O'Rourke visits Arkansas gun show after releasing gun control platform

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CockatooCrazyColt529 wrote: Mon Aug 19, 2019 5:35 am
Valentina327 wrote: Sun Aug 18, 2019 10:47 pm
Ledina60 wrote: Sun Aug 18, 2019 10:28 pm People keep blaming shootings on mental illness or they bring up shootings in Chicago as inevitable, not preventable, and think those are reasons why there is no reason to strictly enforce gun laws( 100% background checks, for example )
But here’s another of many examples why average people will cause preventable shootings:
Child shot and killed in Heron Lake home
KSTP channel 5 in Minneapolis,MN

It appear to be accidental , due to negligence.
But let’s think about how and why this happens. And how it can be prevented.
And let’s be more honest and about the fact that the laws we have now are being ignored.
So much negligence.
And don’t forget the many cases of groups with hostile members who brag about their ability to shoot “ enemies” . They do.
And violence in marriage or relationships - some arguments become violent and with a gun in the home it can be deadly,
There’s more too- I’ll just leave this here.
Chicago has about the strictest gun laws in the country. Why don't you check out what our weekend shooting numbers are.

Yes, gun laws are being ignored. "So much negligence".
By all means - pass more gun laws. That's the answer. Because criminals ALWAYS obey the law.

Again, we need to address what's changed in society these last 15 years. Guns have been available for hundreds of years. Your car can be turned into a weapon. So can your cell phone. Guns are not standing up and firing themselves. This is a society problem - not an inanimate object problem.
Hmmm, 2019 - 15 = 2004

What expired in 2004?

https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Violent ... cement_Act

https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal ... eapons_Ban

I wouldn't say in the last 15 years. Mass shootings from before then is what prompted the ban.

The ban took effect September 13, 1994 and expired on September 13, 2004 by a sunset provision. Since the expiration date, there is no federal ban on the subject firearms or magazines capable of holding more than ten rounds of ammunition

If this is what you're referring to, it's not these types of weapons that are mowing down up to 70 souls a weekend here in Chicago. We lose more to violence here in a few months than nationwide mass shootings in a year.

I agree there were mass shootings prior, but they were sparse. It seems to have really amped up in recent years.

"As of July 31, 2019, 248 mass shootings have occurred in 2019 that fit the inclusion criteria of this article. This averages out to 1.2 shootings per day. In these shootings, 979 people were injured and 246 died (for a total of 1,325 victims)."

https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of ... es_in_2019

Just in Chicago, we've had 1692 shooting victims in the same time period. This isn't even counting St Louis, Baltimore and other cities that are known for a lot of violence.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that the guns used in the shootings in Chicago and other high crime major cities were not acquired legally nor is there a legal registered owner with all paperwork in order. Just a hunch though.

Again, this is a people problem, not a weapon problem. There's something that needs to be corrected in our society where these kids think actions like these are an answer. It's frustrating because no one is acknowledging this. It keeps getting talked over by the chants of background checks and banning guns that "look" like an assault rifle. There's no point if the same attitude and intent is out there. You'll never be able to ban everything that can be used as a weapon.

The violence itself and the corresponding mindset need to be addressed - not the tool that's being wielded. If someone intends malice they'll find a way to do it.
Let's Go Brandon!

Deleted User 1344

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Lexy wrote: Sun Aug 18, 2019 11:50 pm
Ledina60 wrote: Sun Aug 18, 2019 11:24 pm
DSamuels wrote: Sun Aug 18, 2019 11:20 pm

People have owned guns in this country since before we were an official country. We didn’t have mass shootings then. These shootings started happening about 30 years for so. Why then?

Enforce the gun laws we ALREADY HAVE. We don’t need new ones to be ignored.

News flash - you will never ever get rid of all guns. Criminals can and do buy guns illegally. If they cared about laws they wouldn’t be criminals.

You are the only person I have ever met, in real life or online, that claims people own guns because of fear. IMO you are projecting YOUR fear of guns onto gun owners. By all means, if you don’t like guns and are afraid of them, for the love of God please don’t ever buy one.

Being your state allows concealed carry I can guarantee that every time you go out in public you are near or interact with someone carrying a gun. You just don’t know it, because it is concealed. They are normal people going about their life, not fearful scary people waiting for an excuse to shoot someone.
Yes I said here and other times we need to enforce the laws we already have. Duh.

