I want to just clarify a few things about living in today’s world.....

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pinkbutterfly66 wrote: Mon Jul 02, 2018 11:33 am
MC08 wrote: Mon Jul 02, 2018 11:15 am
pinkbutterfly66 wrote: Mon Jul 02, 2018 10:37 am

I think you have a warped sense of things. If your son tells you that he wants to be a girl, repeatedly, gets upset if you try to prevent him from representing himself as a girl, F***ing PAY ATTENTION. This is not imaginary play if the child suffers clear emotional distress at being told 'no you're a boy'. No one says you 'immediately have to start him living as a girl 24/7 and buy him a whole new F***ing wardrobe that instant. But you F***ing PAY ATTENTION. He could be gay, he could be pretending and going through phase, or he could truly be expressing gender dysmorphia. Some kids even contemplate suicide at this very young age because of clueless, homophobic asshole parents. YOU JUST F***ing PAY ATTENTION AND SEE WHERE IT LEADS AND IF FOR GODS SAKE IT'S NOT A PHASE, YOU GET THAT CHILD HELP.

Cheating should be a dealbreaker. It breaks the very foundation of trust in a relationship. Stay with the cheater if you want, but I have a healthier sense of self-worth and would kick a cheater to the curb.

You don't live in the 40's, you live in an alternate universe. Relationships can and are destroyed on a daily basis by one partner. Cheating, for example. The only one responsible for cheating is the cheater, for example. And I won't even go into domestic violence relationships. My parent's marriage was destroyed by one person -- my mother. She didn't cheat, she wasn't abusive but she decided that she just didn't want to 'settle' any more. Never mind she had 4 young children with the man she had rebounded- married to for 15 years. Never mind her 'true love' dumped her ass in high school and married someone else that he love more.

You don't have any of it any close to being right.
Seriously both of my boys went through a phase where they acted like puppies ALL THE F***ing TIME. It wasn’t because they had species confusion.

I sincerely have never met a preschooler that consistently, correctly identifies gender. Really I think that’s something that kids pick up some time in kindergarten. But let’s be very clear here - if I needed some support in dealing with the behaviors of my child I would certainly seek it out. What I would NEVER F***ing DO is start having my 5 year old son live as a girl and post it ALL OVER THE F***ing INTERNET TRYING TO GET AS MUCH PUBLICITY AS POSSIBLE. That certainly makes it much less likely that he will come to his own decision when he has the maturity to F***ing MAKE THE DECISION HIMSELF.
And you probably, statistically won't meet a transgendered preschooler. It's not like there's a F***ing transgendered epidemic going on.

A child who has gender dysmorphia expresses it DAILY, CONTINUOUSLY, NOT JUST 'ALL THE F***ing TIME'. My daughter pretended she was a kitty. She also knew she was a little girl. She understood the difference. Yet she went through the phase where she had to wear her kitty ears and tail and meow at me and insist I call her "Kitty", I'm sure your boys did too. But it wasn't 24/7 365 days of the year. And she didn't get upset and obviously distressed when I told her it was time for her to be a little girl now. You obviously have no grasp of what gender dysmorphia is or what parents go through who have children who are transgendered. So just stop. Please just stop. Read up on these kids and then you won't be so ignorant.

And I personally do not facebook my life to everyone, I don't blog or vlog my life or my kid's life. So these parents who put their normal kid's life for out there for everyone to see on social media are in my opinion way worse than the parents of transgendered kids trying to raise public awareness and acceptance.

As for relationships, most good ones are all about compromise and communication. If your partner keeps clearly explaining his or her needs and you ignore them, don’t be surprised if your relationship starts to break down. I’m not sure why it’s so hard for some people to understand that unilaterally changing your relationship comes with consequences. If you CHOOSE to stop having S*x with your partner, gain 100lbs through poor health choices, stop wanting to go out and do things, etc your partner doesn’t have to suck it up and live with it.

And you assume there is communication in every marriage and you assume the cheating spouse has done all that before cheating. Exactly where is this world you live in? Because that is not the case in every relationship. Especially for cheaters. The majority of cheaters are scumbags bags and not victims of a partner who won't 'listen to them'.

And I don't know about you, but my vows are important. I promised to love in good times and bad times, not until my spouse gains 100lbs and then all bets are off. You must be young because people change as they age. And yes they gain weight and develop health issues. The spouse that 'gets turned off' is the problem generally, not the spouse with the health issues. The spouse that get's turned off wasn't fully committed in the relationship 100% from the beginning anyway probably so again, their fault.

