Would you be offended?

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Anonymous 1

Unfortunately, one of my co workers has resigned. I adored her so I'm sad but I know she is going on to bigger and better things. I don't know what happened except that her job performance has slipped a lot in the last several months and that she left on good terms- hugged everyone, including the boss, etc.

After the initial shock wore off and I stopped crying, I asked my boss and manager if I could take her office. It's the biggest office with the biggest window and a huge triple curved monitor situation. The boss said yes so I started moving my things in the same day.

Then I noticed that she has several personal items still here. It's been a 3 days and she hasn't come back to get them yet. I don't know if she's going to. But if she does, do you think she would be offended that I took over her office so quickly? What is the appropriate amount of time to wait until you take over someone's office after they quit??
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No, I don't think she'll be offended. I'm sure she would assume that the office wouldn't remain empty when she left. If you know her contact information, you may just shoot her a text, let her know that you miss her and tell her you are in her office now and would be happy to help pack up her personal items and get them to her. She would probably appreciate not having to go back to the office to retrieve them.
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Um, the appropriate amount of time is immediately. It's an office. Even when employees leave on good terms, last day is last day. They aren't (or aren't supposed to be) coming back. I would fully expect that whoever is moving into the space is doing so the very next day.

And maybe it's just me, but I've never understood crying over a co-worker leaving. And yes, I've made friends with co-workers before and continue to stay in touch. But that's exactly it, you can stay in touch. They didn't die.
Anonymous 2

It's an office that would be a strange thing to be offended about.
Spoiled SAHM
Princess Royal
Princess Royal
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You're over thinking this.

Box up anything she left and enjoy your new office.
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By the third day I would start questioning if she was even going to come back for that stuff…
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