Is it important for you that your children are the "popular" kids in school?


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At the park today a mom was going on and on how proud of her daughter she was that she's going to be a popular girl in school just like her mom. The girl was 6 and mean and bossy. I was not popular in school and never wished to be. I don't care if my daughter is or not but regardless she better not be a mean bully. Do you care if your children are popular and do you think of it as an accomplishment if they are?

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I used to care and then I got quickly over that when I realized it was not happening and I am at peace with that. To be popular around here you have to play sports and have lived here your whole life and go to church and be kiss ass to everyone and I am not doing all that
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Nope not at all.
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I don't care about that. I care that they aren't bullied. They aren't a bully. That they have genuine friends who are good people, and of course, that my kids are also good people.
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No, I don’t care about such banal things.
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I don't care if he is popular. Since graduating, I have run into several people who were considered "popular" in school. All but one have decent lives. I don't think popularity in school equates to real world success.

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No way. Most of those kids were mean and/or shallow. That's not what I want for my kids.
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No, I'd rather him not be too popular. Sometimes popular kids peak in high school and the rest of their life goes downhill afterwards. Some popular kids are wild, drunks, etc. I don't want that for my son.

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No, not at all. I think the whole "popular" issue is so overrated. If popular equals kids being mean to other kids whom aren't popular than I wouldn't want my kids being a part of that crowd. I wasn't popular in my scholastic years and I always felt like I was missing out on something. I still feel sad about not fitting in with my peers to this day, but then again I probably didn't miss out much on anything.

Ignore the mom that was bragging about her daughter being popular and all. You can have the last laugh when her little popular princess is still so popular eventually in HS and is the pregnant one in HS because she wants to go along with what the "cool kids" do. Her mom won't be so proud of her precious princess being such a popular brat at that point.
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Not at all.
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