Don’t worry, I won’t buy a gun. I’m not a big chicken, paranoid type of person.
You are so obnoxious and very very full of shit.
Where was she obnoxious? She made a point that your state allows concealed carry and she is right you would have no clue who was carrying while you are out shopping or just going or a walk.
She said in a snotty way: “ news flash, you will never get rid of all guns”!
Nobody wants to get rid of all guns.🙄
Then she says I am afraid of guns 🤣😆😁 and tells me to never buy one! Omg ! Dumb!
Did you agree with her snarky uninformed ,narrow minded , gun- loving garbage?
Posts: 22886
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Valentina327 wrote: Mon Aug 19, 2019 11:39 am
CockatooCrazyColt529 wrote: Mon Aug 19, 2019 5:35 am
Valentina327 wrote: Sun Aug 18, 2019 10:47 pm

Chicago has about the strictest gun laws in the country. Why don't you check out what our weekend shooting numbers are.

Yes, gun laws are being ignored. "So much negligence".
By all means - pass more gun laws. That's the answer. Because criminals ALWAYS obey the law.

Again, we need to address what's changed in society these last 15 years. Guns have been available for hundreds of years. Your car can be turned into a weapon. So can your cell phone. Guns are not standing up and firing themselves. This is a society problem - not an inanimate object problem.
Hmmm, 2019 - 15 = 2004

What expired in 2004?

https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Violent ... cement_Act

https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal ... eapons_Ban

I wouldn't say in the last 15 years. Mass shootings from before then is what prompted the ban.

The ban took effect September 13, 1994 and expired on September 13, 2004 by a sunset provision. Since the expiration date, there is no federal ban on the subject firearms or magazines capable of holding more than ten rounds of ammunition

If this is what you're referring to, it's not these types of weapons that are mowing down up to 70 souls a weekend here in Chicago. We lose more to violence here in a few months than nationwide mass shootings in a year.

I agree there were mass shootings prior, but they were sparse. It seems to have really amped up in recent years.

"As of July 31, 2019, 248 mass shootings have occurred in 2019 that fit the inclusion criteria of this article. This averages out to 1.2 shootings per day. In these shootings, 979 people were injured and 246 died (for a total of 1,325 victims)."

https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of ... es_in_2019

Just in Chicago, we've had 1692 shooting victims in the same time period. This isn't even counting St Louis, Baltimore and other cities that are known for a lot of violence.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that the guns used in the shootings in Chicago and other high crime major cities were not acquired legally nor is there a legal registered owner with all paperwork in order. Just a hunch though.

Again, this is a people problem, not a weapon problem. There's something that needs to be corrected in our society where these kids think actions like these are an answer. It's frustrating because no one is acknowledging this. It keeps getting talked over by the chants of background checks and banning guns that "look" like an assault rifle. There's no point if the same attitude and intent is out there. You'll never be able to ban everything that can be used as a weapon.

The violence itself and the corresponding mindset need to be addressed - not the tool that's being wielded. If someone intends malice they'll find a way to do it.

What types of guns were used - more than ten round magazines?

Does Illinois have a magazine capacity limit?

Honest, I don't know what the solution is, but I'm curious about Illinois punishment statutes. In Florida we have https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/10-20-Life. Do y'all have that too?

But I'm still the winner! They lied! They cheated! They stole the election!
Princess Royal
Princess Royal
Posts: 5655
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Ledina60 wrote: Mon Aug 19, 2019 12:46 pm
Lexy wrote: Sun Aug 18, 2019 11:50 pm
Ledina60 wrote: Sun Aug 18, 2019 11:24 pm
Yes I said here and other times we need to enforce the laws we already have. Duh.

Don’t worry, I won’t buy a gun. I’m not a big chicken, paranoid type of person.
You are so obnoxious and very very full of shit.
Where was she obnoxious? She made a point that your state allows concealed carry and she is right you would have no clue who was carrying while you are out shopping or just going or a walk.
She said in a snotty way: “ news flash, you will never get rid of all guns”!
Nobody wants to get rid of all guns.🙄
Then she says I am afraid of guns 🤣😆😁 and tells me to never buy one! Omg ! Dumb!
Did you agree with her snarky uninformed ,narrow minded , gun- loving garbage?
Wow! You really have a vivid imagination! And yes, there are people who want to get rid of all guns. Some on CM and here have admitted it. You have admitted that you are afraid of guns and don’t want to learn anything about them.

Don’t you think calling all gun owners fearful, cowards, weak and needy among other adjectives is a bit snarky, uninformed and narrow minded? You don’t even try to hide the way you disapprove and look down on anyone who owns a gun, except to hunt once a year.

