27 People Share The Things Their Parents Did That Would Not Fly Today

Anonymous 4

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#1 I heard a lot from my grandmother's generation. Also, my great uncle slept in a drawer as an infant.

#4 I remember always begging anyone I can to let me get them a pack of cigarettes from one of those vending machines with the pull bar. Noone thought anything of a 5 yo buying a pack back then I guess lol. I dont know what fascinated me so much about those machines.

#5 We always rode in the back of the truck. I liked sitting on the wheel hump.

#10 Our parents would leave us kids in the car all the time. But we had the windows rolled down during the summer. And we could get out of the car if we needed to. We also knew not to run off.

#16 We were told to get out of the house and not come back until we were called home. A lot of times that meant we were out until dusk or when dinner was ready.

#23 My father would let me sit in his lap and he would work the gas and I would steer the truck.

#27 I have gotten a few threats on that one. But usually if my parents had to pull the car over because of our behavior, that meant we were getting a spanking on the side of the road. That only happened once to my recollection. I made sure to heed the warnings from the on.
Anonymous 4

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I will add another thing. We were forced to sit on those hot car seats with the metal belt buckles that would nearly give you third-degree burns if you accidently sat on one. Some people would make their kids wear them anyway, whereas our parents would let us go without.
Deleted User 670

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One Saturday during the Summer, we were headed to the beach. I was in the front seat of our station wagon with my younger brother who was about 3 and I'm about 6. We were waiting for everyone else. My brother releases the emergency brake and we start to slowly roll down the driveway. I'm screaming "help". The old man who lived next door comes out running and so does my dad. They try and stop us from going out into the street. We just keep rolling backward into the street until the crape myrtle tree stops us. Luckily, we lived on a quiet street so there were no other cars on the road at that point.
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LiveWhatULove wrote: Thu May 23, 2019 4:37 pm LMAO about a lot, but the last one, who kicked her kid out of the car, and after, she walked 5 miles home, and all she said was, "next time maybe you'll learn to respect your mother." That is one angry mother, who hasn't calmed down after the child has been gone for 5 mile of walking...

Just think though, the "10 year old step daughter post" can write #28, "my parents made me pay the electricity bill at age 10, because I turned the AC on" to a list, LOL!! it sort of fits...

Parents, just doing the best we can in all decades, right??
I guess the past is not as far back as I thought. I kicked my oldest out of the car when she was 12. Her walk home wasn't more than 5 or 10 minutes though. Believe me, it was for her own safety!
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I can relate to some of the 27 things mentioned. Collectively my kids can relate to maybe two of them.
Anonymous 5

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There are definitely days I lock my kids out so I can clean the house.
Anonymous 5

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My dad was a mechanic so when I turned 6 and my brother was 9 we got our own car to drive around the property. Its amazing my brother never rolled that thing.
Anonymous 6

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LOL I thought I had a unique one (my #5), but even that was on there! Here we go

1) Mom would spank us with a wooden paddle called "the board of education". Eventually she cracked it over my brother's ass, but she still used the cracked half with the handle once in awhile.

2) We'd climb up on the roof of the garage at our grandparents' house. They didn't exactly allow this, but we still did it. (Our grandparents' house was our second home, we were probably there 50% of the time, so this wasn't a once-a-year kind of deal.)

3) My mom couldn''t get my brother to leave the video games at the store, so she took me and we got in the car and went for a long drive before going back. Brother was outside panicked by that time (for the record I don't think he was any younger than 9 - and he never pulled that crap again.)

4) I spent a lot of time at my friend's house during the summer. Her mother would lock us out if we kept coming in (for drinks! it was scorching hot) because we were "letting out the AC." Sometimes we'd be stuck outside for hours. And she rarely fed us lunch. I have no idea how I survived that summer. I don't think there was ever anything for breakfast either.

5) My dad, when on back country roads, would do that thing with my brother driving on his lap - except my brother was a toddler at the time!

6) Pretty sure we got soap in the mouth a few times.

7) Dad let me drive on the roads when I was like 12 (again, back country roads). It was a stick shift. The very first time, I peeled out bigtime and left a huge skid mark on the road. One time we were at my grandfather's and he let me drive down the road alone - except I didn't know how to turn around. I had to do a three point turn into a damn field (farm country), and it was more like a 12-point turn and there was a car waiting for me to get turned around and I was sure I was heading to jail.

8) I learned how to shift left-handed from the passenger side when I was 8. Dad would call out the numbers when he needed them and I'd shift. Only got that wrong a couple times, and he was able to right it pretty quickly, but I often look back and wonder what would have happened if he couldn't have.
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Anonymous 6 wrote: Sun May 26, 2019 12:34 pm LOL I thought I had a unique one (my #5), but even that was on there! Here we go

1) Mom would spank us with a wooden paddle called "the board of education". Eventually she cracked it over my brother's ass, but she still used the cracked half with the handle once in awhile.

2) We'd climb up on the roof of the garage at our grandparents' house. They didn't exactly allow this, but we still did it. (Our grandparents' house was our second home, we were probably there 50% of the time, so this wasn't a once-a-year kind of deal.)

3) My mom couldn''t get my brother to leave the video games at the store, so she took me and we got in the car and went for a long drive before going back. Brother was outside panicked by that time (for the record I don't think he was any younger than 9 - and he never pulled that crap again.)

4) I spent a lot of time at my friend's house during the summer. Her mother would lock us out if we kept coming in (for drinks! it was scorching hot) because we were "letting out the AC." Sometimes we'd be stuck outside for hours. And she rarely fed us lunch. I have no idea how I survived that summer. I don't think there was ever anything for breakfast either.

5) My dad, when on back country roads, would do that thing with my brother driving on his lap - except my brother was a toddler at the time!

6) Pretty sure we got soap in the mouth a few times.

7) Dad let me drive on the roads when I was like 12 (again, back country roads). It was a stick shift. The very first time, I peeled out bigtime and left a huge skid mark on the road. One time we were at my grandfather's and he let me drive down the road alone - except I didn't know how to turn around. I had to do a three point turn into a damn field (farm country), and it was more like a 12-point turn and there was a car waiting for me to get turned around and I was sure I was heading to jail.

8) I learned how to shift left-handed from the passenger side when I was 8. Dad would call out the numbers when he needed them and I'd shift. Only got that wrong a couple times, and he was able to right it pretty quickly, but I often look back and wonder what would have happened if he couldn't have.
When I was a child one of my friends parent's had that same paddle and I still remember that they had it hanging over the telephone in the kitchen. I got my mouth washed out with soap once when I was 10. It was no big deal. My dad let me drive also on a couple of back roads when I was about 12. To a 12 year old that is awesome.
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When I was about 6 or 7 years old my mom would go party with friends a lot and drag my older sister and I along. One night after partying and drinking a lot she was driving home with me asleep in the back seat (my sister had stayed behind for some reason). When we left they gave my mom a bottle to drink from while driving home. On the way home my mom got pulled over. She stashed the bottle under her seat so the cop wouldn't see it but some of it was spilling out onto the floor. After talking to her for a moment and asking about the sleeping child in the backseat (me) the cop let her go and we continued on home.

By today's standards, so much wrong with that story, right?
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