Shit my nurse said to me after giving birth

Deleted User 1074

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she legitimately sounds like a sadist and I wouldn't be surprised if she ends up being one of those "angel of death" nurse serial killers.
Deleted User 1074

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Ledina60 wrote: Tue Jun 25, 2019 11:14 pm
Valentina327 wrote: Tue Jun 25, 2019 10:28 pm
Anonymous 7 wrote: Tue Jun 25, 2019 10:10 pm

Imaginary opioid crisis? REALLY?! Do you not follow the news and see the countless stories from cities all over the country that are having to deal with it? There is a crisis from doctors over prescribing pain meds. Now the manufacturers of those pain meds that are highly addictive have been getting on board to sell meds to cure the addictions. Big pharma is a huge blight on the country. There are other pain meds besides opioids.
Heroine addicts
Chinese fentanyl

That's the "crisis"...not people who are legitimately in pain. But they're the ones paying the price. Chronic pain sufferers can't get medication they need because of this manufactured bullshit. Post surgery people are being sent home on Tylenol.
The doctors are so afraid to prescribe anything with all of this BS so people who are in pain have to constantly jump through hoops and beg to get medication that allows them to participate in their lives. They're made to feel like drug addicts. It's insane.
Tylenol and Ibuprofen are sufficient pain relief medications.
I’ve had three children and some complicated oral surgery and I only took Tylenol or Ibuprofen. I was prescribed a pain med after oral surgery and after the first dose, I threw it out because it’s highly addictive and made me feel extremely weird.

Now I have arthritis and spinal stenosis which is painful but two Ibuprofen in the morning are good enough.
People don’t need anything stronger and they can easily avoid addiction.
lol, you think the pain level of oral surgery compares to having your gut and uterus sliced open and your entrails moved around? NO. dont sit there and tell others what pain meds are "sufficient".
Posts: 855
Joined: Fri Jun 08, 2018 12:35 am

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Ledina60 wrote: Wed Jun 26, 2019 5:53 pm
Fairymom wrote: Wed Jun 26, 2019 3:18 pm
Ledina60 wrote: Tue Jun 25, 2019 11:14 pm

Tylenol and Ibuprofen are sufficient pain relief medications.
I’ve had three children and some complicated oral surgery and I only took Tylenol or Ibuprofen. I was prescribed a pain med after oral surgery and after the first dose, I threw it out because it’s highly addictive and made me feel extremely weird.

Now I have arthritis and spinal stenosis which is painful but two Ibuprofen in the morning are good enough.
People don’t need anything stronger and they can easily avoid addiction.
Well lotti F***ing da for you. Glad its good enough for you but who the f**k are you to decide who needs what pain relief? I suffer a nerve condition thats rated as higher in pain on the McGill pain scale of diagnostics than unmedicated amputation... UN-F***ing MEDICATED cutting off of a limb. Thats 24/365 no end it site no cure. Most drs refer to it as Suicide Disease because within 4 yrs of onset over half of sufferers commit suicide. So climb off your high horse know it all stack of bullshit and realize people suffer and actually need opiods.
The topic of this thread is drug addiction but you have decide to make it all about you. I mentioned Tylenol And Ibuprofen as an answer to the Opioid addirction epidemic.

Sure. Your health issues are complicated and I’m sure you’re being monitored by your Doctor .

I guess I have no right to discuss the topic.
No. You really don't. Its pain patients like me who have suffered due to this "crisis". Pain patients arent responsible for this mess. Addicts are, just like in the 90s. For you to be so flippant and state tylenol is a good solution to the opiod epidemic is rude, condescending and quite frankly very uneducated. Its additudes, statements and ignorance like youve shown that have wrecked havoc and hell on legitimate pain patients. Before you speak again on whats a good solution for pain patients, people after surgery amd the opiod epidemic educate yourself better.
Posts: 855
Joined: Fri Jun 08, 2018 12:35 am

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Vegaswife2011 wrote: Wed Jun 26, 2019 4:54 pm
Fairymom wrote: Wed Jun 26, 2019 3:18 pm
Ledina60 wrote: Tue Jun 25, 2019 11:14 pm

Tylenol and Ibuprofen are sufficient pain relief medications.
I’ve had three children and some complicated oral surgery and I only took Tylenol or Ibuprofen. I was prescribed a pain med after oral surgery and after the first dose, I threw it out because it’s highly addictive and made me feel extremely weird.