Keep the personal attacks coming sweetheart. It just shows everyone your real feelings. You sound so angry all the time. I feel sorry for you.
Never explain - your friends do not need it and your enemies will not believe you anyway. - Elbert Hubbard

Keep up - Calm Down - Pay Attention
Deleted User 1344

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DSamuels wrote: Mon Aug 19, 2019 2:09 pm
Ledina60 wrote: Mon Aug 19, 2019 12:46 pm
Lexy wrote: Sun Aug 18, 2019 11:50 pm

Where was she obnoxious? She made a point that your state allows concealed carry and she is right you would have no clue who was carrying while you are out shopping or just going or a walk.
She said in a snotty way: “ news flash, you will never get rid of all guns”!
Nobody wants to get rid of all guns.🙄
Then she says I am afraid of guns 🤣😆😁 and tells me to never buy one! Omg ! Dumb!
Did you agree with her snarky uninformed ,narrow minded , gun- loving garbage?
Wow! You really have a vivid imagination! And yes, there are people who want to get rid of all guns. Some on CM and here have admitted it. You have admitted that you are afraid of guns and don’t want to learn anything about them.

Don’t you think calling all gun owners fearful, cowards, weak and needy among other adjectives is a bit snarky, uninformed and narrow minded? You don’t even try to hide the way you disapprove and look down on anyone who owns a gun, except to hunt once a year.

Keep the personal attacks coming sweetheart. It just shows everyone your real feelings. You sound so angry all the time. I feel sorry for you.
I NEVER said I was afraid of guns.
It appears that you’re so desperate to defend your biased point of view that you will LIE!
You’re the one whining and always angry- you read a post , an article, any neutral comment, if it’s mine, you go off the rails ! You’re the one who needs to calm down.
This will be the last time I reply to you.
From now on, you don’t exist,
Posts: 22886
Joined: Sun Jun 03, 2018 12:46 pm

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Ledina60 wrote: Mon Aug 19, 2019 2:18 pm
DSamuels wrote: Mon Aug 19, 2019 2:09 pm
Ledina60 wrote: Mon Aug 19, 2019 12:46 pm

She said in a snotty way: “ news flash, you will never get rid of all guns”!
Nobody wants to get rid of all guns.🙄
Then she says I am afraid of guns 🤣😆😁 and tells me to never buy one! Omg ! Dumb!
Did you agree with her snarky uninformed ,narrow minded , gun- loving garbage?
Wow! You really have a vivid imagination! And yes, there are people who want to get rid of all guns. Some on CM and here have admitted it. You have admitted that you are afraid of guns and don’t want to learn anything about them.

Don’t you think calling all gun owners fearful, cowards, weak and needy among other adjectives is a bit snarky, uninformed and narrow minded? You don’t even try to hide the way you disapprove and look down on anyone who owns a gun, except to hunt once a year.

Keep the personal attacks coming sweetheart. It just shows everyone your real feelings. You sound so angry all the time. I feel sorry for you.
I NEVER said I was afraid of guns.
It appears that you’re so desperate to defend your biased point of view that you will LIE!
You’re the one whining and always angry- you read a post , an article, any neutral comment, if it’s mine, you go off the rails ! You’re the one who needs to calm down.
This will be the last time I reply to you.
From now on, you don’t exist,
I believe you should perhaps re-read quite a number of your past replies.

But I'm still the winner! They lied! They cheated! They stole the election!
Posts: 22886
Joined: Sun Jun 03, 2018 12:46 pm

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DSamuels wrote: Mon Aug 19, 2019 2:09 pm
Ledina60 wrote: Mon Aug 19, 2019 12:46 pm
Lexy wrote: Sun Aug 18, 2019 11:50 pm

Where was she obnoxious? She made a point that your state allows concealed carry and she is right you would have no clue who was carrying while you are out shopping or just going or a walk.
She said in a snotty way: “ news flash, you will never get rid of all guns”!
Nobody wants to get rid of all guns.🙄
Then she says I am afraid of guns 🤣😆😁 and tells me to never buy one! Omg ! Dumb!
Did you agree with her snarky uninformed ,narrow minded , gun- loving garbage?
Wow! You really have a vivid imagination! And yes, there are people who want to get rid of all guns. Some on CM and here have admitted it. You have admitted that you are afraid of guns and don’t want to learn anything about them.

Don’t you think calling all gun owners fearful, cowards, weak and needy among other adjectives is a bit snarky, uninformed and narrow minded? You don’t even try to hide the way you disapprove and look down on anyone who owns a gun, except to hunt once a year.

Keep the personal attacks coming sweetheart. It just shows everyone your real feelings. You sound so angry all the time. I feel sorry for you.
Serious question, do you come here for her replies?

