Babyn Yar

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The name Babi Yar, or Babyn Yar in Ukrainian, means Old Women’s Ravine and for centuries referred only to one of several ravines, a natural obstacle to invaders, situated on the northwestern edge of Kiev (Kyiv). The geological formation consisted of nine spurs running east and west for approximately a kilometer that had steep, ten-meter slopes. In the nineteenth century, cemeteries for Jews, Karaites (non-Rabbinical Jews who do not recognize the Talmud as divinely inspired), Muslims, and Orthodox Christians were established nearby
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On 29–30 September 1941, the Nazis massacred more than 30,000 Jews there. In total, during the war, at that one site they killed about 100,000 in all.

Not content with that, they then tried to hide the evidence.

Jewish cemetery whence marble headstones were brought to Babii Yar to form the foundation of a huge funeral pyre. Atop the stones were piled a layer of wood and then a layer of bodies, and so on until the pyre was as high as a two-story house. Vilkis said that approximately 1,500 bodies were burned in each operation of the furnace and each funeral pyre took two nights and one day to burn completely. The cremation went on for 40 days, and then the prisoners, who by this time included 341 men, were ordered to build another furnace. Since this was the last furnace and there were no more bodies, the prisoners realized it was for them. They made a break but only a dozen out of more than 200 survived the bullets of the Nazi machine guns.
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It wasn't only Jews executed there. Victims of other massacres at the site included Soviet prisoners of war, communists, Ukrainian nationalists and Roma.

After the war, Ukraine built a monument.

I'll repeat that: a monument to heroic Soviet soldiers who fought AGAINST the Nazis.
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But I'm still the winner! They lied! They cheated! They stole the election!
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So now for the meme:

"Nothing says "De-Nazification" like literally bombing a Holocaust memorial site."

Yep, that's right: Putin just blew up part of the Babyn Yar memorial.

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