Now I have arthritis and spinal stenosis which is painful but two Ibuprofen in the morning are good enough.
People don’t need anything stronger and they can easily avoid addiction.
Well lotti F***ing da for you. Glad its good enough for you but who the f**k are you to decide who needs what pain relief? I suffer a nerve condition thats rated as higher in pain on the McGill pain scale of diagnostics than unmedicated amputation... UN-F***ing MEDICATED cutting off of a limb. Thats 24/365 no end it site no cure. Most drs refer to it as Suicide Disease because within 4 yrs of onset over half of sufferers commit suicide. So climb off your high horse know it all stack of bullshit and realize people suffer and actually need opiods.
Wow. I’m so sorry.
Thanks but dont feel sorry for me. I have a good husband and he is very supportive. I soldier on and keep going. Even on days dh has to carry me to the bathroom, I smile though it. Im not done fighting yet :)
Anonymous 4

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Fairymom wrote: Wed Jun 26, 2019 8:43 pm
Ledina60 wrote: Wed Jun 26, 2019 5:53 pm
Fairymom wrote: Wed Jun 26, 2019 3:18 pm

Well lotti F***ing da for you. Glad its good enough for you but who the f**k are you to decide who needs what pain relief? I suffer a nerve condition thats rated as higher in pain on the McGill pain scale of diagnostics than unmedicated amputation... UN-F***ing MEDICATED cutting off of a limb. Thats 24/365 no end it site no cure. Most drs refer to it as Suicide Disease because within 4 yrs of onset over half of sufferers commit suicide. So climb off your high horse know it all stack of bullshit and realize people suffer and actually need opiods.
The topic of this thread is drug addiction but you have decide to make it all about you. I mentioned Tylenol And Ibuprofen as an answer to the Opioid addirction epidemic.

Sure. Your health issues are complicated and I’m sure you’re being monitored by your Doctor .

I guess I have no right to discuss the topic.
No. You really don't. Its pain patients like me who have suffered due to this "crisis". Pain patients arent responsible for this mess. Addicts are, just like in the 90s. For you to be so flippant and state tylenol is a good solution to the opiod epidemic is rude, condescending and quite frankly very uneducated. Its additudes, statements and ignorance like youve shown that have wrecked havoc and hell on legitimate pain patients. Before you speak again on whats a good solution for pain patients, people after surgery amd the opiod epidemic educate yourself better.
Boofuckinghoo climb off your pity party soap box. You aren't the only person in the universe to live day in and day out with severe pain. But you sure as hell like to mention it on here every chance you get.
She can voice her F***ing opinion about anything she wants. She doesn't have to think about any whiny ass supposed person with chronic pain.
Anonymous 4

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Fairymom wrote: Wed Jun 26, 2019 8:43 pm
Ledina60 wrote: Wed Jun 26, 2019 5:53 pm
Fairymom wrote: Wed Jun 26, 2019 3:18 pm

Well lotti F***ing da for you. Glad its good enough for you but who the f**k are you to decide who needs what pain relief? I suffer a nerve condition thats rated as higher in pain on the McGill pain scale of diagnostics than unmedicated amputation... UN-F***ing MEDICATED cutting off of a limb. Thats 24/365 no end it site no cure. Most drs refer to it as Suicide Disease because within 4 yrs of onset over half of sufferers commit suicide. So climb off your high horse know it all stack of bullshit and realize people suffer and actually need opiods.
The topic of this thread is drug addiction but you have decide to make it all about you. I mentioned Tylenol And Ibuprofen as an answer to the Opioid addirction epidemic.

Sure. Your health issues are complicated and I’m sure you’re being monitored by your Doctor .

I guess I have no right to discuss the topic.
No. You really don't. Its pain patients like me who have suffered due to this "crisis". Pain patients arent responsible for this mess. Addicts are, just like in the 90s. For you to be so flippant and state tylenol is a good solution to the opiod epidemic is rude, condescending and quite frankly very uneducated. Its additudes, statements and ignorance like youve shown that have wrecked havoc and hell on legitimate pain patients. Before you speak again on whats a good solution for pain patients, people after surgery amd the opiod epidemic educate yourself better.
LMFAO, she can say whatever she damn pleases and f**k anyone that supposedly has chronic pain. She's not responsible for your problem, and she's not responsible for the opioid problem either. NO ONE has to sensor their f F***ing OPINION. IF you are butt hurt, you may need a break from the internet
Deleted User 1344

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water<wine wrote: Wed Jun 26, 2019 8:07 pm
Ledina60 wrote: Tue Jun 25, 2019 11:14 pm
Valentina327 wrote: Tue Jun 25, 2019 10:28 pm

Heroine addicts
Chinese fentanyl

That's the "crisis"...not people who are legitimately in pain. But they're the ones paying the price. Chronic pain sufferers can't get medication they need because of this manufactured bullshit. Post surgery people are being sent home on Tylenol.
The doctors are so afraid to prescribe anything with all of this BS so people who are in pain have to constantly jump through hoops and beg to get medication that allows them to participate in their lives. They're made to feel like drug addicts. It's insane.
Tylenol and Ibuprofen are sufficient pain relief medications.
I’ve had three children and some complicated oral surgery and I only took Tylenol or Ibuprofen. I was prescribed a pain med after oral surgery and after the first dose, I threw it out because it’s highly addictive and made me feel extremely weird.