But I'm still the winner! They lied! They cheated! They stole the election!
Posts: 11250
Joined: Mon May 21, 2018 11:22 pm

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Lexy wrote: Sun Aug 18, 2019 11:12 pm
Valentina327 wrote: Sun Aug 18, 2019 10:47 pm
Ledina60 wrote: Sun Aug 18, 2019 10:28 pm People keep blaming shootings on mental illness or they bring up shootings in Chicago as inevitable, not preventable, and think those are reasons why there is no reason to strictly enforce gun laws( 100% background checks, for example )
But here’s another of many examples why average people will cause preventable shootings:
Child shot and killed in Heron Lake home
KSTP channel 5 in Minneapolis,MN

It appear to be accidental , due to negligence.
But let’s think about how and why this happens. And how it can be prevented.
And let’s be more honest and about the fact that the laws we have now are being ignored.
So much negligence.
And don’t forget the many cases of groups with hostile members who brag about their ability to shoot “ enemies” . They do.
And violence in marriage or relationships - some arguments become violent and with a gun in the home it can be deadly,
There’s more too- I’ll just leave this here.
Chicago has about the strictest gun laws in the country. Why don't you check out what our weekend shooting numbers are.app.php/ultimatepoints?mode=lottery

Yes, gun laws are being ignored. "So much negligence".
By all means - pass more gun laws. That's the answer. Because criminals ALWAYS obey the law.

Again, we need to address what's changed in society these last 15 years. Guns have been available for hundreds of years. Your car can be turned into a weapon. So can your cell phone. Guns are not standing up and firing themselves. This is a society problem - not an inanimate object problem.
A waiter in France just got shot by a customer because the order was too slow. France has one of the strictest gun laws in Europe, yet in that country only the criminals have the guns. How odd?
And it's news around the world because it is so rare. People being shot is an every day event in America. Not so in France.
Princess Royal
Princess Royal
Posts: 5655
Joined: Mon May 21, 2018 9:56 pm

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CockatooCrazyColt529 wrote: Mon Aug 19, 2019 3:40 pm
DSamuels wrote: Mon Aug 19, 2019 2:09 pm
Ledina60 wrote: Mon Aug 19, 2019 12:46 pm

She said in a snotty way: “ news flash, you will never get rid of all guns”!
Nobody wants to get rid of all guns.🙄
Then she says I am afraid of guns 🤣😆😁 and tells me to never buy one! Omg ! Dumb!
Did you agree with her snarky uninformed ,narrow minded , gun- loving garbage?
Wow! You really have a vivid imagination! And yes, there are people who want to get rid of all guns. Some on CM and here have admitted it. You have admitted that you are afraid of guns and don’t want to learn anything about them.

Don’t you think calling all gun owners fearful, cowards, weak and needy among other adjectives is a bit snarky, uninformed and narrow minded? You don’t even try to hide the way you disapprove and look down on anyone who owns a gun, except to hunt once a year.

Keep the personal attacks coming sweetheart. It just shows everyone your real feelings. You sound so angry all the time. I feel sorry for you.
Serious question, do you come here for her replies?
She is not the only person I quote or reply to, that would be a no.
Never explain - your friends do not need it and your enemies will not believe you anyway. - Elbert Hubbard

Keep up - Calm Down - Pay Attention
Deleted User 1344

Unread post

CockatooCrazyColt529 wrote: Mon Aug 19, 2019 3:37 pm
Ledina60 wrote: Mon Aug 19, 2019 2:18 pm
DSamuels wrote: Mon Aug 19, 2019 2:09 pm

Wow! You really have a vivid imagination! And yes, there are people who want to get rid of all guns. Some on CM and here have admitted it. You have admitted that you are afraid of guns and don’t want to learn anything about them.

Don’t you think calling all gun owners fearful, cowards, weak and needy among other adjectives is a bit snarky, uninformed and narrow minded? You don’t even try to hide the way you disapprove and look down on anyone who owns a gun, except to hunt once a year.

Keep the personal attacks coming sweetheart. It just shows everyone your real feelings. You sound so angry all the time. I feel sorry for you.
I NEVER said I was afraid of guns.
It appears that you’re so desperate to defend your biased point of view that you will LIE!
You’re the one whining and always angry- you read a post , an article, any neutral comment, if it’s mine, you go off the rails ! You’re the one who needs to calm down.
This will be the last time I reply to you.
From now on, you don’t exist,
I believe you should perhaps re-read quite a number of your past replies.
I never said I was afraid of guns.
But it’s very apparent that many people buy guns because they’re afraid of people!
I’m not!
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