What does your day look like?


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What does your day look like today and some other days? I work as a substitute so I can choose when I work which is nice. My kids just started back to school yesterday and even though I work later today, I don't even know what to do with myself! lol! I should do a work out, I should throw some laundry in, but here I am on the computer......
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I homeschool my kids, but we haven't started back just yet, but we do read together every day.

I work a lot from home and will be working from home today. My schedule varies. Sometimes I work outside the home a lot and other times I don't.

Two of my adult daughters are here visiting today so I'll spend most of my day with them just hanging out.

I'm leaving to go on a work trip tomorrow, so i need to pack and prep for that today also. Sometimes I feel like there just aren't enough hours in a day.
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Today it's pouring down rain so aside from a trip to Costco and my son's Open House I don't have anything to do.

When DS goes back to school it'll be much of the same. I usually chill out at home on days I don't work and catch up on chores/do whatever. Just waiting for this baby to get here in December.
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Older two kids started back to school last week, so it is just me and the toddler. Currently watching bubble guppies and scrolling through here. I need to do some housework (laundry and load dishwasher). My kids have soccer practice this evening, so other than that nothing.
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I have a house full of little boys already. I have chores to get done, a trip to the corner store and later tonight DS has karate.
She is too fond of books and it has turned her brain.
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It depends on the day. I write for a blog and I just got my real estate license. Today, I have three posts due, two of which are past due because the editor assigned them to me even though I told him I was out of town for my birthday. I also have my first potential real estate clients whose requirements are difficult to meet.

My kids also haven't started back to school yet and I want them to have a good rest of the summer so I'm stressing out a little bit because I have so much to do.

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Sitting around waiting for tomorrow.
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I am working remotely from my kitchen table. I have to move, photograph and list some furniture that I need to find a new home for. Later on I am heading to the yoga studio of some YIN then off to a friends home for a visit.
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Princess Royal
Princess Royal
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I homeschool my girls. I got up, had two cups of coffee, did 5 miles, came home and made Dh a smoothie and did dishes before teaching my 5th grader factoring..more like refreshing her memory since she did it in 4th grade. Both of the girls are in their rooms working on schoolwork now. I am about to do a 40 minute cardio/ab workout before showering for the day. I need to put away my tiny pile of clothing on the couch that dd washed last night, sweep, mop and make lunch in between monitoring schoolwork. I really need to grade papers, but I'm procrastinating. LOL The girls have karate from 4:45-6:30 so I'll be there this afternoon before coming home and making dinner in the instant pot.
Most of my days are like this.. Mondays are co-op days so we are there from 9-4. The rest of my days are filled with school, housework, errands and workouts.
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13
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My day will be spent being annoyed waiting for the electric company to restore power to my apartment. I haven't been able to cook a meal since Monday. 😑😑😑
'Normal is an illusion. What is normal for the spider is chaos for the fly.'
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