Now I have arthritis and spinal stenosis which is painful but two Ibuprofen in the morning are good enough.
People don’t need anything stronger and they can easily avoid addiction.
lol, you think the pain level of oral surgery compares to having your gut and uterus sliced open and your entrails moved around? NO. dont sit there and tell others what pain meds are "sufficient".
My middle daughter had three c-sections and she didn’t need opioids. My other daughter has had several gynecological surgeries and refused to take prescription medications that her doctor wanted to prescribe.
It’s just a matter of how strong you are. Opioid addIction is way too common. Too many people give in, give up and get hooked.
Deleted User 670

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Valentina327 wrote: Wed Jun 26, 2019 7:35 am
Ledina60 wrote: Wed Jun 26, 2019 1:00 am
AnnieArk wrote: Wed Jun 26, 2019 12:08 am

Many people could not function in their daily lives if they only had Tylenol for pain.
If that’s the case then I’m sure they are under the care of their doctor and they won’t have to worry about getting their prescribed medications.
Are you intentionally obtuse? Seriously? THAT'S the problem. People that are under doctors care, LIKE THE PERSON IN THE OP, can't get proper medication because of this "opioid crisis". Doctors are petrified to prescribe it, and they're cutting people off of it that need it to function. The government goes in and audits these doctors and hospitals now. They WANT doctors to take these people off of what they've been getting relief from, then fine them if they're not screwing with these people's meds. They absolutely DO have to worry about getting their prescribed medications. That's the problem.

People who are trying to remain on these drugs, the only thing that helps them, are being treated like they're drug seekers.

Do you pay attention at all, ever, to anything? Do you ever have any actual experience, or research anything before your mouth fires off about it?

Know what you speak of before you make your comments. Just because you've been on earth a long time doesn't make you capable of making sweeping generalizations on things you know absolutely nothing about.
did you read the CDC Announcement that the medical community is F***ing up and casting too wide of a net cracking down on opioid use? Like limiting or revoking opioids for cancer patients, surgical patients, sickle cell patients in a sickling crisis, abrupt tapering or discontinuation and basically screwing over chronic pain patients? ... ioids.html ... lines.html
Posts: 855
Joined: Fri Jun 08, 2018 12:35 am

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Anonymous 4 wrote: Wed Jun 26, 2019 9:03 pm
Fairymom wrote: Wed Jun 26, 2019 8:43 pm
Ledina60 wrote: Wed Jun 26, 2019 5:53 pm

The topic of this thread is drug addiction but you have decide to make it all about you. I mentioned Tylenol And Ibuprofen as an answer to the Opioid addirction epidemic.

Sure. Your health issues are complicated and I’m sure you’re being monitored by your Doctor .

I guess I have no right to discuss the topic.
No. You really don't. Its pain patients like me who have suffered due to this "crisis". Pain patients arent responsible for this mess. Addicts are, just like in the 90s. For you to be so flippant and state tylenol is a good solution to the opiod epidemic is rude, condescending and quite frankly very uneducated. Its additudes, statements and ignorance like youve shown that have wrecked havoc and hell on legitimate pain patients. Before you speak again on whats a good solution for pain patients, people after surgery amd the opiod epidemic educate yourself better.
Boofuckinghoo climb off your pity party soap box. You aren't the only person in the universe to live day in and day out with severe pain. But you sure as hell like to mention it on here every chance you get.
She can voice her F***ing opinion about anything she wants. She doesn't have to think about any whiny ass supposed person with chronic pain.
Its one of the few times Ive ever metioned it. I dont pity myself either. f**k off.
Anonymous 4

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Fairymom wrote: Wed Jun 26, 2019 10:00 pm
Anonymous 4 wrote: Wed Jun 26, 2019 9:03 pm
Fairymom wrote: Wed Jun 26, 2019 8:43 pm

No. You really don't. Its pain patients like me who have suffered due to this "crisis". Pain patients arent responsible for this mess. Addicts are, just like in the 90s. For you to be so flippant and state tylenol is a good solution to the opiod epidemic is rude, condescending and quite frankly very uneducated. Its additudes, statements and ignorance like youve shown that have wrecked havoc and hell on legitimate pain patients. Before you speak again on whats a good solution for pain patients, people after surgery amd the opiod epidemic educate yourself better.
Boofuckinghoo climb off your pity party soap box. You aren't the only person in the universe to live day in and day out with severe pain. But you sure as hell like to mention it on here every chance you get.
She can voice her F***ing opinion about anything she wants. She doesn't have to think about any whiny ass supposed person with chronic pain.
Its one of the few times Ive ever metioned it. I dont pity myself either. f**k off.
Bullshit, you mentioned it a few times on cafemom and here
You go f**k off
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