27 People Share The Things Their Parents Did That Would Not Fly Today

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https://www.buzzfeed.com/mikespohr/27-t ... -not-be-ok

This is really interesting.

My parents didn't have a car, and I was an only child so I didn't experience as many incidents as some here probably did.
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LMAO about a lot, but the last one, who kicked her kid out of the car, and after, she walked 5 miles home, and all she said was, "next time maybe you'll learn to respect your mother." That is one angry mother, who hasn't calmed down after the child has been gone for 5 mile of walking...

Just think though, the "10 year old step daughter post" can write #28, "my parents made me pay the electricity bill at age 10, because I turned the AC on" to a list, LOL!! it sort of fits...

Parents, just doing the best we can in all decades, right??
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Our car wasn't big enough for everyone so we sat on each other's laps or in the back hatch area of the station wagon. We rode in the back of pickup trucks too, and my parents left us in the car while they ran into a store/fast food place. I remember my brother being in the front seat with my parents, which I don't actually think was legal because he was born in 91 and I remember he also had a carseat. Maybe they weren't mandatory then, idk. I also rode on the back of a motorcycle with no helmet when I was staying with my sister. My brother was born when I was six and my sister was 8, I remember they left us home alone while they were in the hospital. I asked my sister if she could make me some eggs, she told me to do it myself, and I tried but couldn't figure out how to turn on the stove thankfully lol.

My Dad used to kick us out and tell us don't come home till the street lights came on. We had all sorts of fun. We could come in to eat and use the bathroom but that was it. We weren't allowed to just laze around the house. Me and my friends used to take off on our bikes and go wherever, but I somehow knew how far was too far to go. And while I don't kick my kids out for the day, I also don't let them laze around the house. If it's nice out, you are outside being active, period.
Anonymous 1

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I've ridden on the back of a moped. Like on the rack. Idk what my father and I were thinking.
Princess Royal
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I rode in the back of station wagons and pick ups. Hung out at the beach with my little sister all day long, after taking the bus to get there, and many more.
Princess Royal
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Is it bad that half of those dont really seem all that bad to me?
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My Mom and Grandma BOTH had a wooden spoon that they would spank us with.

We ate a LOT of soap.

We were sent outside after breakfast, were permitted to go play in the woods or the playground and weren’t allowed back home til lunch wash rinse and repeat til dinner.

My eldest sister was turning 6, and I was 2 1/2 when my 5 months pregnant Mom and Dad put us in the back of the station wagon with a potty seat and a cake carrier full of snacks so we could drive to Alabama to visit her brother and sister in law. No car seats or anything.

And for the gravy on top—I have a piece of lead/graphite in my thumb after I stabbed myself with a pencil—my mom put a band aid on it and called it a day.
Anonymous 2

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My mother decided a 2 door beretta was the car she wanted to cart around her six kids and groceries. Four of us sat in the back and the smallest kid sat in the lap of the biggest kid in the front passenger seat. She was adamant that we all have a seat belt on though, even if some of us had to share the seat belt. I always hated that car.
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Msprekteacher wrote: Thu May 23, 2019 4:58 pm My Mom and Grandma BOTH had a wooden spoon that they would spank us with.

We ate a LOT of soap.

We were sent outside after breakfast, were permitted to go play in the woods or the playground and weren’t allowed back home til lunch wash rinse and repeat til dinner.

My eldest sister was turning 6, and I was 2 1/2 when my 5 months pregnant Mom and Dad put us in the back of the station wagon with a potty seat and a cake carrier full of snacks so we could drive to Alabama to visit her brother and sister in law. No car seats or anything.

And for the gravy on top—I have a piece of lead/graphite in my thumb after I stabbed myself with a pencil—my mom put a band aid on it and called it a day.

My Mom and grandmas just grabbed whatever was handy and whacked us with it lol. Hairbrush, wooden spoon, didn't matter.
Anonymous 3

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My friends and I get together and share stories of all things our parents hit us with

They’d spank with whatever was within reach

We remember those times fondly and laugh about all the shit we did and how red our asses were after 😂

I miss getting into trouble with the neighborhood kids. During summer we were never home unless it was time to eat and then we’d end up at whoever’s house was closest. When it was time to come in for the night you would hear the echo of various parents yelling to get your asses inside

Childhood was full of fun times and fun stories
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