As for cheating, I doubt I would stay with a cheater but I absolutely understand why some people do cheat.
We can agree to disagree. Personally, I think no parent should put their child’s life on display for ANY REASON.
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RedBottoms wrote: Mon Jul 02, 2018 11:40 am
MC08 wrote: Mon Jul 02, 2018 11:15 am
pinkbutterfly66 wrote: Mon Jul 02, 2018 10:37 am

I think you have a warped sense of things. If your son tells you that he wants to be a girl, repeatedly, gets upset if you try to prevent him from representing himself as a girl, F***ing PAY ATTENTION. This is not imaginary play if the child suffers clear emotional distress at being told 'no you're a boy'. No one says you 'immediately have to start him living as a girl 24/7 and buy him a whole new F***ing wardrobe that instant. But you F***ing PAY ATTENTION. He could be gay, he could be pretending and going through phase, or he could truly be expressing gender dysmorphia. Some kids even contemplate suicide at this very young age because of clueless, homophobic asshole parents. YOU JUST F***ing PAY ATTENTION AND SEE WHERE IT LEADS AND IF FOR GODS SAKE IT'S NOT A PHASE, YOU GET THAT CHILD HELP.

Cheating should be a dealbreaker. It breaks the very foundation of trust in a relationship. Stay with the cheater if you want, but I have a healthier sense of self-worth and would kick a cheater to the curb.

You don't live in the 40's, you live in an alternate universe. Relationships can and are destroyed on a daily basis by one partner. Cheating, for example. The only one responsible for cheating is the cheater, for example. And I won't even go into domestic violence relationships. My parent's marriage was destroyed by one person -- my mother. She didn't cheat, she wasn't abusive but she decided that she just didn't want to 'settle' any more. Never mind she had 4 young children with the man she had rebounded- married to for 15 years. Never mind her 'true love' dumped her ass in high school and married someone else that he love more.

You don't have any of it any close to being right.
Seriously both of my boys went through a phase where they acted like puppies ALL THE F***ing TIME. It wasn’t because they had species confusion.

I sincerely have never met a preschooler that consistently, correctly identifies gender. Really I think that’s something that kids pick up some time in kindergarten. But let’s be very clear here - if I needed some support in dealing with the behaviors of my child I would certainly seek it out. What I would NEVER F***ing DO is start having my 5 year old son live as a girl and post it ALL OVER THE F***ing INTERNET TRYING TO GET AS MUCH PUBLICITY AS POSSIBLE. That certainly makes it much less likely that he will come to his own decision when he has the maturity to F***ing MAKE THE DECISION HIMSELF.

As for relationships, most good ones are all about compromise and communication. If your partner keeps clearly explaining his or her needs and you ignore them, don’t be surprised if your relationship starts to break down. I’m not sure why it’s so hard for some people to understand that unilaterally changing your relationship comes with consequences. If you CHOOSE to stop having S*x with your partner, gain 100lbs through poor health choices, stop wanting to go out and do things, etc your partner doesn’t have to suck it up and live with it.

As for cheating, I doubt I would stay with a cheater but I absolutely understand why some people do cheat.
I know parents of a transgender girl and they do not advertise it whatsoever. I have never seen her even address it on fb. She posts family pictures and her Daughter will look like a girl in them but that is it. She never is like "I have a transgender girl look at me!" Not once.

I agree with you about if one partner stops having S*x and refuses and gains lots of weight and all that-you can't be surprised if they cheat on you. They still should not cheat in that case and just leave you-but shit happens. What did you expect? You gave up on yourself and the relationship.
The transgender person that I have a bee in my bonnet about is Jazz Jennings. Her parents actually allowed her to do hormone therapy to stave off puberty and sat her down for an interview with Barbara Walters when she was 6.

I don’t know what I would do in your friend’s shoes, but as I recall her child is a tween, not a young child.
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I was joking with a Doctor at my job a couple of weeks ago. The S*x/gender was blank on the dog’s file for some reason, and when he asked why I said “It’s 2018, you can’t assume people’s genders”. Which got us on the topic of the stupid people who refuse to have male or female written on their kids’ birth certificate. I find the whole transgender thing, at this point, (while it may be real for some) to be a giant hunk of attention seeking shit.

And I agree with your other points as well.
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Shaken1976 wrote: Sat Jun 30, 2018 11:03 pm I was told I should have stayed with my ex when I found he was still using cocaine after I put him through rehab. He had one chance after I found out the first time and he blew it.
Pun intended?
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Sounds about right in the land of CM😂😂😂
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