driving people to do stupid things.

And for those taking it for Sjogrens, well, that population is immunosuppressed by the disease, making them more at risk.

29again wrote: Sun Mar 22, 2020 11:23 pm

For the virus, hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin for 6 days. For the environment, we have all kinds of sanitizers, disinfectants and cleaners. We even have laundry sanitizer, for crying out loud! We have anti-bacterial everything, to wipe down everything we touch. We can legitimately disinfect every item in our house, in our vehicles, at our work... every single thing.
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Thelma Harper wrote: Sun Mar 22, 2020 11:46 pm
29again wrote: Sun Mar 22, 2020 11:32 pm
Thelma Harper wrote: Sun Mar 22, 2020 11:24 pm

Do you not realize the impact of those close quarter businesses?

You had an entirely different perspective when Obama was president so I'm having a hard time believing your constitutional argument.

Thoughts about the following?

As defined by Title I, an emergency is any instance, or thought that is determined by the President, in which state or local efforts need federal assistance to save lives and protect the health and welfare of the people in a community. A major disaster is defined as any natural catastrophe, fire, flood, or explosion, determined by the president to warrant the additional resources of the federal government to alleviate damages or suffering they cause.[2]
Oh, do tell me what my perspective was when Obama was president. I would love to know.

Ok, if that's how you interpret that, then get on the phone to Nancy and tell her to get off her ass and get the people who were forced out of work some alleviation, toute de suite! And that would include whoever owns the businesses that were forced to close. While the workers are losing money, so are the owners.
Oh good lord...
No, go on... you made a claim about me, so back it up. Tell me what my perspective was when Obama was president. If you can't, then say so. But you don't get to make shit up like that and not get called on it.
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Lexy wrote: Sun Mar 22, 2020 7:49 pm
pinkbutterfly66 wrote: Sun Mar 22, 2020 6:03 pm I don't think that we should go so far as forcibly locking someone in their house but people should be staying home as much as possible and I think the police should fine these people a hefty fine who are acting like this is no big deal and refusing to stay at home when they're not working. And everybody should be tested - every day to identify those who have the virus but have no symptoms so we can isolate those Typhoid Marys.
Well today the police had to break up an ULTA religious wedding of over 100 people here in NY. This is the 3rd one this week. They refused to leave. In NJ they had to get the National Guard to break up the same kind of event. F***ing selfish. Ny is now at 15,000 and tomorrow I bet my county doubles. We were at 80 Thursday and today over 300.
Wow. I swear have never seen so many selfish people in my life.

Hope you are well and safe.
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AZLizardLady wrote: Mon Mar 23, 2020 2:18 am One the one hand, I can see the need especially in cities/states where there's such an influx of positive cases at the moment, and because of so many people still not doing what they should as far as social distancing, etc. We know of someone personally who doesn't think that Covid is "not that big of a deal." (<<~~HIS words)

But at the same time, I do think that decisions like this should be at the state level and not federal, and to simply allow states to determine the necessity of it and handle the governing on their own.
A state-level policy would work if everyone was confined to their home state. But we are not, so goods and people travel across state lines and so does the virus.

This is a national emergency in my opinion. The loss in the economy, the strain on healthcare, and the risk to our first responders and military will effect everyone. We need national policies to slow the spread of illness, and a national policy to compel the needed medical supplies and get them distributed.
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In Canada, we are not there yet, but it is being planned for just in case. The last time Canada invoked the War Measures Act was in 1972. Now it is under a new name called the Emergency Act.
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29again wrote: Mon Mar 23, 2020 2:14 am
Francee89 wrote: Sun Mar 22, 2020 11:57 pm
29again wrote: Sun Mar 22, 2020 11:23 pm

For the virus, hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin for 6 days. For the environment, we have all kinds of sanitizers, disinfectants and cleaners. We even have laundry sanitizer, for crying out loud! We have anti-bacterial everything, to wipe down everything we touch. We can legitimately disinfect every item in our house, in our vehicles, at our work... every single thing.
The combination drugs were successful in one small French study, but they haven’t been tested in any kind of legitimate clinical trial, there’s been no study of the long term impacts of the drugs or whether the side effects should limit their usage and there’s already a shortage of them just based on people discussing them as a potential treatment.

How do sanitizers help prevent the spread of a disease that’s contagious through respiratory droplets? A restaurant or club can sanitize every single surface, but two people standing at a busy bar or sitting at close tables can’t protect against it being airborne if someone coughs, sneezes or spits when they talk.
It's been a lot more than just one small French study. NYC is going to begin this treatment on Tuesday. Maybe you should give DeBlasio a heads-up that it *might not be safe* or tell Daniel Dae Kim that the drugs he took really didn't do much at all.

I am amazed that mankind has survived all these millennia before we found disinfectants and anti-bacterial soaps....
I didn’t say anywhere that it “didn’t do much at all” for people who have been treated with it, just that it hasn’t been clinically studied properly yet. It’s good that it’ll be tried further in New York as part of a real clinical trial, but it’s simply not a treatment that’s actually known to be safe and effective beyond some of these early results and cases.

People used to die of illnesses that are easily treatable now all the time. But how is that relevant to what I ask? How do sanitizers help prevent the spread of a disease that’s contagious through respiratory droplets?
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