I'm done

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I feel bad for the children involved in this family.
I really do.
Anonymous 3

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Once you’re divorced there’s no reason to attend events like that. Especially if there is a new SO in the picture. It’s awkward and rude af imo. I wonder if they’re doing it to be spiteful or they genuinely don’t get it. My husband was furious when he found out MIL and SIL were still hanging out with his ex wife and she wasn’t even invited to events.
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MrsDavidB wrote: Sun Nov 17, 2019 8:56 am
RealisticBeauty wrote: Sun Nov 17, 2019 8:53 am
Anonymous 2 wrote: Sun Nov 17, 2019 8:45 am

Of course it's ok not to go if you don't want to. That's not the topic. The ex does want to go, which is OPs problem. OP for some reason thinks she should be able to dictate where this woman goes/doesn't go just because she's currently bleeding him dry. I guess she's afraid of interference.
She's the last person that I'm worried about being successful at interfering. She texted my SO the other day and asked him if she could take our son to a Christmas parade. I literally laughed my ass off after reading that. At that point I knew the lady has issues.
Wait she wanted to pick up your son herself and take him out for the day? She clearly does have issues and my contact with her would be zero at this point. She's playing games.
Yes she did! I told him to tell her to text me and ask that question but of course he didn't because he knew my response to her would not be pretty.
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Just don't talk to her. Ignore her. It is really petty to keep your son away from his grandmother solely because you can't deal with being in the same room as his ex.
Anonymous 4

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Anonymous 3 wrote: Sun Nov 17, 2019 9:08 am Once you’re divorced there’s no reason to attend events like that. Especially if there is a new SO in the picture. It’s awkward and rude af imo. I wonder if they’re doing it to be spiteful or they genuinely don’t get it. My husband was furious when he found out MIL and SIL were still hanging out with his ex wife and she wasn’t even invited to events.
Which speaks volumes about him, what kind of person he is and what kind of husband he was to her. The current wife doesn't typically have the true story of what went on with the ex wife. They are totally willing to believe whatever lies he tells that makes him look good while painting the ex as a bitch. I can't believe so many stupidly buy into that but it happens every day. Desperate to have a man I suppose.
Deleted User 876

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RealisticBeauty wrote: Sun Nov 17, 2019 7:43 am I am no longer attending my SO family events. His ex wife shows up at everything and for the last few years I either didn't go because I wasn't interested or I went and dealt with it. I get why some ex still attend events but now I feel like she is going overboard. His niece had a 1st birthday party for her kid yesterday and sure enough his ex wife was there when we arrive. She is always super early so no matter what time we get to any event, she is already there. I hate that I can never get comfortable because she is always watching me, him or our son. And she goes out of her way to keep a conversation going with me. Since their kids are grown we were certain that this would be the 1 event that she would not attend but nope. My SO said she doesn't understand social boundaries so expect her to be at everything. GREAT so his ex is exactly like him. They are all odd and I will be skipping the Christmas dinner. His mom never made it into town for Halloween so she wants to meet me and our son for the first time at Christmas dinner. His sister is hosting it and she said all of the grandkids will be there so that means his ex will likely be there with their grown kids. The dinner will be way too intimate for me so I'm skipping it. I don't feel comfortable sitting at a table and discussing my life in front of his ex.
So she's actually reacting to this situation in the exact way you would expect an emotionally mature person to react. YOU are the one who's choosing to react in a self-absorbed, insecure and controlling manner. They were HER family before they became your family, and she has every right to maintain contact if she can do so without drama, which apparently she can do but you cannot. Grow up. She is not the problem here, you are.
Anonymous 4

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As much as you don't like to think about it, they probably invite her to balance out you being there. I doubt seriously that they are very happy with you in his life because it is obvious you're only with him, and keep getting pregnant, for money. No one would be thrilled to see their relative attached to someone like that.
Anonymous 5

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You sound like my bitchy sil. All upset that my best friend of over 20 years and mother of 4 of my nieces and nephews are still invited to all major events in my home and who I have a girlfriend weekends out with several times a year. She tried to be a child and demand we never see her. That didn't work out in her favor. Now that my Bill does what he does best (running away from his responsibilities) her and her children are alone. No grandparents,no cousins. Just them all alone in the world. Just last week she called me whining wanting an invite to Thanksgivings ng and Christmas and became upset that I told her no that I didn't want her type of drama. Plus I threw in the same words she threw in my face so many times over my best friend. Your divorced so you aren't family and don't belong at a family celebration
Anonymous 3

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Anonymous 4 wrote: Sun Nov 17, 2019 9:29 am
Anonymous 3 wrote: Sun Nov 17, 2019 9:08 am Once you’re divorced there’s no reason to attend events like that. Especially if there is a new SO in the picture. It’s awkward and rude af imo. I wonder if they’re doing it to be spiteful or they genuinely don’t get it. My husband was furious when he found out MIL and SIL were still hanging out with his ex wife and she wasn’t even invited to events.
Which speaks volumes about him, what kind of person he is and what kind of husband he was to her. The current wife doesn't typically have the true story of what went on with the ex wife. They are totally willing to believe whatever lies he tells that makes him look good while painting the ex as a bitch. I can't believe so many stupidly buy into that but it happens every day. Desperate to have a man I suppose.
She cheated on him and married his best friend. Mil and myself know the whole story. I didn’t even care, he did. If someone did that to my son or brother I wouldn’t even acknowledge her existence anymore. It’s water under the bride and no one talks to her now. They didn’t even have kids. I’m still of the belief that exes are no longer invited to things. It’s part of divorce... I’ve never been desperate for a man, lol. Ever. I know how to take care of myself. Never needed anyone really. And DH never really even talked about his ex so no stories or lies there.
Anonymous 6

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It depends how long they were married honestly. My husband has an aunt by marriage she was married to his uncle for 15 years, she comes to most family events and her kids are all grown. His family honestly likes the aunt more than his uncle and they want her there and don't care if he comes or not. Maybe it's the same way here.
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